聖人の神秘的な足跡を辿る ·
おすすめ · Shaykh Speaks











おすすめ  · Shaykh Speaks 
Definitely worth reading...

Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky says:
'People will not remember you much after your death. After a few days, you will be forgotten, as if you were never born and never existed. Your mention will occasionally come up by chance, but with the arrival of new generations, you will be completely erased.

At that time, people will not remember who you were, nor will they remember the principles you always held. They will not recall if you were brave and virtuous or bad and corrupt. In both cases, you will gain nothing from their words.
Live your life as you see fit, in a way that makes you happy because your life is yours, and the days that pass will never return! Live your life in the way that seems right to you.'

And I say...
A hundred years from now, for instance in 2123, we will all be underground with our loved ones and friends, and strangers will be living in our homes, and others will manage our properties. They will know nothing about us, just like who remembers their great-grandfather’s father?

We will be just a line in the memories of a few people, our names and faces forgotten.

So why should we care about what people think of us, and why worry about the future of our properties, homes, and families, when none of it will matter or benefit us a hundred years later?

Our presence in the lifespan of the universe is just a moment, which will vanish in an instant, and dozens of generations will come after us. Each generation will quickly leave the world, making way for the next before even half of their dreams are realized. Therefore, we should understand our true status and the actual span of our existence in the universe, which is much smaller than we think!

A hundred years later, in darkness and silence, we will realize how meaningless the world was, and how foolish our dreams were. We will wish that we had spent our entire lives doing meaningful work and good deeds!
As long as life remains - we should reflect and change.


「すべての人間の人生には潜在能力がある。その潜在能力が発揮されなければ、その人生は無駄になる...」 - カール・ユング

過去を振り返り、自分がどれだけの時間を無駄にしてきたか、どれだけの時間を無駄にしてきたか、無益さ、過ち、怠惰、生きる能力のなさで失ってきたか、どれだけ感謝していなかったか、どれだけ自分の心と魂に対して罪を犯してきたかを考えると、胸が痛みます。人生は贈り物です。 - フョードル・ドストエフスキー

「人々が象徴的な人生を生きている、神聖なドラマの役者であると感じるとき、それが平和をもたらします。それが人間の人生に唯一の意味を与えます。他のすべては平凡であり、無視することができます。キャリア、子供を産むことはすべて、あなたの人生が意味のあるものであるというその1つのことに比べればマヤです。」 ~C.G. ユング、CW 18、p. 275「象徴的人生」

「人間にとって決定的な問題は、自分は無限の何かと関係があるかどうかだ。それが人生にとって決定的な問題だ。本当に大切なのは無限だと知って初めて、私たちは無益なことや、実際には重要ではないあらゆる種類の目標に関心を向けることを避けることができる。こうして私たちは、才能や美しさなど、私たちが個人的な所有物とみなす資質を世間に認めてもらうよう要求する。人が偽りの所有物に重きを置き、本質に対する感受性が薄れれば薄れるほど、人生は満足のいくものではなくなる。限られた目的を持っているため、人は限界を感じ、その結果、嫉妬や羨望を抱く。私たちがこの人生ですでに無限とつながっていることを理解し、感じれば、欲望や態度は変わる。」 ~C.G. ユング、記憶、夢、反省

正しいことを生き、偽りのことを死なせること、それが人生の芸術だ。 ~CG ユング、Liber Novus、274 ページ。脚注 75。

個性化は、他のすべてのものを二の次にする、容赦なく重要な課題であるように思われます。 ~カール ユング、書簡集第 2 巻、408 ページ

~C.G. ユング、Dream Seminars、289 ページ

彼らがより広い人格に成長できるようになれば、神経症は一般的に消えます。」~カール・ユング、MDR、140 ページ。

彼 [ユング] は、私の唯一の任務は集合的無意識の進化に貢献することなので、この人生で外面的に何かを達成したかどうかは、まったく重要ではないと言いました。~ロバート A. ジョンソン、J.E.T.、36-39 ページ。

「現代における疎外感の症状の 1 つは、無意味感が広まっていることです。多くの患者が心理療法を求めています...人生に意味がないと感じているからです...これらの人々は、満たされない幼少期の経験だけでなく、大きな文化的変遷によって引き起こされた激動の混乱の影響も経験しています。
私たちは、ローマ帝国の廃墟からキリスト教が出現したときと同等の規模の集団心理的再方向付けを経験しているようです。伝統的な宗教の衰退に伴い、一般的な精神的混乱の証拠が増えています。私たちは方向を見失っています。人生との関係は曖昧になっています。組織化されたキリスト教という偉大なシンボル システムは、もはや人間の完全な献身を要求したり、人間の究極のニーズを満たしたりすることができないようです。その結果、無意味感と人生からの疎外感が広まっています。新しい集団宗教シンボルが出現するかどうかはまだわかりません。
~エドワード・エディンガー『自我と元型』107 ページ

To live what is right and to let what is false die, that is the art of life. ~CG Jung, Liber Novus, Page 274. Footnote 75.

