マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ - 「男性がアニマを発達させていないとき、彼の女性的な側面はナルシシスティックになります」





Is his statement gender specific? Does the same apply towards the anima of man?



「無意識の分析の当面の目標は、無意識の内容がもはや無意識のままではなく、アニムスやアニマの現象として間接的に表現されない状態に到達することである。そうでない限り、それらは自律的な複合体であり、意識的なコントロールを突破して、まさに "平和を乱すもの "として作用する撹乱要因なのである。

このことはよく知られていることなので、この意味で使われる「コンプレックス」という言葉は、一般的な会話に使われるようになった。コンプレックスが多ければ多いほど、その人は憑依されていることになる。そして、そのコンプレックスを通して表現される人格のイメージを作ろうとすると、それはヒステリックな女性、すなわちアニマに似ていると認めざるを得ないのである !


 素晴らしい反応です。タイ!!! 🙏👍




[504] 肉体と再会した「魂」は、両者から生まれたものであり、両者に共通する「縁」である。したがって、それは関係の本質そのものである。同様に、心理的アニマは、集合的無意識の代表として、集合的な性格を持つ。集合的無意識は自然で普遍的なデータであり、その顕在化は常に無意識のアイデンティティ、参加神秘の状態を引き起こす。意識的な人格がそれに巻き込まれ、何の抵抗もしない場合、その関係は(たとえば夢の中で)アニマによって擬人化され、そのとき、多かれ少なかれ人格の自律的な部分として、一般に不穏な影響を及ぼすことになる。しかし、長い間の徹底的な分析と投影の中止の結果、自我が無意識からうまく分離されたなら、アニマは次第に自律的な人格として作用しなくなり、意識と無意識との関係の機能として機能するようになるであろう。アニマが投影されている限り、彼女は人や物に関するあらゆる種類の幻想を引き起こし、その結果、果てしない複雑さをもたらす。アニマが投影されなくなると、アニマは元型のイメージになり、それが適切な場所に配置されると、個人にとって有利に機能するようになる。自我と世界の間に置かれたアニマは、常に変化するシャクティのように働き、マヤのベールを織り、存在の幻影を踊る。しかし、自我と無意識の間で機能するアニマは、異教の女神から聖母まで、聖杯の使者から聖人まで、すべての神的、半神的な人物の母体となるものである。無意識のアニマは、人間関係のない生き物であり、個人を完全に所有することを唯一の目的とする自己エロティックな存在である。このようなことが男性に起こると、彼は悪い意味で奇妙に女性らしくなり、不機嫌で制御不能な性格になり、やがてこれまで信頼できた機能、たとえば彼の知性にさえ悪影響を及ぼし、アニムスに取りつかれた女性には当然好ましくないという種類の考えや意見を生じさせるのである。

[The more “complexes” a man has, the more he is possessed; and when we try to form a picture of the personality which expresses itself through his complexes we must admit that it resembles nothing so much as an hysterical woman—i.e., the anima! ]

“The immediate goal of the analysis of the unconscious, therefore, is to reach a state where the unconscious contents no longer remain unconscious and no longer express themselves indirectly as animus and anima phenomena; that is to say, a state in which animus and anima become functions of relationship to the unconscious. So long as they are not this, they are autonomous complexes, disturbing factors that break through the conscious control and act like true “disturbers of the peace.”

Because this is such a well-known fact my term “complex,” as used in this sense, has passed into common speech. The more “complexes” a man has, the more he is possessed; and when we try to form a picture of the personality which expresses itself through his complexes we must admit that it resembles nothing so much as an hysterical woman—i.e., the anima !

But if such a man makes himself conscious of his unconscious contents, as they appear firstly in the factual contents of his personal unconscious, and then in the fantasies of the collective unconscious, he will get to the roots of his complexes, and in this way rid himself of his possession. With that the anima phenomenon comes to a stop.”
~Carl Jung, CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, Para 387

 wonderful response. Ty!!! 🙏👍

[If the conscious personality becomes caught up in it (unconscious identity, a state of participation mystique) and offers no resistance, the relationship is personified by the anima, who then, as a more or less autonomous part of the personality, generally has a disturbing effect...

