Mother Mother の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Mother Mother
Grief Chapter



Spill Magazine 90点相当








The latest release from Mother Mother stands out as a pinnacle of musical innovation currently gracing the charts. With their album Grief Chapter, the band has fearlessly explored new musical territories, crafting a stunning repertoire across its 12 tracks.

Mother Mother’s refusal to adhere to conventional song structures sets them apart. Each track offers a fresh experience, with unique lyrics, rhythms, and sounds. Among these, “Explode” emerges as a standout, showcasing musical brilliance through its potent lyrics and dynamic rhythm shifts. Central to the album’s allure are its lyrics. Mother Mother has meticulously woven a tapestry of storytelling throughout each song, ensuring that attentive listeners uncover a distinct message within every track.

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