(PR)Stardust Kawachi appears in “Bon Odori Johor | スターダスト河内~大阪から世界へ盆踊りと日本の文化を伝える盆踊りチーム~



30,June,2024 Stardust Kawachi

Press release



Stardust Kawachi, Japanese “Bon Odori” performance team, appears in “Bon Odori Johor by JAGAM“ 
~Building Momentum for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan~


Osaka, June 30, 2024: Stardust Kawachi (Hirakata City, Osaka), announced today that it has accepted an invitation from JAGAM to appear in “Bon Odori Johor by JAGAM”, to accept invitation for JAGAM.
Stardust Kawachi will perform the theme song of The Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan and Expo Ondo for building momentum.

Flyer of Bon Odori Johor


Image from last year(2023)


In Malaysia, ”Bon Odori”, Japanese traditional folk dance, is held in various places, owing mainly to Malaysia's “Look East Policy” and people-to-people exchange. In 2023, Stardust Kawachi was invited to “Bon Odori Johor by JAGAM“ by JAGAM , ”Japan Graduates Association of Malaysia“ and made a successful tour. In Summer 2024, the last summer before Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan. , Stardust Kawachi plans to build momentum for the Expo through “Bon Odori”, from Malaysia by performance of The theme song of The Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan and Expo Ondo. In addition, to introduce Malaysians to Japanese Bon Odori, it is planning to perform “Bon odori” programs from all over Japan.


About Stardust Kawachi(スターダスト河内).

Stardust Kawachi , established in 2002, is the one of the most famous “Bon Odori” performances in Japan. The team has three missions. The First is to pass down the culture and value of Japan to the next generation. The second is to explore the old and discover the new in the culture and values of Japan. The last is to spread the culture and values of Japan all over the world.

We have been covered by the media many times including in Japanese newspapers and TV programs. Especially focused on outreach to foreigners, the team was interviewed on the BBC TV program "Travel Show."


The team's part start @16:17 "Travel Show"  


Masami Hisatomi

Stardust Kawachi


Stardust Kawachi members

E-mail: stadus-kawachi@hotmail.co.jp

Stardust Kawachi members