"Therefore after his death Christ had to journey to Hell, otherwise the ascent to Heaven would have become impossible for him. Christ first had to become his Antichrist, his underworldly brother. No one knows what happened during the three days Christ was in Hell. I have experienced it. The men of yore said that he had preached there to the deceased. What they say is true, but do you know how this happened?"~Carl Jung, from The Red Book, page 224

「したがって、彼の死後、キリストは地獄に旅しなければなりませんでした。そうでなければ、彼にとって天国への上昇は不可能になったでしょう。キリストは最初に彼の反キリスト、彼の地下世界の兄弟にならなければなりませんでした。キリストが地獄にいた3日間に何が起こったのか誰も知りません.私はそれを経験しました.昔の人々は、彼がそこで故人に説教したと言っていました.彼らの言うことは真実ですが、あなたはこれがどのように起こったか知っていますか?」~カール・ユング、The Red Book、224ページから


キリストは十字架で死んだ後、冥界に行き、地獄となった。そこで彼は反キリスト、竜の姿をとった。古代人から伝わってきた反キリストのイメージは、古代人が予見していた新しい神の到来を告げているのである。                                                   ~C.G. ユング『赤い本』242頁 'Luceafărule' Octavian Smigelschi (1904)


Expressive Psychology
After death on the cross Christ went into the underworld and became Hell. So he took on the form of the Antichrist, the dragon. The image of the Antichrist, which has come down to us from the ancients, announces the new God, whose coming the ancients had foreseen.                                                    ~C.G. Jung, The Red Book, p. 242        ’Luceafărule’ Octavian Smigelschi (1904)







"According to Jung the Christ-image is too one-sidedly spiritual and good to be able to represent man's wholeness adequately. It is lacking in darkness and in bodily and material reality. This was perceived as early as the Middle Ages by the alchemists, the natural scientists of that time, whose attention was directed, not to their own redemption but to the liberation of God from the darkness of matter. The divine Anthropos they sought to free from matter was an image of man in which good and evil, spirit and matter, were genuinely united and through which not only man but also all of nature would be made whole. It is this alchemical image of a god-man which is constellated in the collective background of the psyche of contemporary man and which because it is not recognized expresses itself in all sorts of singular projections, in Nietzsche's idea of the Superman, in the "true man" of Karl Marx, in Teilhard de Chardin's new Christ-image, to name only a few. At bottom it is the image of man in the Aquarian Age which is being formed in the collective unconscious. 

The astrological image of the Aquarian period is an image of man which, according to Jung, represents the Anthropos as an image of the Self, or of the greater inner personality which lives in every human being and in the collective psyche. He pours water from a jug into the mouth of a fish, of the constellation of the so-called "Southern Fish," which represents something still unconscious. This could mean that the task of man in the Aquarian Age will be to become conscious of his larger inner presence, the Anthropos, and to give the utmost care to the unconscious and to nature, instead of exploiting it (as is the case today, for the most part)." ~Marie Louise Von Franz, C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, Pages 135-136


[76] もし我々が伝統的なキリストの姿を自己の精神的顕現と並行して見るならば、反キリストは自己の影、すなわち人間の全体性の暗い半分に対応することになるが、これはあまり楽観的に判断すべきではないだろう。経験から判断する限り、人間の本性には光と影があまりにも均等に分布しているので、その心理的全体性は、控えめに言っても、やや濁った光の中に見えるのである。心理学的な自己の概念は、部分的には人間の全体についての知識から導かれるが、残りの部分は、内なる矛盾によって結合された元型的な四元性として無意識の産物の中に自発的に描かれるものであり、光の姿に属する影を省くことはできない、それなしではこの姿が身体と人間性を欠くためである。経験的な自己において、光と影は逆説的な一体性を形成している。一方、キリスト教の概念では、元型は絶望的に二つの相容れない部分に分裂し、最終的に形而上学的な二元論、つまり、天の国と地獄の炎の世界との分離に至るのである。

