Cloud Nothings の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Cloud Nothings
Final Summer








During the COVID-19 global pandemic, Cloud Nothings went back to basics in ways that brought out the best in their music. Since shows were off the table and their recording sessions were constrained by social distancing and file sharing, 2020's The Black Hole Understands and 2021's The Shadow I Remember concentrated on the thoughtful lyrics and hooky tunes at the heart of the band's music, and quickly became standouts within their body of work. Even though Cloud Nothings were able to tour the world several times and return to the studio as usual in the years between those albums and Final Summer, their approach is similar. Packing these concise songs with surging emotions and melodies is still their first priority, and they still excel at it: The regret Dylan Baldi conjures when he sings "I was on the edge of another life" over a half-swaggering, half-staggering rhythm on "Daggers of Light" feels bottomless. While Final Summer has its fair share of eloquent heartache, Baldi and company spend more time seeking out peace and contentment in a world that isn't inclined to either of those things.