It seems that individuation is a ruthlessly important task to which everything else should take second place. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 408

"The process of individuation has always been appreciated as the most valuable and important thing in life. It is the only thing that brings any lasting satisfaction to a man. Power, glory, wealth, mean nothing in comparison. These things are external and therefore futile. Experience shows that there are certain psychological conditions in which man gets eternal results. They have something of the quality of eternity, of timelessness, they have the quality of reaching beyond man. They have a divine quality and yield all that satisfaction which man-made things do not."
~C.G. Jung, Dream Seminars, p, 289

“I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life.
They seek position, marriage, reputation, outward success or money, and remain unhappy and neurotic even when they have attained what they were seeking.
Such people are usually confined to too narrow a spiritual horizon.
Their life has not sufficient content, sufficient meaning.
If they are enabled to develop into more spacious personalities, the neurosis generally disappears.” ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page 140.

He [Jung] said that it was not the least important whether I accomplished anything outwardly in this life since my one task was to contribute to the evolution of the collective unconscious. ~Robert A. Johnson, J.E.T., Pages 36-39.

"One of the symptoms of alienation in the modern age is the widespread sense of meaninglessness. Many patients seek psychotherapy...because they feel that life has no meaning....These people are experiencing the disrupting effects not only of an unsatisfactory childhood experience, but also of an upheaval occasioned by a major cultural transition.
We seem to be passing through a collective psychological reorientation equivalent in magnitude to the emergence of Christianity from the ruins of the Roman Empire. Accompanying the decline of traditional religion there is increasing evidence of a general psychic disorientation. We have lost our bearings. Our relation to life has become ambiguous. The great symbol system which is organized Christianity seems no longer able to command the full commitment of man or to fulfill their ultimate needs. The result is a pervasive feeling of meaninglessness and alienation from life. Whether or not a new collective religious symbol will emerge remains to be seen.
For the present those aware of the problems are obliged to make their own individual search for a meaningful life.
Individuation becomes their way of life."
~Edward Edinger, Ego and Archetype, p. 107


「人生に意味を翻訳することは、道を実現することである。」 (ユング、「黄金の華の秘密への注釈」、1929年より)


「人間の課題は…無意識から押し寄せてくる内容を意識することです。無意識に固執したり、存在の無意識の要素と同一のままでいたりして、ますます意識を生み出すという運命から逃れるべきではありません。私たちが理解できる限り、人間の存在の唯一の目的は、単なる存在の暗闇に光を灯すことです。」 ~CGユング、MDR、p.326。

^^ この一節(MDR、p.326)は、生涯の仕事、私の意見ではこれまでで最も意識的な人生である人生を凝縮しています。この声明をその本質に凝縮すると、次のようになります。人間の人生の目的は意識の創造です。 ~エドワード・エディンガー、意識の意味。 57 ページ。

しかし、意識の獲得は知識の木の最も貴重な果実であり、人間に地球に対する勝利を与えた魔法の武器であり、人間が自分自身に対してさらに大きな勝利を得ることを願うものです。~カール・ユング、CW 14、パラグラフ 289

"In his 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections' Jung referred several times to the quest for the meaning of life and of the human being, and he concluded that every answer to this grave question is but a human interpretation or conjecture, a confession or a belief. Yet it is evident from the vast corpus of his writings that in his own way he has found an answer to this same question. This answer, so he repeatedly affirmed, is to be found in a curious process, an interaction or interplay of the opposites of being as revealed in the experience of the psyche." ~Stephan Hoeller, "The Gnostic Jung"

"To translate meaning into life ... is to realize the Tao." (Jung, from "Commentary to The Secret of the Golden Flower", 1929)

“Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself....His task was to discover his own destiny - not an arbitrary one - and to live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one's own inwardness.”
~Hermann Hesse.

“Man’s task is…to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” ~CG Jung, MDR, p.326.

^^ This passage (MDR, p.326) distills the work of a lifetime, a life which in my opinion is the most conscious life ever lived. If we condense this statement to its essence we arrive at this: The purpose of human life is the creation of consciousness. ~Edward Edinger, The Meaning Of Consciousness. Page 57.

And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289