[77]キリスト教に対して肯定的な態度をとる者にとって、反キリストの問題を解決するのは難しいことである。悪魔がキリストの敵として、ひいては神の敵として真価を発揮するのはキリスト教の勃興以降であり、ヨブ記の時点ではまだ神の子の一人であり、ヤハウェと親しい関係にあったのである。24 心理学的には、キリストの教義的な姿があまりにも崇高で汚れなく、他のすべてがその傍らで暗転してしまうので、このケースは明らかである。実際、あまりにも一方的に完全であるため、バランスを回復するために心理的な補完を必要とするのである。この必然的な対立が、非常に早い時期に、神の二人の息子という教義を生み出し、そのうちの長男が24 R. Scharf, "Die Gestalt des Satans im Alten Testament. "(旧約聖書におけるサタンの姿。)を参照してください。42 CHRIST, A SYMBOL OF THE SELF(自己の象徴であるキリスト)はサタナエルと呼ばれた。25 反キリストの到来は単なる予言ではなく、その存在はヨハネの手紙の作者には知られていなかったが、差し迫ったエナンチオドロミアを確実に知ることができる不可抗力の心理法則なのである。その結果、彼はこの変容の内的必然性を意識していたかのように書いているが、その考えは彼にとって神の啓示のように思われたことは確かであろう。現実には、キリスト像の分化が強まるたびに、それに対応して無意識の補集合が強調され、それによって上と下の間の緊張が高まるのである。
~CGユング、CW 9ii, Para 76-77.






神話は、ある人々がそれを永遠の真理の文字通りの啓示であると信じていても、神話 であり続けますが、それが含んでいる生きた真理が信仰の対象でなくなれば、それは病的なも のとなるのです。そのため、新しい解釈によって、神話の生命を更新することが必要である。つまり、時代の精神的な変化に対応させるということである]。


[76] If we see the traditional figure of Christ as a parallel to the psychic manifestation of the self, then the Antichrist would correspond to the shadow of the self, namely the dark half of the human totality, which ought not to be judged too optimistically. So far as we can judge from experience, light and shadow are so evenly distributed in man's nature that his psychic totality appears, to say the least of it, in a somewhat murky light. The psychological concept of the self, in part derived from our knowledge of the whole man, but for the rest depicting itself spontaneously in the products of the unconscious as an archetypal quaternity bound together by inner antinomies, cannot omit the shadow that belongs to the light figure, for without it this figure lacks body and humanity. In the empirical self, light and shadow form a paradoxical unity. In the Christian concept, on the other hand, the archetype is hopelessly split into two irreconcilable halves, leading ultimately to a metaphysical dualism — the final separation of the kingdom of heaven from the fiery world of the damned.

[77] For anyone who has a positive attitude towards Christianity the problem of the Antichrist is a hard nut to crack. It is nothing less than the counterstroke of the devil, provoked by God's Incarnation; for the devil attains his true stature as the adversary of Christ, and hence of God, only after the rise of Christianity, while as late as the Book of Job he was still one of God's sons and on familiar terms with Yahweh. 24 Psychologically the case is clear, since the dogmatic figure of Christ is so sublime and spotless that everything else turns dark beside it. It is, in fact, so one-sidedly perfect that it demands a psychic complement to restore the balance. This inevitable opposition led very early to the doctrine of the two sons of God, of whom the elder 24 Cf. R. Scharf, "Die Gestalt des Satans im Alten Testament." 42 CHRIST, A SYMBOL OF THE SELF was called Satanael. 25 The coming of the Antichrist is not just a prophetic prediction—it is an inexorable psychological law whose existence, though unknown to the author of the Johannine Epistles, brought him a sure knowledge of the impending enantiodromia. Consequently he wrote as if he were conscious of the inner necessity for this transformation, though we may be sure that the idea seemed to him like a divine revelation. In reality every intensified differentiation of the Christ-image brings about a corresponding accentuation of its unconscious complement, thereby increasing the tension between above and below.
~CG Jung, CW 9ii, Para 76-77.

