John Grant の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



John Grant
The Art Of The Lie






It’s rather fitting that John Grant’s sixth studio effort draws upon many of the varying musical strands littered across his discography. After the exquisite, heartbreaking piano confessionals on his debut ‘Queen of Denmark’, few would have predicted such a seamless pivot into spectral electronica, luxurious funk and in the case of 2018’s ‘The Only Baby’, a staggering, expansive ten-minute piece dedicated to the evisceration of Donald Trump. With ‘The Art Of The Lie’, it appears Grant has seemingly taken all these elements and developed them even further. The results are spectacular.

‘Mother And Son’ and recent release ‘The Child Catcher’ open like horror soundtracks beamed directly from the abyss, however both branch off in vastly different directions during their respective seven-minute runtimes. The latter closes amongst a thrillingly cacophonous collage of warped guitar notes and hellish feedback. ‘Mother And Son’ morphs into something much subtler and affecting. Grant’s vocals – luscious and graceful as ever – are set against a gentle wash of a backdrop before it beautifully glides to its natural conclusion. Meanwhile, the menacing rhythms of ‘Marbles’ that envelop the soundstage are contrasted superbly by the serenity of its marvellous chorus.










”ツァーリの解散 後、グラントはニューヨークに移り、市立病院でウェイターとロシア語通訳として働き、ミッドレイクやザ・フレーミング・リップスなどのバンドでも活動した。薬物乱用の問題に対処しながら、彼は曲を書き続けた。2009年、ミッドレイクのメンバーがグラントのレコーディングスタジオに参加し、2010年4月のデビューアルバム『 Queen of Denmark』の制作中にバックバンドを務めた。ベラ・ユニオンからリリースされたこのアルバムは、型破りで露骨な曲集で、グラントの依存症とセクシャリティを探求した内容で批評家から高い評価を得た。”