Let's take a look at some of the benefits of using bambus produkte. 1. Even those families with dogs and children are realizing that it is easier to mop a wooden floor than to spray and try to clean a carpet. The carpets will look old and used in a couple of years, while the Bambus Sichtschutz Elemente last a long time and add value. Easy to clean: Sweep a little, mop another bit, and your hardwood floors will look splendid for a long time. Comfort and warmth: Not only the parquet is more pleasant to walk than the laminate which always feels a bit cold and a little plastic, but it is naturally warm. 3. Even laminate flooring, which at first sight looks like wood, is a distant second option for home buyers. 5. Over the centuries, it has proven to be durable and beautiful. Wood is an excellent insulator, thanks to its thousands of small air chambers per square centimeter, which retain heat. 2. Another point in favor is that any Floor Drain online scratch simply adds character to the wood. In contrast, after the most thorough washing you can do, the carpets are not cleaned at all.


 Increase the value of your home: Unless you plan to live in your home for the rest of your life, you should think about how your decisions regarding the floors will affect the price you can get at the time of selling. It just does not have the same warmth. Longevity: Thanks to the durable finishes that are easy to repair, solid wood floors can last more than a hundred years.. 4. If you watch those TV programs of home seekers, you will undoubtedly have noticed that the potential buyers all the time pray that the floors of the houses they are looking for are made of wood. The bambus furnier are an excellent option for all those who have some type of allergy.The benefits of the parquet floorPosted by glainmax55 on March 12th, 2019If you are on the edge and do not know whether or not to decide to install parkettboden or if you really prefer to remove the old carpet and fix the wood underneath, this list will help. Other newer materials still need to be tested. There are very few soil materials that have lasted as long as wood. In fact, moistening a carpet will only make things worse. Hypoallergenic: Have allergy? Unlike carpets, wood floors do not accumulate pollen, animal scales, mold because they do not have any place to hide them