



" 誰もキリストの道を免れることはできない、この道は来るべきものに通じているのだから。

“ No one can be spared the way of Christ, since this way leads to what is to come.
You should all become Christs."
C.G. Jung



キリスト自身が "私のくびきは甘く、私の重荷は軽い "と言っているのだから、キリストの子は巨人クリストファーにとって楽な重荷となったのである。

The oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator - Saint Catherine's Monastery. The two different facial expressions on either side emphasize Christ's dual nature as both divine and human.
St. Christopher, the giant, bore his burden with difficulty, despite the fact that he bore only the Christ child.
But I was as small as a child and bore a giant, and yet my burden lifted me up.
The Christ child became an easy burden for the giant Christopher, since Christ himself said, "My yoke is sweet, and my burden is light."
We should not bear Christ as he is unbearable, but we should be Christs, for then our yoke is sweet and our burden easy:
This tangible and apparent world is one reality, but fantasy is the other reality: So long as we leave the God outside us apparent and tangible, he is unbearable and hopeless.
But if we turn the God into fantasy, he is in us and is easy to bear. The God outside us increases the weight of everything heavy, while the God within us lightens everything heavy: Hence all Christophers have stooped backs and short breath, since the world is heavy. ~Carl Jung, Red Book, Page 283.



リベラル・セカンダス 48/49

人はかつて、神を殺すことができると信じていた。しかし、神は救われ、火の中で新しい斧を鍛え、再び東方の光の洪水に突入して古代のサイクルを再開した」7 しかし、われわれ賢い人間は、傷つき、毒されて忍び寄り、何かが欠けていることにさえ気付かなかった。しかし、私は自分の神を愛し、彼を人間の家に連れて行った。なぜなら、彼もまた本当に幻想として生きており、それゆえ、傷つき、病気になりながら取り残されてはならないと確信したからである。そして、神を背負うことで、自分の体が重くなくなるという奇跡を経験したのです。

巨人である聖クリストファーは、キリストの子供だけを身ごもったにもかかわらず、その重荷を苦労して背負った」18 しかし、私は子供のように小さく、巨人を身ごもったのに、重荷が私を持ち上げてくれたのである。キリスト自身が「私のくびきは甘く、私の重荷は軽い」と言ったので、キリストの子は巨人クリストファーにとって容易な重荷となったのです119。私たちはキリストを耐え難いものとして負うのではなく、キリストになるべきで、そうすれば私たちのくびきは甘く、私たちの重荷は軽くなるからです。この目に見える見かけの世界は一つの現実ですが、ファンタジーはもう一つの現実です。私たちの外にいる神を見かけ上、形あるもののままにしておく限り、神は耐え難く、絶望的です。しかし、その神をファンタジーに変えてしまえば、神は私たちの中にいて、耐えることが容易になる。私たちの外にいる神は、すべての重いものの重さを増し、私たちの内にいる神は軽やかにする

116. 草稿は続ける。"我々人間は、どうやら空想などというものは存在しないと信じていたようだ。

これは次の章を指しているようである。118. 聖クリストファー(ギリシャ語で「キリストを運ぶ人」)は、3世紀の殉教者である。伝説によれば

119. マタイによる福音書11章30節


faded and the hot and cold way of pain no longer burned and froze my soles. The weight no longer kept me pressed to the ground, but instead the wind carried me lightly like a feather, while I carried the giant. '16

One used to believe that one could murder a God. But the God was saved, he forged a new axe in the fire, and plunged again into the flood of light of the East to resume his ancient cycle."7 But we clever men crept around lamed and poisoned, and did not even know that we lacked something. But I loved my God, and took him to the house of men, since I was convinced that he also really lived as a fantasy, and should therefore not be left behind, wounded and sick. And hence I experienced the miracle of my body losing its heaviness when I burdened myself with the God.

