「涙、悲しみ、失望は苦いものですが、知恵はすべての心の苦しみを慰めるものです。 確かに、苦味と知恵は一対の選択肢を形成します: 苦味があるところには知恵が欠けており、知恵があるところには苦味はあり得ません。」 CW 20: 結合の神秘、パラ 330、pg 246


― カール・グスタフ・ユング



“Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness.”CW 20: Mysterium Coniunctionis、パラ 330、pg 246


Wisdom is never violent: where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling.

― Carl Gustav Jung





THE COLLECTED WORKS OF C. G. JUNG: Mysterium Coniunctionis (Volume 14): An .著者: C.G. Jung


上からの光の思考と配慮は、ヌースを罪深く暗い肉体の死から、下界の父[tou kάtweev]から、どのように、どのような方法で救い出すかということである648。彼は、波と恐怖の中で風を起こし、ヌースを自分の完全な息子にしたが、実質的にはまだ自分の息子ではない。彼は高みからの一筋の光であり、その完全な光は暗く恐ろしい苦い汚染された水の中で圧倒され、輝く霊が水の上に運ばれたからである...。"





「塩」はあまり一般的な夢のシンボルではないが、水晶の立方体の形で登場し、多くの患者の絵では中心、つまり自己を表している651。同様に、ほとんどのマンダラの4次構造は、先に述べた塩Oのサインを思い出させる。ラピスの多くの同義語や属性が、ラピスの側面を強調するように、自己のシンボルもまた強調する。塩は、その保存性の高さとは別に、主に「サピエンティア」(知恵)という比喩的な意味を持っています。この側面に関して、"Tractatus aureus "は次のように述べている: 「塩を使わずに仕事をする者は、決して死体を蘇らせることはできない......と、我々の賢人たちの神秘的な言葉で言われている。塩を使わないで働く者は、弦のない弓を引く。これらの言葉は、一般的な鉱物とは全く異なる種類の塩を指していることを知らなければならない...。時には薬そのものを『塩』と呼ぶこともある」。652 この言葉は曖昧である。ここでは塩は知恵だけでなく「機知」も意味する。オプス(技:錬金術プロセスとその作業)における塩の重要性について、ヨハネス・グラッセウスは難解な物質についてこう述べている: 「これは哲学者たちの鉛で、彼らは空気の鉛とも呼ぶ。その中に金属の塩と名付けられた輝く白い鳩があり、そこにこの作品の全魔術がある。この(鳩は)純粋で、貞淑で、賢明で、豊かなシバの女王である。" ここでは、塩、難解な物質(逆説的な「空気の鉛」)、白い鳩(スピリトゥス・サピエンティアエ)、知恵、女性性が一つの図に現れている。塩とその調合を知らない者は、この芸術を理解することはできない」という「Gloria mundi」(世界の栄光)の言葉は非常に明快です。アクアリウム・サピエンタム」の場合、サピエンチエはアクア・ベネディクタ(祝福された水)またはアクア・ポンティカ(水・橋:2 つの側面の間の接続、結合)から抽出されます。このアクアは、最初はプリマテリア(原材料)に含まれ、「血のような赤色をしているが、調製後は明るく澄んだ透明な白色になり、賢者たちによって知恵の塩と呼ばれている」655 クンラートは大胆にも次のようにまとめている。
" 653








Therefore every
corrupt and controversial passage which I pass over.] thought and care of the light from above is how and in what way the Nous may be delivered from the death of the sinful and dark body, from the father below [tou kάtweev],648 who is the wind which raised up the waves in tumult and terror, and begot Nous his own perfect son, who is yet not his own son in substance. For he was a ray of light from on high, from that perfect light overpowered in the dark and terrible, bitter polluted water, and a shining spirit carried away over the water..."
This strangely beautiful passage contains pretty well everything that the alchemists endeavoured to say about salt: it is the spirit, the turning of the body into light (albedo), the spark of the anima mundi, imprisoned in the dark depths of the sea and begotten there by the light from above and the "reproductive power of the feminine." It should be noted that the alchemists could have known nothing of Hippolytus, as his Philosophumena, long believed lost, was rediscovered only in the middle of the nineteenth century in a monastery on Mount Athos. Anyone familiar with the spirit of alchemy and the views of the Gnostics in Hippolytus will be struck again and again by their inner affinity.


