Been Stellar の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Been Stellar
Scream From New York, NY
















The striking ‘Start Again’ opens the album. Nico Brunstein provides an intense bassline while vocalist Sam Slocum paints a vivid picture of downtown NYC and its inhabitants, such as a man who “drinks himself sick”. He continues: “Yeah the money is good but I’m killing my body / He’s in the shiny clothes so he can’t get hit.” Lead single ‘Passing Judgement’ opens with a gritty guitar riff, a bright tambourine and Slocum’s uniquely piercing vocal – one that finds its power in its sharp depths.

The album’s slower, more romantic tracks – ‘Sweet’, ‘Pumpkin’ and ‘Takedown’ – are soothing yet equally as strong. They serve an important purpose here in that they offer different perspectives from the band’s previous work, honing in on the multitudes of love. “Somewhere on this record, we realised that there’s a reason why love songs exist, and it’s because that’s the most powerful feeling there is,” Guitarist Skyler Knapp previously told NME.

With all of the big names that have come out of NYC – The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeah, Blondie, Television – it can sometimes feel like everything in the city’s storied guitar rock scene has already been done. But sometimes, you find little pockets of magic in unexpected places. With ‘Scream From New York, NY’, Been Stellar trade in their title as one of the city’s brightest new hopes and emerge as a NYC staple.


”エンパイア ステートの 5 人組は、ニルヴァーナ、ザ ストロークス、スロウダイヴを組み合わせたらどうなるかを体現しています。グランジでリフの多いガレージ ロックに、ドリーミーなシューゲイザーのメロディーと気取らないボーカル スタイルが溶け合い、2017 年にビッグ アップルに到着して以来バンドが吸ってきた濃厚でぼんやりとしたニューヨークの空気を生き生きと再現する雰囲気を作り出しています。”





Been Stellar EP




Jonathan Fire*Eater とか




Jonathan Fire*Eater

Tremble Under Boom Lights



#ジョナサン イーター

#ジョナサン ファイアー
