







そこで、私が自分の個人的な無意識のおかげで直感していたこと、これは私の自我がこの時点で意識的に理解できるものよりもはるかに大きいものです (?)、そして記録された意味のあるデータとの間のギャップを埋めようと、私は研究ツールの Bing AI チャットに質問しました... 次に、思いつきです。この研究ツールは、記録されたテキストの形で集合的無意識のプールにアクセスします。

私は以下に、私の質問とそれに対する啓発的な回答 (ユングの言葉であると伝えられている言葉) を提供しました。ここで、私のプロセスは私にとって意味のあるものである (私たちはそれぞれ、自分にとって意味のある独自のプロセスを持っています) と記します。これは、カール・ユングの著作を驚くほど熱心に読み、おそらくは共感する人物による本を発見したことで裏付けられています。ユング(原型か精神か、あるいはその両方か?)が CJ の能動的な想像力に似たプロセスを使っています。本のタイトルは?ユングの形而上学の解読。














[上記の引用 1 について] カール・ユングは、この後の引用で「彼は「迷信」から解放された(少なくとも彼はそう信じている)が、その過程で、彼は精神的価値を非常に危険な程度に失った」と言っているが、これはどういう意味だったのだろうか [この引用は私の脳の扁桃体(私の「生物学的」有機体を保護するために機能している)を刺激したと思う]。


文脈: ユングは、迷信を非合理的または時代遅れとして退ける現代人を批判しています。この人は、古い信念から自分自身を解放したと信じています。

Carl Jung and the Creative Bridge


"Decoding Jung's Metaphysics

The other day someone quite surprisingly to me sought in my hearing to posit the supposition that Dr Carl Jung and his written works denied the existence of a metaphysical reality.

So seeking to close the gap between what I was intuiting courtesy of my personal unconscious, this far greater than my ego permitted conscious understanding of at this time (?), and recorded meaningful data I asked questions of the research tool bing AI chat... A passing thought next. This research tool taps into the pool of the collective unconscious in the form of recorded texts.

I've supplied my questions and their enlightening responses {words allegedly reported to be Jung's} here below. I note here that my process is meaningful to me (we each have a unique process meaningful to us each). This is supported by it leading to the discovery of a book by someone remarkably an avid intensive reader of Carl Jung's written works and he arguably someone who communes with Jung {archetype or spirit or both?} using a process resembling CJ's active imagination. The title of the book? Decoding Jung's Metaphysics.

Please would you find me some quotes by Carl Jung that represent or touch upon a metaphysical understanding of life/reality?

Certainly! Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, offered profound insights that touch upon metaphysical aspects of life and reality. Here are some of his notable quotes:

"Midlife is the time to let go of an overdominant ego and to contemplate the deeper significance of human existence. Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries. In all chaos, there is a cosmos; in all disorder, a secret order."

"Without consciousness, there would, practically speaking, be no world, for the world exists as such only insofar as it is consciously reflected and considered by a psyche. Consciousness is a precondition of being."

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate."

"In all chaos, there is a cosmos; in all disorder, a secret order."

Jung’s exploration of the psyche, archetypes, and the interplay between conscious and unconscious realms invites us to consider metaphysical dimensions beyond the material world. 🌟

Please could you find for me quotes by Carl Jung which deny the existence of the metaphysical life?

Certainly! While Carl Jung’s work often delved into the metaphysical and psychological realms, he didn’t explicitly deny the existence of metaphysical aspects. However, here are some quotes that touch upon different facets of life, self-awareness, and the human experience:

"Modern man does not understand how much his ‘rationalism’ (which has destroyed his capacity to respond to numinous symbols and ideas) has put him at the mercy of the psychic ‘underworld.’ He has freed himself from ‘superstition’ (or so he believes), but in the process, he has lost his spiritual values to a positively dangerous degree."

"Midlife is the time to let go of an overdominant ego and to contemplate the deeper significance of human existence. Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries. In all chaos, there is a cosmos; in all disorder, a secret order."

"The question is idle, actually, and answers itself by reason of the subjectively overwhelming numinosity of the experience. Anyone who has had it is seized by it and therefore not in a position to indulge in fruitless metaphysical or epistemological speculations. Absolute certainty brings its own evidence and has no need for anthropomorphic proofs."
While these quotes don’t explicitly deny metaphysics, they highlight Jung’s nuanced exploration of the human psyche, spirituality, and the interplay between conscious and unconscious realms. 🌟

[Re quote 1. immediately above,] What did Carl Jung mean by "positively dangerous degree" in his quote following here, "He has freed himself from ‘superstition’ (or so he believes), but in the process, he has lost his spiritual values to a positively dangerous degree" [I think this quote triggered my brain's amygdala (functioning for protection of my {/our} 'biological' organism)].

