- カール・ユング

The connection with the collective unconscious means an extension of man beyond himself.
- Carl Jung






- カール・ユング

The unconscious, buried in the structure of the brain and disclosing its living presence only through the medium of creative fantasy, is the suprapersonal unconscious. 

It comes alive in the creative man, it reveals itself in the vision of the artist, in the inspiration of the thinker, in the inner experience of the mystic. 

The suprapersonal unconscious, being distributed throughout the brain-structure, is like an all-pervading, omnipresent , omniscient spirit. It knows man as he always was, and not as he is at this moment; it knows him as myth. 

For this reason, also, the connection with the suprapersonal or collective unconscious means an extension of man beyond himself; it means death for his personal being and a rebirth in a new dimension, as was literally enacted in certain of the ancient mysteries. 

It is certainly true that without the sacrifice of man as he is, man as he was—and always will be—cannot be attained. And it is the artist who can tell us most about this sacrifice of the personal man, if we are not satisfied with the message of the Gospels.