Wax Machine の新作 | ロキノンには騙されないぞ



Wax Machine
The Sky Unfurls, the Dance Goes On






The third Wax Machine album progresses the personal story of the band's figurehead Lau Ro, whose Brazilian roots lie at the heart of the record, their "most improvised yet". A trip back to Brazil deepened their exploration of psychedelics as they participated in Ayahuasca rituals, reinforced the healing power of water, and reunited them with family they hadn't seen in two decades. Family remains vital, with their dad's DIY recording style still influencing Lau Ro, alongside a fluidly developing sonic state, transitioning from psych-folk to ambient and world music timbres.

”バンドの代表格である Lau Ro の個人的な物語が進行します。彼のブラジルのルーツは、彼らの「これまでで最も即興的な」レコードの中心にあります。ブラジルへの帰国後、アヤワスカの儀式に参加し、水の治癒力を強化し、20年ぶりに家族と再会するなど、サイケデリックの探求を深めた。”