"Although all this sounds as if it were a sort of theological speculation"...


 is that your opinion?


Although it may SOUND like theological speculation to the Believers… it is not.

Thus Spake Zarathustra!


[Although all this sounds as if it were a sort of theological speculation, it is in reality modern man’s perplexity expressed in symbolic terms. It is the problem I so often had to deal with in treating the neuroses of intelligent patients. It can be expressed in a more scientific, psychological language for instance, instead of using the term God you say “unconscious,” instead of Christ “self,” instead of incarnation “integration of the unconscious,” instead of salvation or redemption “individuation,” instead of crucifixion or sacrifice on the Cross “realization of the four functions or of “wholeness.” I think it is no disadvantage to religious tradition if we can see how far it coincides with psychological experience. On the contrary it seems to me a most welcome aid in understanding religious traditions.

A myth remains a myth even if certain people believe it to be the literal revelation of an eternal truth, but it becomes moribund if the living truth it contains ceases to be an object of belief. It is therefore necessary to renew its life from time to time through a new interpretation. This means re-adapting it to the changing spirit of the times.]


「キリスト教の神話では、神である自己は、権力や名声の目に見える損失なしに、ほとんど完全に意識に浸透している。しかし、やがて受肉によって、最高権力者の間に損失が生じたことが明らかになる。不可欠な暗黒面が取り残され、あるいは剥ぎ取られ、女性的側面が欠落したのである。こうして、さらなる受肉行為が必要となる。無神論、唯物論、不可知論によって、Summum Bonum(最高善)の強力だが一面的な側面が弱まり、暗黒面、ついでに女性的な要素をこれ以上排除することができなくなったのです。「反キリスト」「悪魔」が台頭してくる。神は、その闇と破壊性を明らかにすることによって、自らの力を主張する。人間は、神の計画を遂行するための道具に過ぎない。明らかに、彼は自らの破滅を望んでいるのではなく、自らの発明によって破滅に追い込まれるのである。彼は、自分が破壊的な優れた意志の単なる道具であることをまだ理解していないので、自分の行動には全く自由がないのです。この逆説から、彼は、-nolens volens-自分が最高権力に仕えていること、そして、彼が否定しているにもかかわらず、最高権力が存在することを学ぶことができる。神はすべての人の中に自己の痕跡の形で住んでいるので、人間は自分の中に「デーモン的」、すなわち両義的な性質を見ることができ、したがって、自分がどのように神に貫かれるのか、神がどのように人間の中に受肉するのかを理解できるようになった。



神は、そのさらなる受肉を通して、人間にとって恐るべき課題となる。彼は今、神の相反するものを自分の中で統合する方法と手段を見つけなければならない。なぜなら、十字架というほとんど不可能な課題を彼に残したのはキリストだからです。キリストは、誰もが自分の運命のもとに、つまり、自分がそうであったように、自分自身のもとに十字架につけられることを示されたのです。キリストは、私たちが逃れるために十字架を背負い、十字架刑に処されたのではありません。私たちは、上から下まで真っ二つの世界に生き、水爆に直面し、自分自身の影に直面しなければならないのです。神は、私たちが幼い子供のまま、親が自分の仕事をしてくれることを期待しているのではないことは明らかである。私たちは、受肉する意志という至高の力に追い詰められているのです。神は本当に人間を引き裂いてでも、人間になりたがっているのです。これは何を言ってもそうなのです。水爆や共産主義を語ることはできない。私たちは、自分が発明したと言おうが言うまいが、これから炊き出されるスープの中にいるのだ。キリストは弟子たちに "あなたがたは神である "と言われた。この言葉は痛いほど真実味を帯びてくる。もし神が経験的な人間の中に受肉するならば、人間は神の問題に直面することになります。人間でありながら、人間であり続けるために、彼は答えを見つけなければならないのです。それは、神が善であると宣言された瞬間に提起された、相反するものの問題なのです。では、神の暗黒面はどこにあるのでしょうか?キリストは人間の答えのモデルであり、その象徴は十字架であり、相反するものの結合である。これは人間の運命であり、もし生き残るためには理解しなければならない。象徴的な死によって救いの道を切り開くことができなければ、私たちは普遍的な大虐殺に脅かされている。

