TORRES の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



What an Enormous Room






With each release, Torres, a.k.a. Mackenzie Scott, has unleashed newfound levels of apprehension and yearning. On her sixth studio album, What an Enormous Room, she pulls back on the eccentric, stadium-ready rock of 2021’s Thirstier in favor the kind of introspective dirges that characterized her early work. As a result, the album offers slightly less in the way of hooks but homes in further on themes of anxious attachment and personal growth.

With the swaggering funk rhythm of opener “Happy Man’s Shoes,” Scott reintroduces herself as independent and comfortably numb, shrugging off a lover’s judgment. “My star’s just on the rise, babe,” she deadpans before adding, “I love you/I love you.” Here, defiance lives alongside devotion, and while this seeming contradiction is characteristic of Scott’s music, the song subverts the desperation she displayed on albums like 2020’s lovelorn Silver Tongue.

Throughout What an Enormous Room, Scott ruminates on the joyous upheavals that come with marriage but also exhibits a freshly intensified fear of loss. Anxiety creeps in quickly on “Life as We Don’t Know It,” in which a foreboding countermelody weaves around Scott’s vocal melody as if it’s stalking her. The song is hypnotically fuzzy and brash, with a pessimistic view of relationships: “Yes, it’s true we’re drowning together/But we’re so alone.”

TorresことMackenzie Scott
