Thee Heart Tones の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Thee Heart Tones
Forever & Ever











Chicano Batman は

改めて これを見習うべし。



Hailing from Hawthorne, California, Thee Heart Tones are both continuing a tradition and pushing new boundaries with their music. Lead singer Jazmine Alvarado is just 19 years old and the oldest member of the group, Jorge Rodriguez, is 21, but when you listen to their record, it's clear that they are talented far beyond their years.

Thee Heart Tones are Jazmine (vocals), Ricky Cerezo (keys and organ), Jorge (drums), Jeffrey Romero (bass), Peter Chagolla (lead guitar) and Walter Morales (rhythm guitar). ‘One day I got an email from Ricky Cerezo asking if I wanted to write a song for his new (then still nameless) band,’ says Jazmine. ‘I knew his drummer and the other guys from secondary school, so they were familiar faces. They sent me an mp3 of an instrumental they'd written and told me they wanted lyrics, so I wrote one and sent it to them.’ That song eventually became ‘Don't Take Me as a Fool,’ a wistful minor-key ballad featuring Jazmine's sultry, perfect vocals, now destined for her debut album. Ricky went home and played his father ‘Don't Take Me As a Fool’, which he had recorded as a voice memo on his phone. ‘I was hesitant. Dad knew that music better than anyone, he grew up with it. But he grabbed my phone and put it to his ear. His approval meant a lot to me. But he had the same reaction Jorge and I did when we heard Jazmine sing for the first time. ‘This is going to be a hit,’ he told me. ‘You've got something very special here’.








Heart Tones のメンバーは、ジャズミン (ボーカル)、リッキー・セレゾ (キーボードとオルガン)、ホルヘ (ドラム)、ジェフリー・ロメロ (ベース)、ピーター・チャゴラ (リードギター)、ウォルター・モラレス (リズムギター)







202408推し 準推し