Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds
That Delicious Vice












There's often a fine line between danger and fun, and as a lifelong advocate of edgy music, Kid Congo Powers knows it well. As a member of the Gun Club, the Cramps, and Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Powers knows how to make music that's spooky, swampy, and dark while still sounding exciting and engaging, and he's put those skills to work in his solo project, Kid Congo & the Pink Monkey Birds. 2024's That Delicious Vice is his fifth LP with the Pink Monkey Birds, and if the group's early albums seemed a bit tentative, as if he was still finding his way as a bandleader after decades as a sideman, this music speaks of strength and confidence, with Powers' raw, slashing slide guitar and deep, theatrical vocals dominating these songs. Tracks like "A Beast, A Priest," "Silver for My Sister," and "East of East" capture the sublimely creepy feel of watching an especially strange Mexican horror movie at 4 a.m., with their minimal melodies, deliberate tempos, and forbidding narratives. Not everything here is gloomy, and "Ese Vicio Delicioso" is a potent Latin dance number about Powers' lifelong obsession with music; "The Smoke Is the Ghost" and "Never Said" are slow but arresting exercises in film noir atmospherics; and "The Boy Had It All" is a lean, insistent bit of punky energy.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seedsでも活躍した Kid Congo Powersのバンド






202404推し 準推し