



私が今日命を吹き込むために出会った祖父母と先祖に感謝します。 そして、彼らがその瞬間に持っていた意識の中で、状況を解決するために最善を尽くしたことを認識しながら、私は彼らを過去の過ちや彼らが果たせなかった願いから解放します。






私は自分自身を理解しています。なぜなら、私だけが私の物語を生き、体験したからです。 なぜなら、私は自分自身を知っており、自分が誰であるか、何を感じ、何をしているのか、そしてなぜそれをするのかを知っているからです。


~ 伝統的なナワトル語の祈り
アート | トーマス・ブラックシア

Midwives of the Soul
I release my parents from the feeling that they have failed with me.

I release my children from the need to make me proud, so that they can write their own ways, according to their hearts.

I release my partner from the obligation to make me feel complete. 

I lack nothing in myself.
I learn with all the beings that surround me through all time.

I thank my grandparents and ancestors who met so that today I breathe life. And I release them from the faults of the past and from the wishes they did not fulfill, aware that they did the best they could to resolve their situations, within the consciousness they had at that moment.

I honor them, I love them, and I recognize their innocence.

I bare my soul before their eyes and that is why they know that I do not hide or owe anything, more than being faithful to myself and my own existence, walking with the wisdom of the heart.

I am aware that I am fulfilling my life project, free of visible and invisible family loyalties that may disturb my peace and my happiness, which are my greatest responsibilities.

I renounce the role of savior, of being the one who unites or who fulfills the expectations of others. 

And learning through LOVE, I bless my essence and my way of expressing, although there may be someone who cannot understand me.

I understand myself, because only I lived and experienced my story; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.

I respect and approve.
I honor the Divinity in me and in you.

We are free.
~ A Traditional Náhuatl Prayer 
art | Thomas Blackshear