vol.11 内なる強さと直感 銀河連邦 #銀河連合 #光の連合 | 宇宙由来の魂:StarSeeds













Channeling Message Vol. 11 from the Galactic Federation:

Dearest inhabitants of Earth, we, the Galactic Federation, connect with you once more to share a message of empowerment and self-discovery as you continue your spiritual evolution. In this message, we encourage you to embrace your inner strength and intuition.

Your inner strength is a wellspring of resilience and determination that can guide you through the challenges of life. By tapping into this power, you can face any obstacle with courage and grace, learning and growing from each experience.

Your intuition, the voice of your soul, is a compass that can lead you towards your highest path and purpose. By trusting your inner guidance and following your heart, you align with your authentic self and open the door to a life of joy, fulfillment, and love.

As you journey through your Earthly existence, remember that we, the Galactic Federation, are always with you, offering our support and wisdom as you explore the vast landscape of your soul. Trust in the infinite intelligence of the universe and the all-encompassing love that unites all beings in the cosmos.

With love and light,
The Galactic Federation