I never actually ascended into higher consciousness. I was too busy posting about it on the internet




「アニムスに取り組んだことがない人は、アニムスが未発達です。そのため、たとえば私が主に取り組んでいる科学的な仕事では、アニムスはオウムのように、他の科学書に書かれていることを繰り返し、コピーし、引用し、引用を蓄積します。そしてある日、自分自身にこう問いかけます。「自分では、これをどう理解するだろうか?」。ユングさえも脇に置いて、ユングを引用しないで、自分の経験から、これをどう自分自身に取り出そうかと考えます。すると、時にはそれを言葉で表現することすらできないことに気づきます。アニムスは、常にただ引用しているだけです。そして、本当に…創造性を表す美しいドイツ語があります。「schöpfen」(汲(く)む)です。「schöpfen」は、井戸からバケツで水を汲むことを意味します。創造的であるというのは、まさにそのようなものです。自分自身がどう感じるか、どう考えるかを自問しなければなりません。 ...そして、深い窪みの奥深くに入り、井戸に入って、その奥から水を汲み出さなければなりません...」~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ、「ユングを思い出す」、スザンヌ・ワグナーとのインタビュー。

[誰も、ただ意志するだけではこれを達成できません。それは [自己によって] もたらされる]
「[内なる人物の] イメージを意識するということは、魂にとって、このイメージの明確な鏡となり、その時点から、護衛のようにそのイメージと共に進むことを意味します。霊的な同伴者によって導かれる幻視の旅は、その後、全宇宙の継続的かつ漸進的な内在化と、見る者自身の内なる教師への漸進的な変容につながります。自己は、すべての投影に終止符を打つ人格の側面として現れます。すべての深い失望や幻滅は、ある意味では、諦めや苦々しさではなく洞察力を持って受け入れるならば、個性化の道における前進です。

誰も、単にそれを望むだけではこれを達成できません。それは [自己によって] もたらされ、多くの場合、死の直前にのみ起こります。思慮深く、反省的な少数の人々だけが、より早くそれを経験します。」

「現代の危険な中毒は、酔わせる物質だけではありません。もう一つはイデオロギー的憑依です。これは個人を麻薬のように「酔わせ」、膨らませ、解離させ、力ずくで自分の考えを社会に押し付けたいと思わせます。以前は神の考えに注がれていたエネルギーがイデオロギー的、政治的、または社会学的な教義に注ぎ込まれ、それが途方もなく信じられるようになります。」 ~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ


彼自身の考え、彼自身の魂が飢えているのです。そして、他人が彼の考えや欲求を満たしているのは、彼自身がそれらを満たすことができないからだ。」~カール・ユング、ツァラトゥストラセミナー、213 ページ

私たちの世界で洞察力と善意を十分に持っている人々は、大衆に説教したり彼らにとって最善の方法を見つけようとしたりするよりも、自分自身の「魂」に関心を持つべきだというあなたの意見に私は全く同感です。~カール・ユング、書簡第 2 巻、549-550 ページ

変わるべきものばかりに目を向けてはいけません。主な問題は、私たちが自分自身をどう変えるかです。~カール・ユング、書簡第 1 巻、314 ページ

“The archetypal patterns are so meaningful and exert such an emotional grip that such people talk like a book and are drowned in the material instead of understanding it. I refer to the type of person you find in modern civilization, a kind of conceited magician. There are men and women who instead of realizing the contents of their unconscious get possessed by them; then they identify with the archetype of the Self and adopt the pose of Wise Old Man or the Great Mother. They can always announce the great truth, but if you study what they say and the way they behave, you will see that they are talking out of their possession by the archetype. The material seems to be meaningful, but they have lost the shape of their own personality, they have over-expanded.”
~Marie-Louise Von Franz.

“If somebody hasn't worked on the Animus, the Animus is undeveloped.. and therefore he's in...let's say for instance in scientific work where I am mostly working and have more experience, the Animus is a parrot, he repeats, he copies what is in other scientific books, he quotes, he accumulates quotations and then one day you say to yourself, now how do I understand that myself? Now let's put aside even Jung, let's not quote Jung, now let's say: how shall I put that myself, out of my own experience, and then you notice sometimes you can't even articulate it, the Animus is just quoting, all the time..and you have then to really..we have a beautiful German word for creativity, it means “schöpfen”, and “schöpfen” means to take water up with a bucket out of a well..and that’s how it really feels to be creative, you have to say now: How do I feel or think myself? ..and then you have to go deep deep in a depression and go in a well and pull out the water from the depth..” ~Marie-Louise von Franz, “Remembering Jung”, Interview with Suzanne Wagner.

