Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes
Dark Rainbow





Mid-to-late January is the time when, without fail, good intentions start to crumble and we realise all that ‘New Year, new me’ positivity has been replaced by the same old, same old. Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, however, are made of sterner stuff. Some people’s perception of them may remain stuck in the seething punk rock of the singer's youth but, in truth – bar the post-pandemic rage unleashed on previous album Sticky – in the studio, they have long since been moving closer to Arctic Monkeys than Gorilla Biscuits. It’s their ambitious fifth record, however – augmented with pianos, synths and strings, heavy with mature power ballads and emotionally charged throughout – that might just make the world appreciate them as the consummate modern rock band they have become.

So, Dark Rainbow’s guitars simmer nicely where once they might have boiled over, while Frank’s lyrics are surprisingly flirty rather than furious, as he brings rivers of unlikely rizz to the likes of Superstar and Can I Take You Home.

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