Virgins の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



nothing hurt and everything was beautiful



XS Noize 100点相当の満点





Having emerged as one of Ireland’s finest talents in recent years, the Belfast shoegaze quintet Virgins release their debut album. This record sounds fresh and invigorating, nodding to the past with the brightest of futures.

After gaining some warranted attention from 2022’s EP release, Transmit A Little Heaven, Virgins deliver Nothing Hurt And Everything Was Beautiful at the perfect moment. The current shoegaze wave, which is awash in the music scene, is bringing young and old together to enjoy the reverb and fuzz that the genre brings, and on this album, we get a full-on force of nature.

When you hit play or place the needle on the opening track, the wonderfully named s o f t e r, you get an instant rush of adrenalin and sonic sounds reverberating through the speakers. It’s a tour-de-force of a song; the delicious, ethereal vocals of singer Rebecca Dow are incredibly rich and deliver that perfect blend of Rachel Goswell mixed with Elizabeth Fraser. Built around a truly glorious riff, the song floats around beautifully, sometimes feeling like a murmuration and then moments later like a jet plane taking off.

