“I have to do tedious things like shower, put on make-up and get dressed in something that won’t embarrass my rather prim three-year old. It’s a hassle. It takes time. I’d rather be writing.”

OMG, someone who understands me!!!

I’ve tried to explain to my hubby why an hour trip out to run errands will kill my entire afternoon, but he doesn’t get it.

And as far as eating goes–unless you can eat 5000 calories in one day, you’d be safe to take the day off the diet. You won’t gain a pound (except for maybe water). Eat. Drink. At least let yourself have that.

Hugs on the other part. I don’t speak to my mother. She disowned me after I graduated from high school, and the woman who I considered my mother (an angel, I swear) died years ago. My father died (leukemia) when I was 19. Father’s Day sucks too.