Ghost Funk Orchestra の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Ghost Funk Orchestra
A Trip To The Moon



Record Collector 80点相当



Ghost Funk Orchestra - ‘A Trip To The Moon’ album review (

 Hinged on the diverse talent that is Seth Applebaum, Ghost Funk Orchestra has steadily climbed in global popularity and sonic grandeur over the past decade. The project’s vision is hard to pin to any one pigeonhole, but they refer to their nuanced style as psychedelic soul. With flecks of jazz, funk, soul, and rock, this intensely gifted troupe presents its fifth full-length studio album, A Trip To The Moon.

Applebaum had been toying with new compositions when the lunar theme manifested itself. The pivotal moment came when he discovered that the Internet Archive had made audio footage of historical Apollo-Mission Control transmissions accessible in the public domain. Taking a leaf from the book of Public Service Broadcasting, Applebaum deftly incorporated snippets of cosmic dialogue to impose a space-bound identity upon his fruity and soulful orchestration.



Seth Applebaum率いる10人編成オーケストラ






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