

"If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool."



~CG Jung、CW 14、パラ 147

自然の研究者として、錬金術師たちは科学の対象における「ピスティス」によってキリスト教的態度を示したのであり、多くの場合、結果を歪曲することによって精神が化学物質やその厳重に守られた秘密よりも強いことが証明されたとしても、それは彼らのせいではなかった。 。




物質の主要かつ最も直接的な経験は、それが生きているということであり、中世の人間にとってそれは自明のことでした。 実際、あらゆるミサ、教会のあらゆる儀式、そして遺物の奇跡的な効果はすべて、彼にとってこの自然で明白な事実を証明しました。













というのは、彼らは、地獄と悪魔の慣習的属性の一つであるこの物質と、有毒で狡猾で危険なメルクリウスの中に、最も神聖な人物であるメルクリウスの類似性を発見したからである――我々の例として硫黄を守り続けるために―― 彼らの宗教。


これらは、ヘビ、ライオン、ワシ、火、雲、影、魚、石、ユニコーンとサイ、ドラゴン、夜のカラス、女性に囲まれた男、鶏、水、その他多くのものでした。 。


したがって、聖エウケリウスの中で、貪欲な狼は「良い部分では」使徒パウロを意味しますが、「悪い部分では」悪魔を意味します。 ~カール・ユング、CW 14、パラ 147




If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool.
~CG Jung, CW 14, para 147

As investigators of nature the alchemists showed their Christian attitude by their "pistis" in the object of their science, and it was not their fault if in many cases the psyche proved stronger than the chemical substance and its well-guarded secrets by distorting the results.

It was only the acuter powers of observation in modern man which showed that weighing and measuring provided the key to the locked doors of chemical combination, after the intuition of the alchemists had stressed for centuries the importance of "measure, number, and weight."

The prime and most immediate experience of matter was that it is animated, which for medieval man was self-evident; indeed every Mass, every rite of the Church, and the miraculous effect of relics all demonstrated for him this natural and obvious fact.

The French Enlightenment and the shattering of the metaphysical view of the world were needed before a scientist like Lavoisier had the courage finally to reach out for the scales.

To begin with, however, the alchemists were fascinated by the soul of matter, which, unknown to them, it had received from the human psyche by way of projection.

For all their intensive preoccupation with matter as a concrete fact they followed this psychic trail, which was to lead them into a region that, to our way of thinking, had not the remotest connection with chemistry.

Their mental labours consisted in a predominantly intuitive apprehension of psychic facts, the intellect playing only the modest role of a famulus.

The results of this curious method of research proved, however, to be beyond the grasp of any psychology for several centuries.

If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool.

The misfortune of the alchemists was that they themselves did not know what they were talking about.

Nevertheless, we possess witnesses enough to the high esteem in which they held their science and to the wonderment which the mystery of matter instilled into them.

For they discovered—to keep to sulphur as our example—in this substance, which was one of the customary attributes of hell and the devil, as well as in the poisonous, crafty, and treacherous Mercurius, an analogy with the most sacrosanct figure of their religion.

They therefore imbued this arcanum with symbols intended to characterize its malicious, dangerous, and uncanny nature, choosing precisely those which in the positive sense were used for Christ in the patristic literature.

These were the snake, the lion, the eagle, fire, cloud, shadow, fish, stone, the unicorn and the rhinoceros, the dragon, the night-raven, the man encompassed by a woman, the hen, water, and many others.

This strange usage is explained by the fact that the majority of the patristic allegories have in addition to their positive meaning a negative one.

Thus in St. Eucherius the rapacious wolf "in its good part" signifies the apostle Paul, but "in its bad part" the devil. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 147



  はい、そうです💯本当です。 👍🏻👍🏻
私たちは、独自の視点と人生経験を持った個人として、お互いを批判しないように努めるべきです。 私たちはお互いを本当に理解することは決してできません。私たち自身の主観的な認識に基づいて相対的に理解するだけです。

Don't criticize what you can't understand.
-Bob Dylan

 Yes it’s 💯 true. 👍🏻👍🏻
We should try not to judge each other, because as individuals with unique perspectives and life experiences; we can never truly understand each other - only relatively so based on our own subjective perceptions.