その課題を達成するために、人間は聖霊の霊感を受けて、彼を自分の心と同一視しがちである。そして、自分がメシアの使命を持っていると信じ、専制的な教義を同胞に強要するという重大な危険さえはらんでいる。自分の心を、内なる小さな声、つまり神の霊が顕現する夢や空想から切り離す方がよい。人は内なる声に注意深く、知的に、そして批判的に耳を傾けるべきである(Probate spiritus!)(聖霊を試す!)。なぜなら、人が聞く声は、ヨハネによる言行録が適切に述べるように、「右」と「左」の流れ、すなわち対立するものからなる神性の流入であるからだ。




"In the Christian myth the Deity, the self, penetrates consciousness almost completely, without any visible loss of power and prestige. But in time it becomes obvious that the Incarnation has caused a loss among the supreme powers: the indispensable dark side has been left behind or stripped off, and the feminine aspect is missing. Thus a further act of incarnation becomes necessary. Through atheism, materialism, and agnosticism, the powerful yet one-sided aspect of the Summum Bonum is weakened, so that it cannot keep out the dark side, and incidentally the feminine factor, any more. “Antichrist” and “Devil” gain the ascendancy: God asserts his power through the revelation of his darkness and destructiveness. Man is merely instrumental in carrying out the divine plan. Obviously he does not want his own destruction but is forced to it by his own inventions. He is entirely unfree in his actions because he does not yet understand that he is a mere instrument of a destructive superior will. From this paradox he could learn that—nolens volens—he serves a supreme power, and that supreme powers exist in spite of his denial. As God lives in everybody in the form of the scintilla of the self, man could see his “daemonic,” i.e., ambivalent, nature in himself and thus he could understand how he is penetrated by God or how God incarnates in man.

Through his further incarnation God becomes a fearful task for man, who must now find ways and means to unite the divine opposites in himself. He is summoned and can no longer leave his sorrows to somebody else, not even to Christ, because it was Christ that has left him the almost impossible task of his cross. Christ has shown how everybody will be crucified upon his destiny, i.e., upon his self, as he was. He did not carry his cross and suffer crucifixion so that we could escape. The bill of the Christian era is presented to us: we are living in a world rent in two from top to bottom; we are confronted with the H-bomb and we have to face our own shadows. Obviously God does not want us to remain little children looking out for a parent who will do their job for them. We are cornered by the supreme power of the incarnating Will. God really wants to become man, even if he rends him asunder. This is so no matter what we say. One cannot talk the H-bomb or Communism out of the world. We are in the soup that is going to be cooked for us, whether we claim to have invented it or not. Christ said to his disciples “Ye are gods.” This word becomes painfully true. If God incarnates in the empirical man, man is confronted with the divine problem. Being and remaining man he has to find an answer. It is the question of the opposites, raised at the moment when God was declared to be good only. Where then is his dark side? Christ is the model for the human answers and his symbol is the cross, the union of the opposites. This will be the fate of man, and this he must understand if he is to survive at all. We are threatened with universal genocide if we cannot work out the way of salvation by a symbolic death.

In order to accomplish his task, man is inspired by the Holy Ghost in such a way that he is apt to identify him with his own mind. He even runs the grave risk of believing he has a Messianic mission, and forces tyrannous doctrines upon his fellow-beings. He would do better to disidentify his mind from the small voice within, from dreams and fantasies through which the divine spirit manifests itself. One should listen to the inner voice attentively, intelligently and critically (Probate spiritus!), because the voice one hears is the influxus divinus consisting, as the Acts of John aptly state, of “right” and “left” streams, i.e., of opposites.