So long as she is projected she leads to all sorts of illusions about people and things and thus to endless complications.

The unconscious anima is a creature without relationships, an autoerotic being whose one aim is to take total possession of the individual. When this happens to a man he becomes strangely womanish in the worst sense, with a moody and uncontrolled disposition which, in time, has a deleterious effect even on the hitherto reliable functions—e.g., his intellect—and gives rise to the kind of ideas and opinions we rightly find so objectionable in animus-possessed women.]

[504] The “soul” which is reunited with the body is the One born of the two, the vinculum common to both. It is therefore the very essence of relationship. Equally the psychological anima, as representative of the collective unconscious, has a collective character. The collective unconscious is a natural and universal datum and its manifestation always causes an unconscious identity, a state of participation mystique. If the conscious personality becomes caught up in it and offers no resistance, the relationship is personified by the anima (in dreams, for instance), who then, as a more or less autonomous part of the personality, generally has a disturbing effect. But if, as the result of a long and thorough analysis and the withdrawal of projections, the ego has been successfully separated from the unconscious, the anima will gradually cease to act as an autonomous personality and will become a function of relationship between conscious and unconscious. So long as she is projected she leads to all sorts of illusions about people and things and thus to endless complications. The withdrawal of projections makes the anima what she originally was: an archetypal image which, in its right place, functions to the advantage of the individual. Interposed between the ego and the world, she acts like an ever-changing Shakti, who weaves the veil of Maya and dances the illusion of existence. But, functioning between the ego and the unconscious, the anima becomes the matrix of all the divine and semidivine figures, from the pagan goddess to the Virgin, from the messenger of the Holy Grail to the saint. The unconscious anima is a creature without relationships, an autoerotic being whose one aim is to take total possession of the individual. When this happens to a man he becomes strangely womanish in the worst sense, with a moody and uncontrolled disposition which, in time, has a deleterious effect even on the hitherto reliable functions—e.g., his intellect—and gives rise to the kind of ideas and opinions we rightly find so objectionable in animus-possessed women.
~CG Jung, Psychology and the Transference, Para 504.









アニマやアニムスによる憑依は、異なる様相を呈している。所有の状態では、どちらの人物もその魅力と価値を失う。彼らがそれらを保つのは、世間から背を向けたとき、内向的な状態で、無意識への橋渡しとして機能するときだけである。~カール・ユング、CW 9i, Para 222f.







I think this chattering may be part of this.

and I don't see it as a gender thing but the same phenomenon may well play out typically different for women vs men.

that inner chatterbox is not actually what Jung is referring to in this dialogue.

Anima/Animus possession occurs when they turn to the outer, not the inner world :

For the man : "Turned towards the world, the anima is fickle, capricious, moody, uncontrolled and emotional, sometimes gifted with daemonic intuitions, ruthless, malicious, untruthful, bitchy, double-faced, and mystical."

For the woman : "The animus is obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering."

"Both alike have bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people, and the animus lets himself be taken in by second-rate thinking."
~C.G. Jung, Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious.

Possession caused by the anima or animus presents a different picture. . . .In the state of possession both figures lose their charm and their values; they retain them only when they are turned away from the world, in the introverted state, when they serve as bridges to the unconscious. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 222f.

As soon as a man can accept his shadow, he can dismiss his anima; similarly a woman, when she accepts her other side, doesn’t need to have any animus. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 232

The same thing happens in a man's case naturally: his shadow can be the prey of that powerful female, the anima, and then it is a case of possession.
One must separate the shadow from the animus or anima. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 890

I wonder if there’s a citation/reference for this?

it’s from the Zurich tapes

earlier in the recording he speaks of a women who has, what he calls, a superior animus rather than superior thinking function or intellect.