The clue to this passage from the Elenchos, and to other similar ones, is to be found in the phenomenology of the self.650 Salt is not a very common dream-symbol, but it does appear in the cubic form of a crystal, 651 which in many patients' drawings represents the centre and hence the self; similarly, the quaternary structure of most mandalas reminds one of the sign for salt O mentioned earlier. Just as the numerous synonyms and attributes of the lapis stress now one and now another of its aspects, so do the symbols of the self. Apart from its preservative quality salt has mainly the metaphorical meaning of sapientia. With regard to this aspect the "Tractatus aureus" states: “It is said in the mystic language of our sages, He who works without salt will never raise dead bodies.... He who works without salt draws a bow without a string. For you must know that these sayings refer to a very different kind of salt from the common mineral.... Sometimes they call the medicine itself ‘Salt.”” 652 These words are ambiguous: here salt means “wit" as well as wisdom. As to the importance of salt in the opus, Johannes Grasseus says of the arcane substance: "And this is the Lead of the Philosophers, which they also call the lead of the air. In it is found the shining white dove, named the salt of the metals, wherein is the whole magistery of the work. This [dove] is the pure, chaste, wise, and rich Queen of Sheba." Here salt, arcane substance (the paradoxical “lead of the air"), the white dove (spiritus sapientiae), wisdom, and femininity appear in one figure. The saying from the "Gloria mundi" is quite clear: "No man can understand this Art who does not know the salt and its preparation." For the “Aquarium sapientum" the sal sapientiae comes from the aqua benedicta or aqua pontica, which, itself an extract, is named "heart, soul, and spirit." At first the aqua is contained in the prima materia and is "of a blood-red colour; but after its preparation it becomes of a bright, clear, transparent white, and is called by the sages the Salt of Wisdom."655 Khunrath boldly summarizes
" 653



私たちの水は、知恵の塩なしには作れない。哲学者たちは、知恵の塩そのものであると言う。"塩がなければ、仕事は成功しない"。「656 別のところでは、「塩が賢者によって知恵の名で飾られたのは、理由がないわけではない」とも述べている。塩はラピスであり、"隠されている謎 "である。ヴィジェネロスは、救済者が弟子たちを選んだのは、「彼らが人の塩となり、福音の純粋で朽ちることのない教義を彼らに宣べ伝えるため」だという。彼は、「カバリスト」(ユダヤ教のカバラの研究者)が、ヘブライ語で塩を意味する言葉(メラク)を「計算」「658」すると、78という数字になると言っていると報告している。この数は、どのような除数で割っても、神の名を指す単語を与えることができる。このことから彼が導き出した推論を追及することはしないが、塩が「すべての供え物と犠牲において神に仕えるために」使われたという理由だけは記しておく。グラウバーはキリストをサル・サピエンティア(知恵の塩)と呼び、その
愛弟子ヨハネは "知恵の塩 "で塩漬けされた。660
330 月の湿潤と地上の性質を除けば、塩の最も優れた性質は苦味と知恵である。元素と性質の二重四位一体型のように、地と水は冷たさを共通にしているので、苦味と知恵は、間に第三のものを挟んで対をなすことになる。(両者に共通する要素は、一見矛盾しているように見えても、心理学的には「感じる」という機能である(前ページの図参照)。涙、悲しみ、失望は苦いものだが、知恵はすべての精神的な苦しみを慰めるものである。苦味のあるところには知恵がなく、知恵のあるところには苦味はないのです。この運命的な代替物の担い手である塩は、女性の性質と協調しています。クオータニオの右半分にある男性的な太陽の性質は、冷たさも、影も、重苦しさも、メランコリーも知らない。第一に、誰も劣等感を認めたがらないからであり、第二に、白いものを黒と呼ぶことを論理的に禁じているからである。善人には善良な資質があり、悪人には悪質な資質しかない。名声のために、私たちは完全に沈黙して影の部分を通過する。男性的偏見の有名な例は、ニーチェのスーパーマンで、彼は思いやりを軽んじて、「最も醜い男」-誰もがそうである普通の男-と闘うのです。影は見えてはいけない。否定され、抑圧され、非日常的なものにねじ曲げられなければならない。太陽はいつも輝いていて、すべてが微笑み返してくれる。威信を失うような弱点は許されないので、ソル・ニガー(黒い太陽)は決して姿を現すことはありません。孤独な時間の中でこそ、その存在は恐れられるのです。