[No one can accomplish this by simply willing it. It is effected in [one] by the Self]
"Becoming conscious of the [image of the]

 inner figure means for the soul that it becomes a clear mirror of this image and from that point on proceeds in its company as with an escort. The visionary journey guided by the psychic companion then leads to a continuing and progressive internalization of the whole cosmos and to a gradual transformation of the seer himself into the inner teacher. The Self appears as that aspect of the personality that puts an end to all projections. Every deep disappointment or disillusionment is, in a sense, a step forward along the way of individuation, if it is accepted with insight and not with resignation or bitterness.

No one can accomplish this by simply willing it. It is effected in [one] by the Self and in many cases takes place only shortly before death. Only a few thoughtful, reflective people experience it earlier."
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Reflections of the Soul, p.157-158

Hmmm… such as all those political activists making unconscious posts and comments on social media and in Jung discussion groups. 😉
"Intoxicating substances are not the only dangerous addiction of our times. Another is ideological possession, which can make the individual just as “drunk,” puffed up, and dissociated as a drug, and misleads him into wanting to impose his ideas on society through force. The energy that previously was invested in the idea of God is poured into the ideological, political, or sociological doctrine, which is then fantastically believed in." ~Marie-Louise von Franz

“If anybody wants to "missionarize" the world and to tell people what is good for them, it means that he is hungry; he wants to fill his belly with the corpses of other people.

His own ideas are hungry, his own soul; and other people are feeding his thoughts and appetites because he is unable to feed them himself.” ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 213

I quite agree with you that those people in our world who have insight and good will enough should concern themselves with their own "souls" more than with preaching to the masses or trying to find out the best way for them. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 549-550

One must never look to the things that ought to change. The main question is how we change ourselves. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 314



〜カール・ユング、CW 7、パラグラフ 110

「事実、大多数の個人は、教会やその他の手段によって提供される、人生経験を理解するための生きた、機能的な超個人的なカテゴリーを持っていない。これは危険な状況である。なぜなら、そのようなカテゴリーが存在しないと、自我は自分自身をすべて、あるいは何もないと考える可能性が高いからである。さらに、元型が確立された宗教的構造などの適切な容器を持たない場合、元型は精神生活の事実であるため、どこか別の場所に行かなければならない。1 つの可能性は、元型が平凡な、または世俗的な問題に投影される可能性があることである。その場合、超個人的な価値は、生活水準の高さ、個人の力、何らかの社会改革運動、またはいくつかの政治活動のいずれかになる可能性がある。これは、極右のナチズムや極左の共産主義でも起きています。同じようなダイナミズムが、人種差別や反人種差別として人種問題に投影される可能性があります。個人的、世俗的、または政治的な行動が、無意識の宗教的意味を帯びるようになります。これは特に危険です。なぜなら、宗教的動機が無意識に作用すると、狂信が引き起こされ、その破壊的な結果がもたらされるからです。」










[I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously; for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an "enlightened" intellect could hatch forth.]

". . . The idea of God is an absolutely necessary psychological function of an irrational nature, which has nothing whatever to do with the question of God's existence. The human intellect can never answer this question, still less give any proof of God. Moreover such proof is superfluous, for the idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. There is in the psyche some superior power, and if it is not consciously a god, it is the "belly" at least, in St. Paul's words. I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously; for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an "enlightened" intellect could hatch forth. Our intellect has long known that we can form no proper idea of God, much less picture to ourselves in what manner he really exists, if at all. The existence of God is once and for all an unanswerable question. . ."
~Carl Jung, CW 7, para 110

"The fact is that large numbers of individuals do not have living, functioning, suprapersonal categories by which they can understand life experience, supplied either by the church or otherwise. This is a dangerous state of affairs because, when such categories do not exist, the ego is likely to think of itself as everything or as nothing. Furthermore, when the archetypes have no adequate container such as an established religious structure, they have to go somewhere else because the archetypes are facts of psychic life. One possibility is that they will be projected into banal or secular matters. The transpersonal value can then become how high one’s standard of living is, or personal power, or some social reform movement, or any one of a number of political activities. This happens in Nazism, the radical right, and in Communism, the radical left. The same sort of dynamism can be projected into the race problem, either as racism or antiracism. Personal, secular, or political actions become charged with unconscious religious meaning. This is particularly dangerous because whenever a religious motivation is acting unconsciously it causes fanaticism with all its destructive consequences."
~Edward Edinger, Ego and Archetype.

