Acopia の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ





2023.11 release






Acopia’s melancholy electronic pop is homespun, but it sounds luxurious. Melbourne musicians Kate Durman, Morgan Wright, and Lachlan McGeehan are all pedigreed electronic producers in their own right; their work in this band is minimalist but purposeful, prizing drive and atmosphere even when the music is at its sparsest. A solitary horn pierces the electronic gloom on “We Evolve,” the opener of their self-titled second album, and it evokes the image of vocalist Durman as the dame in a film noir, looking out onto a rainy street for some shred of hope amid the gloom.

Acopia specialize in songs about loneliness and isolation. Throughout, Durman sings as if she were a ghost wandering among the living, her quiet, breathy voice often lying like a layer of mist between ominous post-punk guitars and icy programmed drums. “Acopia” is a medical term describing an inability to cope with daily life, and the lyrics here live up to that moniker. On “Be Enough,” Durman drifts through a party scene, her lyrics an endless stream of unanswered questions and pregnant pauses; on “Eyes Shut,” dissociation “feels like a drug” amid emotional strife. This is pop music for absentee friends and serial ghosters, where the lines, “I take you for granted/It’s just what I do, ooh” ring out like a singalong chorus.

メルボルン出身のミュージシャン、ケイト・ダーマン(Kate Durman)、モーガン・ライト(Morgan Wright)、ラクラン・マクギーハン(Lachlan McGeehan)
