Dummy の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Free Energy











Dummy’s wide-ranging sound reflects a rigorous study and synthesis of their wildly eclectic forebears: My Bloody Valentine by way of Laraaji, Stereolab by way of The Byrds. Even at their most joyfully immediate, Dummy take a perverse glee in emphasizing just how easy their music isn’t: “Making music shouldn’t be fun” is the group’s long-time Bandcamp bio, never mind that they called their debut Mandatory Enjoyment. This deadpan-dourness is both a long-running joke and a reminder that the originality the band yields is no accident but a product of highly disciplined work. Where the greatness of Mandatory Enjoyment was in how successfully the group collaged its influences, on Free Energy, Dummy succeeds in burning away those raw edges altogether, resulting in an unbound sound that’s unmistakably their own.

