I can't sit with you.
Sure you can. You want to. Same way you want to stare at the lions at the zoo. 
Bach walks around thinking he's better and smarter than everyone. 
And you know why? 
Because he is. 
That's right. Only he says you're just as smart. 
Even more focused, younger, hungrier. Dangerous. 
I don't know about any of that, I know hard work. Yeah. 
You can work hard. 
But it's much more than that. You're driven the way only someone brought up from nothing, the way we were can be. 
Chuck Rhoades, for all his ambition, he can never need it the way we do. 
But the guy's had a safety net all his life.
You and me?
We never had a fucking net. 
That's why it can never work, in the long-term, you under him.
Because he can't understand what matters to you the way I can. 
I spend every minute of my day going after guys like you.
That attitude, that focus, that ability, it's not being fostered where you're at, is it? 
It's being thwarted, in fact. 
And eventually, what you're feeling will turn to disgust and self -hatred and, in the end, apathy. 
If it hasn't already,
Oh, that's your diagnosis?
What's your cure? 
You know what it is.
Come work for Bach's firm on my account. 
It's a different kind of integrity where at least you know you're never lying to yourself. 
I'm offering challenging work. You'll be allowed to win, expected to, on your own terms. 
And of course, you'll be rewarded with seven figures starting. And an ability to help your family, really help them.
Your mom, she won't have to work so hard, not at all, unless she wants to. 
Time to take your seat at the grown -ups table. 
That's not who I am. 
I can't picture it.
Oh, I think you can picture it now.
The Bryan Connerty at the settlement conference, he would've stormed out of here the moment I walked in.
But you stayed, and you listened. 
And like you said
I stare at the lions at the zoo, too.
Doesn't mean I wanna be one.
Sure, it does.
Everyone wants to be a lion.
Most people just never get the chance.

I'm offering you one now.
Thanks for the pizza.
I didn't hear "no".