They have to be clearly separated so that their positive and negative aspects become visible. Only thus can we take up a middle position and discover a middle way. That is the task left to man, and that is the reason why man is so important to God that he decided to become a man himself.

I must apologize for the length of this exposition. Please do not think that I am stating a truth. I am merely trying to present a hypothesis which might explain the bewildering conclusions resulting from the clash of traditional symbols and psychological experiences. I thought it best to put my cards on the table, so that you get a clear picture of my ideas.


神話は、ある人々がそれを永遠の真理の文字通りの啓示であると信じていても、神話 であり続けますが、それが含んでいる生きた真理が信仰の対象でなくなれば、それは病的なも のとなるのです。そのため、新しい解釈によって、神話の生命を更新することが必要である。つまり、時代の精神の変化に合わせて再適応することである。"


マキシマム上の愚かさ 理論も空想もユングか教会同じ糞...毎日...それらはすべて心理ゲームと愚かな人々は信じています。

これは間違った神学だ! キリストは地獄に入り、地獄を耕し、そこに囚われていた先祖を解放し、後世のためにその力を縛ったのです。反キリストの姿になったわけではないんです! しかし、ユングは自分の創作神話のために、この物語を再構築したいのだと理解しています。

 まず第一に - それは神学ではなく、ユングによる比喩的な表現と解釈です。彼が言いたかったのは、「キリスト」が全体となるためには、「反キリスト」という自分の暗黒面・反対面を体現し経験しなければならない、ということです。相反するものを統合し、"complexio oppositorum(反対の組み合わせ) "を満たすことによって全体性を達成する。









Although all this sounds as if it were a sort of theological speculation, it is in reality modern man’s perplexity expressed in symbolic terms. It is the problem I so often had to deal with in treating the neuroses of intelligent patients. It can be expressed in a more scientific, psychological language;
 for instance, instead of using the term God you say “unconscious,” instead of Christ “self,” instead of incarnation “integration of the unconscious,” instead of salvation or redemption “individuation,” instead of crucifixion or sacrifice on the Cross “realization of the four functions or of “wholeness.” I think it is no disadvantage to religious tradition if we can see how far it coincides with psychological experience. On the contrary it seems to me a most welcome aid in understanding religious traditions.

A myth remains a myth even if certain people believe it to be the literal revelation of an eternal truth, but it becomes moribund if the living truth it contains ceases to be an object of belief. It is therefore necessary to renew its life from time to time through a new interpretation. This means re-adapting it to the changing spirit of the times."
~CG Jung, CW 18: The Symbolic Life, Para 1660-1665

Gratitude, A🍀

Stupidity on Maximum both theories and fantasies Jung or church same shit....every day.....those are all mind games and stupid people believe

This is such wrong theology! Christ went into hell and harrowed it, freeing our ancestors who were trapped there and binding its powers for future generations. He didn't take on the form of the antichrist! But I understand that Jung wants to reimagine the narrative for the purposes of his own creative mythology.

 first of all - it isn't theology, but figurative expression and interpretation by Jung. What he meant was that "Christ" has to embody and experience the dark and opposite side of himself, namely "the Antichrist", in order to become whole: Achieving wholeness through uniting of the opposites and fulfilling "complexio oppositorum".
"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole."
C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul

 I would like to offer an observation that comes to my mind with regard to your question/assertion, "How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole." When you hold a lit candle between a light-source and a blank wall, you will notice the candle casts a shadow, but the flame does not... 
What does that suggest as to the nature of the flame?

you have spoken the truth

 I’d ask if you are able to provide the proper method and material to show how you formed your conclusion – but I already know that you wouldn’t be able to. So it’s just an unconscious projection.
In short, are you accountable for your claim or are you being dishonest with us?
Opinions are meaningless.

 and how do your own, or Jung's statements about God, existence, the meaning of life etc, differ from opinions?

