
Philemon was simply a superior knowledge,
and he taught me psychological objectivity and the actuality of the soul. 
He formulated and expressed everything which I had never thought."
C.G. Jung


内側に耳を傾ける能力 「私は経験から、無意識が内向性を求めていることを知っています。
C.G.ユング S博士への書簡 1951年8月


The Ability to Listen Inwards "I know from experience that the demand of the unconscious for introversion
..the ability to listen inwards.. is unusually great.
And equally great is the danger that instead of being able to listen inwards one is compelled to listen inwards."
C.G. Jung Letter to Dr. S. August 1951


I. 音 事実とイメージ
1 それは
1 興味深いのは、この聴覚的共時性が、同じような聴覚的症状を共有するこの二人の間で起こったことだ。

I. Sound: Facts and Images
Jung on Otosclerosis and Auditory Synchronicity: (A Letter to a friend)
I see with regret from your letter that you are suffering very much from your noises in the ear. The unconscious often uses symptoms of this kind in order to make psychic contents audible, i.e., the symptoms are intensified by a psychogenic afflux and only then do they acquire the proper tormenting character that forces your attention inwards, where of course it gets caught in the disturbing noises. Obviously it should turn inwards but not get caught in the noises; rather it should push on to the contents that are acting on it like a magnet. The little word "should" always means that one doesn't know the way to the desired goal. But often it is at least helpful to know that on top of the organic symptom there is a psychic layer that can be lifted off. I know from experience that the demand of the unconscious for introversion – in your case the ability to listen inwards – is unusually great. And equally great is the danger that instead of being able to listen inwards one is compelled to listen inwards. My own otosclerosis has presented me with all manner of noises, so I am fairly well informed on this matter. You are quite right to remember the storm that interrupted our conversation. In a quite irrational way we must be able to listen also to the voice of nature, thunder for instance, even if this means breaking the continuity of consciousness.
To "Dr. S," Aug. 8, 1951, C.G. Jung, Letters, Vol. II, pp. 20-21.
1 It
interesting to note that this incident of auditory synchronicity occurred between these two men who shared similar auditory symp-


3. 音と精神
の近くにいる。フロイトはこの体験を「ボッシュ」と呼び、"触媒的外在化現象 "と位置づけた。そしてユングは、2回目の大きな音の報告を予言した。そしてそれは即座に起こった。フロイトは、この事件以来、彼を常に不信の目で見ていたとコメントしています。
同上、146-56頁。59 同上、170-99頁。

3. Sound and the Psyche
nearby. Freud called this experience as “bosh” and rele- gated it to a "catalytic exteriorization phenomenon." Jung then predicted a second loud report. And it did immedi- ately occur. Freud, he commented, always regarded him with some distrust after that incident!
Since highly charged unconscious energy often seemed to take the form of auditory energy in Jung's life, it is no surprise to learn that his most steady auditory work was during his period of intense “confrontation with the uncon- scious," from about 1912 to 1917. He was doing active imagination (or inner dialoging) with several major inner figures, including Elijah, Salome, a black snake, his artisti- cally seductive anima and perhaps the most central, Philo- men, who taught him psychic objectivity and the reality of the psyche. Jung wrote: "Sometimes it was as if I were hearing it with my ears, sometimes feeling it with my mouth, as if my tongue were formulating the words; now and then I heard myself whispering aloud. Below the threshold of consciousness everything was seething with life.' Auditory energy returned to plague Jung's old age. Like many elderly people, he suffered from “otosclerosis,” a stiffening in the mobility of the middle ear joints, resulting in repetitious noises within the ears.
Jung manifested a state of relative unconsciousness and vulnerability and yet a moving responsiveness, in regards to sound. He was rarely consciously moved by sound from the inside or outside, but when he was, he allowed his life to be profoundly guided by the messages he heard. For Jung, auditory energy was a basic and creative life force which reaches toward potential wholeness, creating a vibrant bridge between the unconscious and consciousness.
Ibid., pp. 146-56. 59 Ibid., pp. 170-99.


3. 音と精神


3. Sound and the Psyche
Reverberating within these companion areas of religion, healing and medicine, the acoustic vessel of psychotherapy, in its small and individual way, partakes as a potential microcosm for awareness, creativity and healing, as we will address in the third section, "The Acoustic Vessel." But first, we will make a brief foray into the human way of accomplish- ing hearing and speech, listening to the facts and images of the voice and the ear.


ユングは、すべての人間がこの進化において果たすべき個々の役割を持っていると信じていました. 私たちの集合的な意識の能力が無意識の精神から進化したのと同じように、それは各個人でも起こります. 私たち一人一人は、個々の生涯において、人類の進化を要約しなければならず、私たち一人一人は、意識の進化が進められる個々の容器でなければなりません. 私たち一人一人は、普遍的なプロセスがそれ自体を実現する小宇宙です。」 内なる仕事: 個人の成長のために夢と能動的な想像力を使う by Robert A. Johnson

Jung believed that every mortal has an individual role to play in this evolution. For just as our collective human capacity for consciousness evolved out of the unconscious psyche, so it does in each individual. Each of us must, in an individual lifetime, recapitulate the evolution of the human race, and each of us must be an individual container in which the evolution of consciousness is carried forward. Each of us is a microcosm in which the universal process actualizes itself.” Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert A. Johnson



“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”ーC.G. Jung