ソル ニゲル(黒い太陽) 


these statements about the salt when he says: "Our water cannot be made without the salt of wisdom, for it is the salt of wisdom itself, say the philosophers; a fire, and a salt fire, the true Living Universal Menstruum.” "Without salt the work has no success.' » 656 Elsewhere he remarks: "Not without good reason has salt been adorned by the wise with the name of Wisdom." Salt is the lapis, a “mystery to be hidden." Vigenerus says that the Redeemer chose his disciples "that they might be the salt of men and proclaim to them the pure and incorruptible doctrine of the gospel." He reports the "Cabalists" as saying that the "computatio" »658 of the Hebrew word for salt (melach) gives the number 78. This number could be divided by any divisor and still give a word that referred to the divine Name. We will not pursue the inferences he draws from this but will only note that for all those reasons salt was used "for the service of God in all offerings and sacrifices." Glauber calls Christ the sal sapientiae and says that his
favourite disciple John was "salted with the salt of wisdom." 660
330 Apart from its lunar wetness and its terrestrial nature, the most outstanding properties of salt are bitterness and wisdom. As in the double quaternio of the elements and qualities, earth and water have coldness in common, so bitterness and wisdom would form a pair of opposites with a third thing between. (See diagram on facing page.) The factor common to both, however incommensurable the two ideas may seem, is, psychologically, the function of feeling. Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering. Indeed, bitterness and wisdom form a pair of alternatives: where there is bitterness wisdom is lacking, and where wisdom is there can be no bitterness. Salt, as the carrier of this fateful alternative, is co-ordinated with the nature of woman. The masculine, solar nature in the right half of the quaternio knows neither coldness, nor a shadow, nor heaviness, melancholy, etc., because, so long as all goes well, it identifies as closely as possible with consciousness, and that as a rule is the idea which one has of oneself. In this idea the shadow is usually missing: first because nobody likes to admit to any inferiority, and second because logic forbids something white to be called black. A good man has good qualities, and only the bad man has bad qualities. For reasons of prestige we pass over the shadow in complete silence. A famous example of masculine prejudice is Nietzsche's Superman, who scorns compassion and fights against the “Ugliest Man”—the ordinary man that everyone is. The shadow must not be seen, it must be denied, repressed, or twisted into something quite extraordinary. The sun is always shining and everything smiles back. There is no room for any prestige-diminishing weakness, so the sol niger is never seen. Only in solitary hours is its presence feared.



Earth 地球
dry  乾す
Fire  火
cold  寒冷
Water 水
moist しっとり
Air  空気
warm あたたかい
SOL  ソル




塩をエロスとして(すなわち感情関係として)解釈することの確証は、苦味が色の起源であるという事実にある(par. 245)。色彩が感情値であることは、能動的な想像力によって分析を補う患者の絵や絵画を見るだけでよくわかる。たいていの場合、最初は鉛筆やペンを使って、夢や突然の思いつき、空想のスケッチを素早く描くだけである。しかし、ある瞬間から、患者は色を使うようになる。

(しかし、ある瞬間から、患者は色を使うようになる、 これは一般に、単に知的な興味が感情的な参加に変わる瞬間である。

But from a certain moment on the patients begin to make use of colour,and this is generally the moment when merely intellectual interest gives way to emotional participation.)


Things are different with Luna: every month she is darkened and extinguished; she cannot hide this from anybody, not even from herself. She knows that this same Luna is now bright and now dark-but who has ever heard of a dark sun? We call this quality of Luna "woman's closeness to nature," and the fiery brilliance and hot air that plays round the surface of things we like to call "the masculine mind."
Despite all attempts at denial and obfuscation there is an unconscious factor, a black sun, which is responsible for the surprisingly common phenomenon of masculine split-mindedness, when the right hand mustn't know what the left is doing. This split in the masculine psyche and the regular darkening of the moon in woman toget er explain the remarkable fact that the woman is accused of all the darkness in a man, while he himself basks in the thought that he is a veritable fount of vitality and illumination for all the females in his environment. Actually, he would be better advised to shroud the brilliance of his mind in the profoundest doubt. It is not difficult for this type of mind (which besides other things is a great trickster like Mercurius) to admit a host of sins in the most convincing way, and even to combine it with a spurious feeling of ethical superiority without in the least approximating to a genuine insight. This can never be achieved without the participation of feeling; but the intellect admits feeling only when it is convenient. The novilunium of woman is a source of countless disappointments for man which easily turn to bitterness, though they could equally well be a source of wisdom if they were understood. Naturally this is possible only if he is prepared to acknowledge his black sun, that is, his shadow.
Confirmation of our interpretation of salt as Eros (i.e., as a feeling relationship) is found in the fact that the bitterness is the origin of the colours (par. 245). We have only to look at the drawings and paintings of patients who supplement their analysis by active imagination to see that colours are feeling-values. Mostly, to begin with, only a pencil or pen is used to make rapid sketches of dreams, sudden ideas, and fantasies. But from a certain moment on the patients begin to make use of colour, and this is generally the moment when merely intellectual interest gives way to emotional



