Childish Gambino の新作(再構成) | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Childish Gambino



Northern Transmissions 90点相当





"Awaken, My Love!" で存在を知ったが、












Childish Gambino has returned, after four years of high anticipation, to music with his new album, Atavista. It has been described by Gambino himself as the finalised version of his previous work, 3.15.20. Have you ever heard of it? Not the album, but the word. Atavista. It means the reappearance of the past in the future in things such as traits. That is quite a nice way of stating his purpose here. It is also a nice way to describe his album. A finished product. And a pristine one. Atavista is the work of sheer time and elegance felt in every lyric here and shines as one of Gambino’s most painstaking and diligent albums in his career and a nice return for one of the most significant artists in music of the 21st century.

The opener, “Atavista,” to best describe it, is indescribable. Mixing vulnerable lyrics with a blunt and peculiar production that nicely starts to blend together and capture a true starter for the album. It is a track that works well as an opening thanks to Gambino’s hypnotic vocals that are used as an entrance almost to the doors of Atavista. Atavista captures this extremely innovative nature of Gambino that has never been so well executed since his iconic, whirlwind of a series, that is Atlanta. Gambino here brings a strong cohesiveness and sharpens his grip and legacy as a timeless artist. After “Atavista,” we lead to a track of songs that can be described as an unforgettable experience that culminates in the fitting “Final Church” that cements Atavista as a work that requires attention. Not just to be heard, but to be read. The lyrics here deserve attention. The vocals deserve attention.