Grace Petrie の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Grace Petrie
Build Something Better


musicOMH 90点相当

XS Noize 90点相当


The phrase “Broken Britain” has worked its way back into the political discourse of Great Britain in recent months. Both left—and right-wing media have started to utilise this phrase and variants of it with greater regularity. Poverty, healthcare, housing, inflation, energy prices, pollution, crime, and a damaged political system, to name but a few things, have seen large sections of the Great British public throw up their hands, declaring, “Does anybody care about us anymore?”

Well, one person does. Grace Petrie, arguably one of England’s finest folk singer-songwriters, feels and shares our pain. As someone who has tirelessly toured the UK and beyond for years, Petrie has seen the cracks across the length and breadth of this sceptred isle. Instead of repeating the mistakes of the past, Petrie posits the question – why don’t we Build Something Better?

