
In 1960, Israel sent government agents to Argentina to capture an accused German war criminal named Adolf Eichman. Eichman had overseen the deportation of Hungary's Jewish population to Nazi death camps and gone into hiding. Political philosopher Hannah Arendt, who attended  Eichman's trial, was shocked by the fact that he (      ). The Nazis, who killed millions of Jews, are considered to have been sadists. But in her controversial book, Arendt casts Eichman in a different light, portraying him as an unremarkable bureaucrat.

1 seemed like an ordinary person

2 remembered little of what he had done

3 had escaped capture for so long

4 refused to defend himselh

「Eichmanは悪い奴で逃亡中➡ArendtはEichmanが( )だということにショックを受けた➡ナチスはサディストだと思われがちだが、Eichmanは別に普通だった」という流れなので「普通の人間と変わらないことに驚いた」とつながるが答えとなります。空欄の前後の接続語に着目しつつ、前後の要約もできるというのが要求される能力でしょう。