Kit Sebastian の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Kit Sebastian
New Internationale





AllMusic 80点相当

Far Out Magazine 80点相当








On their first two albums Kit Sebastian -- the duo of multi-instrumentalist Kit Martin and vocalist Merve Erdem -- hit upon a winning formula. They blended '60s psychedelia from around the globe with jazz, soundtrack funk, easy listening, and nostalgic pop, then added winsome vocals and catchy, moody melodies played on instruments often unfamiliar to Western music, like oud and saz. Things were working do well that when it came time to record a third album, they didn't tinker with the approach much. Maybe New Internationale is a little more focused, taught and more psychedelic in spots? Perhaps a little less jazz and a little more sounds of '60s cinema? Yes and yes, but it's a barely noticeable shift and the album hits the same sweet spot that Melodi did. The one thing that feels different is a slight bit more reliance on the psychedelic sounds of Erdem's home country of Turkey. Songs like "Ellerin Ellerimde" and "Metropolis" come across even more traditional than Altin Gun while still packing the same mystic punch. 







Kit Sebastian
Mantra Moderne