St. Christopher, the giant, bore his burden with difficulty, despite the fact that he bore only the Christ child."18 But I was as small as a child and bore a giant, and yet my burden lifted me up. The Christ child became an easy burden for the giant Christopher, since Christ himself said, “My yoke is sweet, and my burden is light.”119 We should not bear Christ as he is unbearable, but we should be Christs, for then our yoke is sweet and our burden easy. This tangible and apparent world is one reality, but fantasy is the other reality. So long as we leave the God outside us apparent and tangible, he is unbearable and hopeless. But if we turn the God into fantasy, he is in us and is easy to bear. The God outside us increases the weight of everything heavy, while the God within us lightens

116. The Draft continues: “We men apparently believed that there is no such thing as a
fantasy, and if we declared something to be fantastic, then it would be well and truly destroyed” (p. 314). In 1932, Jung commented on the contemporary dispargement of
fantasy (“The development of the personality," CW 17, S302). 
117. This seems to refer to the following chapter. 
118. St. Christopher (Greek for “Christ bearer") was a martyr in the third century. Accord
ing to legend, he had sought a hermit to inquire as to how he could serve Jesus. The hermit suggested he help carry people across a dangerous crossing in a river, which he did. On one occasion, a small child asked to be taken across. He found that the child was heavier than anyone else, and the child revealed himself to be Christ, bearing the
sins of the world. 
119. Matthew 11:30.




「自己またはキリストは、すべての人の中に先験的に存在するが、原則として、最初は無意識の状態である。しかし、この事実が意識されるようになるのは、後世の明確な経験である...それは、それが起こったときにのみ現実であり、それは、あなたが外側の歴史的または形而上学的キリストからの投影を撤回し、したがって内なるキリストを目覚めさせるときにのみ起こることができる。" ~CGユング、CW:18:par.1638。


What does christ means?


Christ, a Symbol of the Self
by Jerry Wright
“The Self or Christ is present in everybody a priori, but as a rule in an unconscious condition to begin with. But it is a definite experience of later life, when this fact becomes conscious...It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.” ~CG Jung, CW:18:par.1638.



 11:28 疲れた者、重荷を負う者は、だれでもわたしのもとに来なさい。休ませてあげよう。
 11:29 わたしは柔和で謙遜な者だから、わたしの軛を負い、わたしに学びなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたは安らぎを得られる。
 11:30 わたしの軛は負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからである。」


 11:28 "Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.
  11:29 Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest.
  11:30 For the yoke I will give you is easy, and the load I will put on you is light."





15:1 「わたしはまことのぶどうの木、わたしの父は農夫である。
15:2 わたしにつながっていながら、実を結ばない枝はみな、父が取り除かれる。しかし、実を結ぶものはみな、いよいよ豊かに実を結ぶように手入れをなさる。
15:3 わたしの話した言葉によって、あなたがたは既に清くなっている。
15:4 わたしにつながっていなさい。わたしもあなたがたにつながっている。ぶどうの枝が、木につながっていなければ、自分では実を結ぶことができないように、あなたがたも、わたしにつながっていなければ、実を結ぶことができない。
15:5 わたしはぶどうの木、あなたがたはその枝である。人がわたしにつながっており、わたしもその人につながっていれば、その人は豊かに実を結ぶ。わたしを離れては、あなたがたは何もできないからである。
15:6 わたしにつながっていない人がいれば、枝のように外に投げ捨てられて枯れる。そして、集められ、火に投げ入れられて焼かれてしまう。
15:7 あなたがたがわたしにつながっており、わたしの言葉があなたがたの内にいつもあるならば、望むものを何でも願いなさい。そうすればかなえられる。

15:1 "I am the real vine, and my Father is the gardener.
15:2 He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, so that it will be clean and bear more fruit.
15:3 You have been made clean already by the teaching I have given you.
15:4 Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me.
15:5 "I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.
15:6 Those who do not remain in me are thrown out like a branch and dry up; such branches are gathered up and thrown into the fire, where they are burned.
15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish, and you shall have it.






キリストが地上の舞台を去るとき、キリストは父に、彼らと共に、彼らの中に永遠に留まる"弁護者 "(「パラクルテ」)を彼らの群れに遣わすように頼みます。この相談役とは、父から遣わされる聖霊のことです。この「真理の霊」が信者に「すべてのこと」を教え、「すべての真理に導く」のです。






16:7 しかし、あなたがたに真実を話しているのです。

16:7 But I am telling you the truth: it is better for you that I go away, because if I do not go, the Helper will not come to you. But if I do go away, then I will send him to you.

