The Road Less Traveled



平凡と精神病から抜け出す方法 - あまり通っていない道

How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness - The Road Less Traveled




怠惰は最も強い情熱である。~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ『童話の元型パターン』43 ページ

~カール・ユング『ユング・久松対談』6 ページ

~CG ユング、記憶、夢、反省、277 ページ

自分自身に気づいていない人は、盲目的で本能的に行動し、さらに、自分自身の中で意識していないすべてのものが、隣人への投影として外から自分にやってくるのを見たときに生じるすべての幻想に騙されます。 ~カール・ユング、CW 13、335 ページ。


一般に金を探しているとされている錬金術師たちが、幻想、誇張された感情、情熱、過剰、そして考えられるあらゆる悪徳からの解放を自分たちに約束していたとは、誰が想像したでしょうか。 ~カール・ユング、ETH、講義 XIII、108 ページ。

もしあなたが自分自身を思い出すことに成功し、もしあなたがあなた自身と情熱の爆発との間に違いを作ることに成功すれば、あなたは自己を発見し、個性化が始まります。 ~カール・ユング、クンダリーニ ヨガの心理学、39-40 ページ。

情熱の炎によって決して変わることのない人は、自分自身から逃げているだけで、単に人生からの逃亡者です。 ~カール・ユング『子供の夢セミナー』203 ページ

「争いをかき立てることは、言葉の本当の意味でルシファーの美徳です。争いは火、感情と情緒の火を生み出し、他のあらゆる火と同様に、燃焼と光を生み出すという 2 つの側面があります。一方では、感情は錬金術の火であり、その暖かさですべてのものを存在させ、その熱で余分なものをすべて灰に燃やします。しかしもう一方では、感情は鋼鉄が火打ち石と出会い、火花が散る瞬間です。感情は意識の主な源だからです。感情がなければ、暗闇から光へ、または惰性から動きへは変化しません。」 ~C.G. ユング『母なる元型の心理的側面 集合的無意識の原型』179 段落

自己認識と反省が必要であることは多くの人が認めるでしょうが、そのような必要性を自分に課すと考える人はほとんどいません。 ~カール・ユング『書簡集』第 179 巻。 II、465-466 ページ

内なる経験、精神の冒険のリスクは、いずれにしても、ほとんどの人間にとって異質なものである。そのような経験が心霊(精神)的な現実である可能性は、彼らにとって不安なことである。」~カール・ユング、記憶、夢、反省。141 ページ。

人々は、自分の魂と向き合うことを避けるために、どんなにばかげたことでも何でもする。インドのヨガとそのすべてのエクササイズを実践し、厳格な食事療法に従い、神智学を暗記し、世界中の文学から神秘的なテキストを機械的に復唱する。すべては、自分自身でうまくやっていかず、自分の魂から何か役に立つものが生まれるとはほんのわずかも信じていないからだ。このように、魂は徐々にナザレに変わり、そこからは何も良いものは生まれない。だから、地球の四隅からそれを探し出そう。突飛で奇抜であればあるほどいい。~カール・ユング、『心理学と錬金術』、CW 12、パラグラフ 126、99 ページ。




どうやらそれはオリジナル ビデオのクリップのようだね?

Jung once said that the strongest passion in humans is not hunger, sex or power, although these are quite strong; the very strongest passion is laziness.
The longer I study human beings, including myself, the more I am inclined to agree.

Laziness is the strongest passion. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales, Page 43

“The concern of psychotherapy is in many cases to make patients conscious, through insight, of the nidana chain, of the unnecessary suffering fostered by lust, desire, and passion.
Passion ties us up, but through insight we are made free.
The goal in psychotherapy is exactly the same as in Buddhism.”
~Carl Jung, Jung-Hisamatsu Conversation, Page 6

Ainferno of his passions has never overcome them.
They then dwell in the house next door, and at any moment a flame may dart out and set fire to his own house.
Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force.
~CG Jung, Memories Dreams Reflections, Page 277

A man who is unconscious of himself acts in a blind, instinctive way and is in addition fooled by all the illusions that arise when he sees everything that he is not conscious of in himself coming to meet him from outside as projections upon his neighbour. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Page 335.
((The goal is to be freed from the triggering from emotions, passion, excesses and vices.))
Who would have thought that the alchemists, popularly supposed to be searching for gold, were really promising themselves freedom from illusion, exaggerated emotion, passion, excess and all possible vices ~Carl Jung, ETH, Lecture XIII, Page 108.

If you succeed in remembering yourself, if you succeed in making a difference between yourself and that outburst of passion, then you discover the Self; you begin to individuate. ~Carl Jung, The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Pages 39-40.

Who never has been changed by the fire of passion is only on the run from himself, is merely a deserter from life. ~Carl Jung, Children’s Dreams Seminar, Page 203

“The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes. But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.” ~C.G. Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Paragraph 179

A good many will admit that self-knowledge and reflection are needed, but very few indeed will consider such necessities binding upon themselves. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 465-466

"Whenever there is a reaching down into the innermost experience, into the nucleus of personality, most people are overcome by fright, and many run away...

The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the Spirit, is in any case, alien to most human beings. The possibility that such an experience might have psychic reality is troubling to them." ~Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Page 141.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, CW 12, Para 126, Page 99.

"Jung's question haunts us all--what task is this person avoiding? In most cases, we are avoiding responsibility for our lives." ~James Hollis.

Why the scissors?


apparently it's a clip of the original video?


~M. スコット ペック。

「もちろん、悔い改めるべき罪は無意識です。」 ~カール ユング、アイオン、191-192 ページ。

自然と運命の障壁の前では、無意識は決して言い訳として受け入れられません。それどころか、非常に厳しい罰が科せられます。 ~カール ユング、CW 11、パラグラフ 745

"There are many who, by virtue of their passivity, dependency, fear and laziness, seek to be shown every inch of the way and have it demonstrated to them that each step will be safe and worth their while. This cannot be done. For the journey of spiritual growth requires courage and initiative and independence of thought and action. While the words of the prophets and the assistance of grace are available, the journey must still be traveled alone. No teacher can carry you there."
~M. Scott Peck.

“The sin to be repented, of course, is unconsciousness.” ~Carl Jung, Aion, Pages 191-192.

Before the bar of nature and fate, unconsciousness is never accepted as an excuse; on the contrary there are very severe penalties for it. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 745