女性は男性的な要素によって補われ、したがって彼女の無意識は、いわば男性的な刻印を持つ。この結果、男性と女性の間にはかなりの心理的差異が生じます。したがって、私は女性の投影を行う要素を、心または精神を意味するアニムスと呼んでいます。アニムスは父性のロゴスに対応し、アニマは母性のエロスに対応する。しかし、私はこの二つの直感的な概念に、あまり具体的な定義を与えることを望ま ないし、そのつもりもありません。私はエロスとロゴスを、女性の意識が、ロゴスに関連する識別や認識よりも、エロスの結合的な質によって特徴づけられるという事実を説明するための概念的な補助としてのみ使用しています。男性では、関係性の機能であるエロスは、通常、ロゴスよりも発達していない。一方、女性の場合、エロスは本性の表現であるが、ロゴスは残念な偶然に過ぎないことが多い。そのため、家族内や友人間で誤解が生じたり、厄介な解釈がなされたりする。これは、考察ではなく、意見で構成されているからである。意見とは、絶対的な真理を主張する先験的な仮定を意味する。このような思い込みは、誰もが知っているように、非常に苛立たしいものです。アニムスは議論を好むので、両者が正しいとわかっている論争で最もよく働くと思われる。男性も、アニマに憑依され、自分のアニマのアニムスに変身したときには、非常に女性的な方法で議論することができる。女性の場合は、真実か正義か、あるいはその他の「イズム」であるかにかかわらず、権力の問題である。女性の議論では、「父」(つまり、従来の意見の総体)が常に大きな役割を果たす。女のエロスがいかに友好的で親切であっても、アニムスに乗じられたら、この世のどんな論理も彼女を揺るがすことはできない。男はしばしば、誘惑や殴打やレイプだけが説得に必要な力を持つという感覚を持っており、それは完全に間違ってはいない。もし自分が戦場を離れ、第二の女性(たとえば妻、彼女自身が燃える軍馬でない場合)に戦いを続けさせれば、この非常に劇的な状況はたちまち平凡でエキサイティングでない終わりを迎えることに、彼は気づいていないのだ。というのも、男はアニムスと5分も会話すれば、自分のアニマの犠牲になってしまうからだ。この後の対話を客観的に聞けるユーモアのセンスがある人なら、ありふれた言葉、誤用された真理、新聞や小説の決まり文句、下品な罵倒や論理の欠如にまじって、あらゆる種類の店で使われる平凡な言葉が膨大にあることに唖然とすることであろう。これは、参加者のいかんにかかわらず、世界中のあらゆる言語で何百万回も何千万回も繰り返される対話であり、常に本質的に同じであり続ける。アニムスとアニマが出会うとき、アニムスは力の剣を抜き、アニマは幻想と誘惑の毒を吐き出すのだ。この二人は同じように恋に落ちる可能性があるからだ(一目ぼれの特別な例)。愛の言葉は驚くほど画一的で、使い古された定型文を最大限の献身と忠実さで使うので、二人のパートナーは再び平凡な集団の状況に置かれることになる。しかし、彼らは、最も個人的な方法で互いに関連しているという幻想の中で生きている。アニマ/アニムスの関係は、その肯定的な側面においても否定的な側面においても、常に「敵意」、すなわち感情的であり、それゆえ集団的であることに満ちている。感情は関係のレベルを下げ、それを共通の本能的な基盤に近づけるが、それはもはや個人的なものではなくなっている。人間関係はしばしば、その実行者である人間を無視して進行し、実行者はその後、自分たちに何が起こったのかわからなくなる。~カール・ユング『アイオン』15-16ページ