The onus of proof lies with the one making the claim. I’m asking to see the supportive material and process of how the claim was made. Then you step in with divert and distract tactics…
The issue here with your claim above, including “Jung wants to reclaim the narrative”, is that those who are stuck in Belief will never understand Jung’s empirical work on this topic nor will they be able to see the things he’s saying with an open and receptive mind because their mind is Blocked by Belief. It’s all cognitive dissonance to you.

 look in the mirror! You've caught yourself, as many and most of us do from time to time... 😉

 I'll ask you as well... 
are you able to provide the supportive material and process to show how you arrived at your unsubstantiated Opinion?



CG Jung: 「自我の磔刑、和解しがたい相反するものの間での苦痛な停止…」






あなたは明らかに「赤の書」についても、ユングが経験した覚醒の体験についても何も知らないのですね。- OPとほとんど同じです

 あなたが知っていると思っていることを、私は知らないということですね :v 私はユングの仕事もシュタイナーの仕事も評価していますし、ユングは今日の「赤の書」を、あなたのように主観的に評価することはないと思っています。










"私は神学者や自分自身のギルド(心理学者)にはあまり人気がありません。それは驚くべきことであり、また驚くべきことでもない。" ~C.G. ユング、ダヴィッド神父への手紙、1961年2月11日




I knew you wouldn't be able to... 
because you don't know what you're talking about.

I think Rudolf Steiner's idea's about the Christ and the Anti christ are more interesting....
He basically appointed the Concept of government as the antichrist, because the Roman Empire gave the order to murder the innocent Jesus Christ...
which is much more in line with daily reality of mankind in-between a forcefield of 4 forces that rule both inside, as well as outside... 
I think that in this matter of Jung's Red Book, he himself wants to get rid of his own father, the preacher, by destroying the positive image of the Christ in this particular way.

You obviously know nothing about the Red Book nor about the awakening experience that Jung went through - much the same as the OP

 you mean that I don't know what you THINK that you know :v I value both Jung's work, as well as Steiners work, and I think that Jung would not value the Red Book today, as subjectively, in the way you seem to do that.

I just shared a few quotes by Jung and vonFranz on the christ/antichrist to this OP, so go read them before telling me what you think you know.

that is an interesting perspective. Jung's daddy issues included. If I'm not mistaken, even scripture itself and the Church Fathers recognized an allegory of the Roman Empire in the symbol of the Whore of Babylon, so identifying it with the antichrist is not implausible.

what is this "forcefield of 4 forces that rules us in our daily reality "that you speak of??

all credits go to the magnificent mind of Steiner...I was fascinated too...
it is basically an example of the old "As Above, SO below" As within, as without" or that kind of thing..

 yes daddy issues, in his autobiography he always tells about how he felt about his fathers views on religion...
So his own CG Jung subconscious might have wanted him to break radically with his allready in waking life, doubted perspective on his own father being right/wrong about his ideas about Christ and mankind/psyche.

and you know, as Jung has often described, how radically blunt the subconsciousness is in it's attack and images displayed in dreams on our ego/views that need to be explored.

 The old 4 directions basically, east west & north south, they are the 2 axes that also form the cross.... 
Steiner's work ( I can't remember which exactly and don't want to take the time to go search it for you online, but his whole catalogue is free online so you can find it) always addresses them more specifically in his own way...
Christ Anti christ and Lucifer Ahriman... 
To bridge the gap between Spirit and Fysical ...you need energy, so look at the Van Allen Belt around the earth, magnetic field, and realise the human aura is similar roughly... 
we are in a greater forcefield, influencing our own..

Jung was the father of analytical psychology.
He wrote the 20 volume collected works.
He wrote the 10 volume Bollingen series.
He wrote other works such as his “Letters” and Black books.
He gave lectures in many different nations.
He worked through 90,000 dreams with his patients.
He was an accomplished artist and stone mason.
...among other such notable accomplishments.
But let’s just toss all that into the rubbish bin and label him with “daddy issues” because his depth psychology triggered our infantile BS Belief system.

