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2024 年 7 月 16 日火曜日 正午~午後 3 時 30 分(東部標準時)

クリスティーナ・ベッカー RP が主催するズームセミナー


5 つのサマー スタディ プログラムをすべてチェックしてください。




接触時間: このプログラムでは、ニューヨーク州公認ソーシャルワーカー、精神分析医、クリエイティブアートセラピストの CE 接触時間が 3.5 時間です。

クリスティーナ・ベッカー (MBA、RP) は、チューリッヒで訓練を受けたユング派の分析医で、カナダのオンタリオ州トロントで個人開業しています。彼女は、「The Heart of the Matter: Individuation as an Ethical Process」や、占星術と心理学の分野で多数の記事を執筆しています。


おすすめ · Shaykh Speaks

Definitely worth reading...

Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky says:

'People will not remember you much after your death. After a few days, you will be forgotten, as if you were never born and never existed. Your mention will occasionally come up by chance, but with the arrival of new generations, you will be completely erased.

At that time, people will not remember who you were, nor will they remember the principles you always held. They will not recall if you were brave and virtuous or bad and corrupt. In both cases, you will gain nothing from their words.

Live your life as you see fit, in a way that makes you happy because your life is yours, and the days that pass will never return! Live your life in the way that seems right to you.'

And I say...

A hundred years from now, for instance in 2123, we will all be underground with our loved ones and friends, and strangers will be living in our homes, and others will manage our properties. They will know nothing about us, just like who remembers their great-grandfather’s father?

We will be just a line in the memories of a few people, our names and faces forgotten.

So why should we care about what people think of us, and why worry about the future of our properties, homes, and families, when none of it will matter or benefit us a hundred years later?

Our presence in the lifespan of the universe is just a moment, which will vanish in an instant, and dozens of generations will come after us. Each generation will quickly leave the world, making way for the next before even half of their dreams are realized. Therefore, we should understand our true status and the actual span of our existence in the universe, which is much smaller than we think!

A hundred years later, in darkness and silence, we will realize how meaningless the world was, and how foolish our dreams were. We will wish that we had spent our entire lives doing meaningful work and good deeds!

As long as life remains - we should reflect and change.