項目4の第657段落と658段落は、本当に重要なテーマである受肉の継続に関す るものである。この考えはユング神話の核心である。

キリストにおける神の受肉は継続と完了を必要とします。なぜなら、キリストは処女からの誕生と罪のな いことによって、経験的な人間ではなかったからです。聖ヨハネの第一章で述べられているように、キリストは暗闇の中で光を放ちながらも、暗闇には理解されない光を表していました。彼は人間の外にいて、人間の上にいたのです。一方、ヨブは普通の人間であったので、彼に、そして彼を通して人類に与えられた過ちは、神の正義に従って、経験的な人間の中に神の化身(受肉)が現れることによってのみ、修復することができます。人間が神から苦しまなければならないのと同じように、神も人間から苦しまなければなりません。そうでなければ、両者の間に和解はありえません。





When Christ leaves the earthly stage, he will ask his father to send his flock a Counsellor (the "Paraclete") who will abide with them and in them forever. The Counsellor is the Holy Ghost, who will be sent from the father. This "Spirit of Truth" will teach the believers "all things" and guide them "into all truths.'' 

According to this, Christ envisages a continuing realization of God in his children, and consequently in his (Christ's) brothers and sisters in the spirit.
What Jung is referring to comes from the fourteenth and sixteenth chapters of John. Let me read parts of both, because this image of the coming of the Paraclete is another very important psychological symbol for our understanding. Christ is here announcing that he is going to die shortly, and he is informing his disciples of that fact, and telling them not to be disturbed because there is going to be a replacement. This is from the Jerusalem translation:

It is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go the Advocate [the Paraclete], will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you. [John 16:7]
I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate [Paraclete] to be with you forever, that Spirit of truth, whom the world can never receive, since it neither sees nor knows him, but you know him, because he is with you, he is in you. I will not leave you orphans. I will come back to you. In a short time the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I will live and you will live. On that day you will understand that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. [John 14:16]

What does this mean? It means that a literal, concrete embodiment of the Self for a given person which is the role Christ was fulfilling for his disciples at the time that that concrete, literal embodiment must die in order for the ego/Self relation to be internalized.

The coming of the Paraclete we can understand clinically as an image of the resolution of the archetypal transference. Thus, at the conclusion of an analysis, when the issue of the resolution of the transference is uppermost, the analyst must convey precisely the same message: "I must go and it is to your advantage that I go and unless I go your direct inner relation to the Self cannot appear." And in order to promote that inner direct relation to the Self we have to encourage active imagination. In the later phases of analysis active imagination is the primary agency for the resolution of the transference. Active imagination is the evocation of the Paraclete.

Item 4, paragraphs 657 and 658, concerns a really crucial theme, the continuing incarnation. This idea is the core of the Jungian myth:

God's Incarnation in Christ requires continuation and completion because Christ, owing to his virgin birth and his sinlessness, was not an empirical human being at all. As stated in the first chapter of St. John, he represented a light which, though it shone in the darkness, was not comprehended by the darkness. He remained outside and above mankind. Job, on the other hand, was an ordinary human being, and therefore the wrong done to him, and through him to mankind, can, according to divine justice, only be repaired by an incarnation of God in an empirical human being. This act of expiation is performed by the Paraclete; for, just as man must suffer from God, so God must suffer from man. Otherwise there can be no reconciliation between the two.

The continuing, direct operation of the Holy Ghost on those who are called to be God's children implies, in fact, a broadening process of incarnation. Christ, the son begotten by God, is the first-born who is succeeded by an ever-increasing number of younger brothers and sisters.
This is the idea of the continuing incarnation. It's another expression of the process of individuation but it's a more vivid, more evocative symbol for the process of individuation which otherwise has a rather abstract quality about it. Jung says more about this theme later on in Answer to Job, but I first want to read you part of a letter he wrote to Elined Kotschnig. 

I would like to remind you that this letter, written in English, is a major text of the new Jungian myth.
The significance of man is enhanced by the incarnation. We have become participants of the divine life and we have to assume a new responsibility, viz. the continuation of the divine self-realization, which expresses itself in the task of our individuation. Individuation does not only mean that man has become truly human as distinct from animal, but that he is to become partially divine as well. 

This means practically that he becomes adult, responsible for his existence, knowing that he does not only depend on God but that God also depends on man. Man's relation to God probably has to undergo a certain important change: Instead of the propitiating praise for an unpredictable king or the child's prayer to a loving father, the responsible living and fulfilling of the divine will in us will be our form of worship of and commerce with God. His goodness means grace and light and His dark side the terrible temptation of power. [Letters, vol. 2, p. 316]
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, Pages 75-78