When Carl Jung refers to “a positively dangerous degree,” he suggests that the act of freeing oneself from superstition—while seemingly liberating—can have unintended consequences. Let’s break it down:

Context: Jung is critiquing the modern person who dismisses superstitions as irrational or outdated. This person believes they have liberated themselves from old beliefs.


危険な程度: 「明らかに危険な程度」というフレーズは、精神的価値の喪失が単に中立的ではなく、潜在的に有害であることを暗示しています。ユングは、迷信のより深い象徴的または心理的意味を理解せずにそれを拒絶すると、精神的根拠の欠如につながる可能性があると警告しています。

合理性と精神性のバランス: ユングは理性と精神性の両方を重視しました。彼は、迷信を完全に否定すると、内なる知恵と神秘的な経験から切り離される可能性があると信じていました。危険なのは、過度に合理的になり、人生の象徴的かつ超越的な側面を否定することです。

Dangerous Degree: The phrase “positively dangerous degree” implies that the loss of spiritual values is not merely neutral but potentially harmful. Jung warns that rejecting superstition without understanding its deeper symbolic or psychological significance can lead to a lack of spiritual grounding.

Balancing Rationality and Spirituality: Jung valued both reason and spirituality. He believed that dismissing superstitions entirely could disconnect us from our inner wisdom and numinous experiences. The danger lies in becoming overly rational, denying the symbolic and transcendent aspects of life.
In summary, Jung cautions against extreme rationalism that neglects spiritual dimensions, emphasizing the need for balance. 🌟


心理学は形而上学的な「真実」を確立することはできませんし、そうしようともしません。~カール・ユング、CW 18、パラグラフ 742

心理学的真実は形而上学的な洞察ではありません。経験によって適切かつ有用であることが証明された、思考、感情、行動の習慣的なモードです。~カール・ユング、CW 9ii、パラグラフ 50。

私は形而上学的な判断を下しているわけではないので、少なくとも私たちの経験的世界では、相反するものが容赦なく作用しており、それらがなければこの世界は存在しないだろうと言わざるを得ません。~カール・ユング、CW 18、パラグラフ 1640

私は単に形而上学は科学の対象にはなり得ないと考えているだけで、それは、特に分析の過程や真に宗教的な個人の生活の中で、神秘的な経験が頻繁に起こらないという意味ではありません。 ~カール・ユング、CW 18、パラグラフ 1591


~CG ユング、キリスト教に関するユング、「キリスト、自己の象徴」、90 ページ。



~カール・ユング、チベット大解放の書、48 ページ

まず第一に、私には体系も教義も、そのようなものは何もありません。私は経験主義者であり、形而上学的な見解はまったくありません。~カール・ユング、C.G. ユングのスピーチ:インタビューと出会い、410 ~ 423 ページ

Psychology cannot establish any metaphysical "truths," nor does it try to. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 742

Psychological truths are not metaphysical insights; they are habitual modes of thinking, feeling, and behaving that experience has proved appropriate and useful. ~Carl Jung, CW 9ii, para 50.

As I am not making a metaphysical judgment, I cannot help remarking that at least in our empirical world the opposites are inexorably at work and that, without them, this world would not exist. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1640

I merely hold that metaphysics cannot be an object of science, which does not mean that numinous experiences do not happen frequently, particularly in the course of an analysis or in the life of a truly religious individual. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1591

“Psychology is an empirical science and deals with realities. As a psychologist, therefore, I have neither the inclination nor the competence to mix myself up with metaphysics.

Since psychology is not metaphysics, no metaphysical dualism can be derived from or, imputed to, its statements concerning the equivalency of opposites. It knows that the equivalent opposites are necessary conditions inherent in the act of cognition, and that without them no discrimination would be possible.”
~CG Jung, Jung on Christianity, ‘Christ, A Symbol of the Self’, Page 90.

We do not assume that the mind is a metaphysical entity or that there is any connection between an individual mind and a hypothetical Universal Mind.
Our psychology is, therefore, a science of mere phenomena without any metaphysical implications.

The result is that, in their extremism, both lose one half of the universe; their life is shut off from total reality, and is apt to become artificial and inhuman.
~Carl Jung, Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation, Page 48

In the first place, I have no system, no doctrine, nothing of that kind. I am an empiricist, with no metaphysical views at all. ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 410-423