The Story So Far の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



The Story So Far
I Want To Disappear









The Story So Far have been around for a long time. Like all bands of similar longevity, they've grown up – and so has their sound. A slight shift has certainly occurred on fifth album I Want To Disappear, though it isn’t any less enthralling. It’s been six years since we last got a studio album from the pop-punk quartet, and as the band have moved out of their 20s and into their 30s, their energetic sonic identity feels a tad more sophisticated.

This record shares a similar air to Proper Dose, and continues to move away from the more anger-driven soundscapes of their self-titled album or 2013’s What You Don’t See. Lyrically, it seemingly explores their busy personal and professional lives, sharing tales of loss, acceptance and setting boundaries, which all feels very apt given the band have had it rough amid the gap between this album and last – they thought about quitting for good, and bassist Kelen Capener did just that in 2022.


カリフォルニア ウォールナットクリーク出身の

4人組 ポップ・パンク・バンド