塩とその性質についてのこのような解釈は、錬金術の記述が関与するすべての場合と同様に、錬金術師自身がそのような考えを持っていたかどうかを問うことを促すものである。彼らがアマリトゥード(苦味)の道徳的な意味を徹底的に認識していたことは文献からわかっているし、サピエンティア(知恵)という言葉も、我々がこの言葉で理解するものと本質的に異なるものを意味していたわけではないだろう。しかし、苦味からどのように知恵が生まれるのか、苦味がどのように色の源となりうるのか、これらの点については、彼らは私たちを暗闇に置き去りにした。また、これらの関連性が彼らにとって自明であり、説明することが余計なことであると考える理由もない。もしそうなら、誰かが必ずそれを口にしたはずだ。それよりも、意識的に認識することなく、ただ口にしただけである可能性の方がはるかに高い。むしろ、ある著者はあることに言及し、別の著者は別のことに言及する。そして、我々がここで試みたように、それらをすべて一緒に見ることによってのみ、我々は全体像を得ることができるのだ」661 錬金術師自身がこの方法を示唆しており、私が最初に心理的解釈の道に入ったのは、彼らの助言だったことを認めざるを得ない。ロザリウム』には、「ページからページへと読むべし」とあり、他にも「多くの書物を所有すべし」、「一冊の書物が別の書物を開く」と言われている。しかし、19世紀まで心理学的な視点が全くなかったため(今日でも大きな誤解を招いている)、錬金術師の意識に心理学的な解釈らしきものが浸透したとはとても思えない。彼らの道徳的概念は、完全に同義語と類似の平面、つまり「対応」によって動いていた。彼らの発言のほとんどは、夢や突然の思いつき、空想のように、意識的ではなく無意識的な思考行為から生まれたものであり、その意味もまた、注意深く比較・分析することによって初めて後から判明する。

しかし、最も大きな謎は、錬金術師たちが自分たちの物質を本当に意味していたのかという、常に繰り返される疑問であることは言うまでもない。例えば、"サル・スピリチュアル "の意味は何だろうか?化学物質があまりにも未知のものであったため、瞬時に投影の担い手となったのである。その闇は無意識の内容を含んでおり、彼らと化学物質の間には、参加神秘主義、すなわち無意識の同一性の状態が生じ、この物質が、ともかく部分的には無意識の内容のように振舞うようになった。この関係については、錬金術師たちは、心理学的としか理解できないような発言をすることができるほど、おぼろげながら理解していた。

participation. Occasionally the same phenomenon can be observed in dreams, which at such moments are dreamt in colour, or a particularly vivid colour is insisted upon.
Disappointment, always a shock to the feelings, is not only the mother of bitterness but the strongest incentive to a differentiation of feeling. The failure of a pet plan, the disappointing behaviour of someone one loves, can supply the impulse either for a more or less brutal outburst of affect or for a modification and adjustment of feeling, and hence for its higher development. This culminates in wisdom if feeling is supplemented by reflection and rational insight. Wisdom is never violent: where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling.
This interpretation of salt and its qualities prompts us to ask, as in all cases where alchemical statements are involved, whether the alchemists themselves had such thoughts. We know from the literature that they were thoroughly aware of the moral meaning of the amaritudo, and by sapientia they did not mean anything essentially different from what we understand by this word. But how the wisdom comes from the bitterness, and how the bitterness can be the source of the colours, on these points they leave us in the dark. Nor have we any reason to believe that these connections were so self-evident to them that they regarded any explanation as superfluous. If that were so, someone would have been sure to blurt it out. It is much more probable that they simply said these things without any conscious act of cognition. Moreover, the sum of all these statements is seldom or never found consistently formulated in any one author; rather one author mentions one thing and another another, and it is only by viewing them all together, as we have tried to do here, that we get the whole picture.661 The alchemists themselves suggest this method, and I must admit that it was their advice which first put me on the track of a psychological interpretation. The Rosarium says one should "read from page to page," and other sayings are "He should possess many books" and "One book opens another." Yet the complete lack, until the nineteenth century, of any psychological viewpoint (which even today meets with the grossest misunderstandings) makes it very unlikely that anything resembling a psychological interpretation penetrated into the consciousness of the alchemists. Their moral concepts moved entirely on the plane of synonym and analogy, in a word, of "correspondence." Most of their statements spring not from a conscious but from an unconscious act of thinking, as do dreams, sudden ideas, and fantasies, where again we only find out the meaning afterwards by careful comparison and analysis.

But the greatest of all riddles, of course, is the ever-recurring question of what the alchemists really meant by their substances. What, for instance, is the meaning of a "sal spirituale”? The only possible answer seems to be this: chemical matter was so completely unknown to them that it instantly became a carrier for projections. Its darkness was so loaded with unconscious contents that a state of participation mystique, or unconscious identity, arose between them and the chemical substance, which caused this substance to behave, at any rate in part, like an unconscious content. Of this relationship the alchemists had a dim presentiment-enough, anyway, to enable them to make statements which can only be understood as psychological.