Often people approach the unconscious with an inner utilitarian or power standpoint;

They want to exploit the unconscious in order to become more powerful themselves, to be healthier, to dominate their surroundings, or to learn how to get things in their own way. Or they approach it with a secret ambition to acquire a mana personality.

This is especially a pupil’s disease; if somebody in lonely work upon himself has acquired a certain superiority, the pupil wants to acquire it in the same way. If he is intelligent he thinks, “Oh well, I’ll follow exactly the same method and do exactly the same as the master and I’ll get the same results.” Such a person does not notice that he is deceiving himself.

His approach to the unconscious is not genuine but contaminated with a trick, or with an exploiting attitude. The unconscious is something like a beautiful forest whose animals he wants to catch, or a field he wants to take possession of.

When consciousness assumes such an attitude, the unconscious becomes trickster like too. The dreams become contradictory, they say yes and then no, left and then right, and one feels that the archetype of the trickster god Mercurius is dominating the phenomenon of the unconscious, leading the ego in a thousand ways up the garden path.
Such people, sometimes after years of trying to cope with their own unconscious most honestly and desperately, finally give up and say, “Well, the unconscious is a hopeless abyss and misleading, something one can never get to the end of, for the dreams say both this and that.”

Such people do not realize that they constellate this trickster quality in their own attitude toward the unconscious. They want to cheat and exploit the unconscious, they want to get it into their own pockets with a slight, subtle power attitude, and the unconscious answers with a mirror reaction.

There are even people who, after reading Jung, try to force individuation in this way. They think, “If I do as Jung did, write down every dream, do active imagination, etc., then I’ll get IT,” so to speak.

They put a forcing, pressing ego attitude into the enterprise which tricks it from the start and gets them into endless trouble
~Marie Louise Von Franz, Archetypal dimensions of the Psyche.




[… 体験とそれに対する信念を強化するためには、集団の陶酔に絶えず頼らなければなりません。]

したがって、グループへの同一化は単純で簡単な道ですが、グループ体験は、その状態にある自分の心のレベルより深くは進みません。それはあなたに変化をもたらしますが、その変化は長続きしません。逆に、体験とそれに対する信念を強化するためには、集団の陶酔に絶えず頼らなければなりません。しかし、群衆から抜け出すとすぐに、あなたは再び別の人になり、以前の心の状態を再現できなくなります。大衆は参加の神秘に左右されますが、それは無意識のアイデンティティに他なりません。~CG ユング、CW 9i、パラグラフ 225。

There are many so-called spiritual people who have studied the material and attended lectures and guru retreats or had some analysis or graduated from a Jungian institute or had a mystical experience or tripped on psychedelics, etc. etc… where they were able to repeat the common spiritual buzz words and catch phrases, or able to share important sounding Jung quotes and help a few Jung-newbies… and perhaps had their friends tell them how enlightened or Self-realized they sound… and so they began to believe it themselves and formed their own personal Belief System around all this.

The problem with Belief Systems is that the belief-narratives must be repeated over and over and told to as many others as will listen. Otherwise it fades away and becomes nonexistent.

So when we notice the spiritual type folks or Jungian missionaries preaching to the masses look too see if there’s a belief system running in the background. We can confirm this by holding them accountable for the claims they make. The believer will fall apart and go into ad hominem attack mode or go silent. If they actually have the experience that they’re preaching about then they will have no problem elaborating in good detail and will be glad to do so.
[… you must have continual recourse to mass intoxication in order to consolidate the experience and your belief in it.]

Thus identification with the group is a simple and easy path to follow, but the group experience goes no deeper than the level of one’s own mind in that state. It does work a change in you, but the change does not last. On the contrary, you must have continual recourse to mass intoxication in order to consolidate the experience and your belief in it. But as soon as you are removed from the crowd, you are a different person again and unable to reproduce the previous state of mind. The mass is swayed by participation mystique, which is nothing other than an unconscious identity. ~CG Jung, CW 9i, para 225.