Chemtrails の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



The Joy of Sects


God Is in the TV 80点相当

AllMusic 70点相当



80sの日本のニューウェーブ ガールズ バンドにあったような危うさとか

90s britpop blur などにあったような半音コード進行仕様の楽曲。




Joy of Sects sits in a previously unoccupied niche that, given the state of the world in 2024, feels like it’s about to get very real. Call it Glamourgeddon, Apopcalypso Punk, Fallout Indie or whatever you like, behind the killer guitar hooks, sardonic smiles and incisive wit, there is a serious post-everything, end-of-humanity, that’s it all-done-and-no-cigar kind of vibe to this album that is hard to shake off. It’s a delicious creepiness that Chemtrails have always had, but in the hands of producer Margo Broom (Fat White Family, Big Joanie) it scales up so magnificently and subtly, that you find yourself singing along gleefully as the world burns.

While urging us through their bizarre radioactive fun fair of sleazy fuzz punk and mutant psych disco, Mia Lust’s lyrics come for social injustice with fast and brutally humourous slashes. With track titles like ‘Detritus Andronicus’, ‘Mushroom Cloud 9’, and ‘Apocalypstick’ they put the ‘pun’ into sucker punch, and, best of all Chemtrails sound like they’re having fun in the process.

There are some brilliantly weird pop moments on Joy of Sects. Drop into any part of this album and you’ll be manically bobbing your head within seconds. ‘Superhuman Superhighway’ overclocks its krautrock rhythms with a clattering feverishness. The mesmerising coda of sweet and sour chord shifts at the end of ‘Business Class War Paint’ is chef’s kiss, and ‘Bang Bang’ takes 70s glam rock to the bank and steals its cash cards. Other highlights are ‘Join Our Death Cult’, which Chemtrails describe as “disgustingly poppy pop,” a blend of Bossanova-era Pixies, Los Campesinos! and Oasis Citrus Punch, and then there’s the thunderous psych guitar and back beats on ‘Sycophant’s Paradise’ as Lust sings “are you ready to be brutalised?”.

マンチェスターを拠点とするポスト・ガレージパンク / サイケデリックバンド




前作は Suede の Coming up !仕様だったなぁ