Woman iompensated by a masculine element and therefore her unconscious has, so to speak, a masculine imprint. This results in a considerable psychological difference between men and women, and accordingly I have called the projection-making factor in women the animus, which means mind or spirit. The animus corresponds to the paternal Logos just as the anima corresponds to the maternal Eros. But I do not wish or intend to give these two intuitive concepts too sps cecific a definition. I use Eros and Logos merely as conceptual aids to describe the fact that woman's consciousness is characterized more by the connective quality of Eros than by the discrimination and cognition associated with Logos. In men, Eros, the function of relationship, is usually less developed than Logos. In women, on the other hand, Eros is an expression of their true nature, while their Logos is often only a regrettable accident. It gives rise to misunderstandings and annoying interpretations in the family circle and among friends. This is because it consists of opinions instead of reflections, and by opinions I mean a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth. Such assumptions, as everyone knows, can be extremely irritating. As the animus is partial to argument, he can best be seen at work in disputes where both parties know they are right. Men can argue in a very womanish way, too, when they are anima-possessed and have thus been transformed into the animus of their own anima. With them the question becomes one of personal vanity and touchiness (as if they were females); with women it is a question of power, whether of truth or justice or some other "ism"—for the dressmaker and hairdresser have already taken care of their vanity. The "Father" (i.e., the sum of conventional opinions) always plays a great role in female argumentation. No matter how friendly and obliging a woman's Eros may be, no logic on earth can shake her if she is ridden by the animus. Often the man has the feeling—and he is not altogether wrong—that only seduction or a beating or rape would have the necessary power of persuasion. He is unaware that this highly dramatic situation would instantly come to a banal and unexciting end if he were to quit the field and let a second woman carry on the battle (his wife, for instance, if she herself is not the fiery war horse). This sound idea seldom or never occurs to him, because no man can converse with an animus for five minutes without becoming the victim of his own anima. Anyone who still had enough sense of humour to listen objectively to the ensuing dialogue would be staggered by the vast number of commonplaces, misapplied truisms, cliches from newspapers and novels, shop-soiled platitudes of every description interspersed with vulgar abuse and brain-splitting lack of logic. It is a dialogue which, irrespective of its participants, is repeated millions and millions of times in all the languages of the world and always remains essentially the same. This singular fact is due to the following circumstance: when animus and anima meet, the animus draws his sword of power and the anima ejects her poison of illusion and seduction. The outcome need not always be negative, since the two are equally likely to fall in love (a special instance of love at first sight). The language of love is of astonishing uniformity, using the well-worn formulas with the utmost devotion and fidelity so that once again the two partners find themselves in a banal collective situation. Yet they live in the illusion that they are related to one another in a most individual way. In both its positive and its negative aspects the anima/animus relationship is always full of "animosity," i.e., it is emotional, and hence collective. Affects lower the level of the relationship and bring it closer to the common instinctual basis, which no longer has anything individual about it. Very often the relationship runs its course heedless of its human performers, who afterwards do not know what happened to them. ~Carl Jung, Aion, Page 15-16 



The animus is in this respect rather difficult to deal with because it is a plurality. One can compare the animus, as I have said, to a group of people, a court, or a limited company, or an organization; while the anima is very definitely one person and therefore more clearly to be seen. The anima behaves exactly like a definite person, yet she is also a function, her true function being the connection between the conscious and the unconscious; there the anima is in her right place. That is, she is not in between myself and my audience, but in between myself and my unconscious audience, a mirror reflex of this world, the collective unconscious. There again, those people who think of the unconscious as being a psychological tissue contained in one's head are completely bewildered, for they can hardly form an idea of a tissue standing in one's head. That is indeed a very wrong idea. You should think of the collective unconscious in a very primitive way, then you are about right, at all events much nearer to the facts than when you think of it in psychological terms. You should think of it in the terms of primitive man, as the ghost land, all the invisible dead people amongst us. Or a good idea of the collective unconscious is that it is a sort of unknown or unconscious reality, the unknown in everything and in everybody. For instance, the unknown and invisible nature of this chair. Of course, any person of ordinary mind would deny emphatically that there was anything unknown in this chair. If they don't know what is in the chair they simply tear it open and see that there is hair or some other kind of stuffing in it, and the wood can be examined to see whether there is anything inside that, and they know about the maple tree from which it is made, so everything is perfectly normal. Yet they entirely forget that they have not penetrated the secret of cellulose, nor the secret of the atoms of which the chair is composed. There is an absolutely cosmic secret, an existing thing in the chair, and you see that forms the collective unconscious. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Pages 204-205


- カール・ユング
元型と集合無意識 元型の心理学的側面

"Much of the fear which the female sex arouses in men is due to the projection of the anima-image.... 
Since we can no longer or only partially express the archetypes of the unconscious by means of figures in which we religiously believe, they lapse into unconsciousness again, and hence are unconsciously projected upon more or less suitable human personalities."
- Carl Jung
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious The Psychological Aspects of the Kore