“There has been no shortage of evaluations of Jung’s work. But what has hitherto been lacking has been an adequate basis for sound evaluations.” ~Sonu Shamdasani, Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology, "The Most Cursed Dilettante," Pages 27-28

"I am not very popular with theologians or my own guild [psychologists]. It is astonishing & not astonishing." ~C.G. Jung, Letter to Fr. David, 11 Feb 1961

I have been accused of the most incredible things, for instance that I practice demonology and so forth.
This is so stupid that one actually feels disgusted. ~Carl Jung, Consciousness and the Unconscious, ETH Lectures, Page 66

“The further along in Jung’s life you go the harder it is to follow him. The vast majority of people can follow him up to 1912, 
a smaller number can follow him up to 1920 when types came out, after that it gets very difficult, after 1950 for most people forget it… 
but that’s what I’m going to try to introduce you to.” ~Edward Edinger, "Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man" Lecture.


「ユングは多くの人々を怒らせることに成功しました。アンドレアス・ユングは、彼が非常に率直で、私たちが今日、専門的な対話で慣れ親しんでいるような外交的なお世辞を言わない人だったと述べています。ユングは非常に率直な人でした。彼は非常に多くの人をさまざまな方法で怒らせたので、実は彼は攻撃的人格障害と呼べるものを持っているのではないかと考えたことがあります」。~Murray Stein, AJC #16 Andreas Jung & Murray Stein, Youtube. 8:28にて。

私は多くの人々を怒らせてしまった。彼らが私を理解していないと分かるや否や、私に関する限り、その問題は終わりだったからだ。私は前に進まなければならなかった。私は人に対して忍耐力がないのです-私の患者は別として。~ユング、MDR, p.356-7



私は、人々が理解できないことを言うときに陥る理解不能と孤立から、十分に苦しんできました。. . . ~カール・ユング、MDR、ページ p. xii.






C.G.ユング [書簡集第1巻 203-204ページ].


“Jung managed to offend many, many people. Andreas Jung has said that he was very direct and without the diplomatic niceties that we’re all accustomed to nowadays in professional dialogue. Jung was very direct. I’ve thought that actually he had something that one could call an offensive personality disorder because he offended so many people in so many different ways.” ~Murray Stein, AJC #16 Andreas Jung & Murray Stein, Youtube. At 8:28.

I have offended many people, for as soon as I saw that they did not understand me, that was the end of the matter so far as I was concerned. I had to move on. I have no patience with people — aside from my patients. ~Jung, MDR, pg. 356-7

“I was able to become intensely interested in many people; but as soon as I had seen through them, the magic was gone. In this way I made many enemies.”
~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 357

Your honest words will be a thorn in the flesh for many. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 235

I have suffered enough from incomprehension and from the isolation one falls into when one says things that people do not understand. . . . ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page p. xii.

[Carl Jung on Rudolf Steiner]
Dear Frau Patzelt, 29 November 1935
I have read a few books by Rudolf Steiner and must confess that I have found nothing in them that is of the slightest use to me.
You must understand that I am a researcher and not a prophet.
What matters to me is what can be verified by experience.
But I am not interested at all in what can be speculated about without any proof.

All the ideas that Steiner advances in his books you can also read in the Indian sources.
Anything I cannot demonstrate in the realm of human experience I let alone and if someone should assert that he knows more about it I ask him to furnish me with the necessary proofs.
I have read a few books on anthroposophy and a fair number on theosophy.

I have also got to know very many anthroposophists and theosophists and have always discovered to my regret that these people imagine all sorts of things and assert all sorts of things for. Which they are quite incapable of offering any proof.

I have no prejudices against the greatest marvels if someone gives me the necessary proofs, Nor shall I hesitate to stand up for the truth If I know it can be proved.

But I shall guard against adding to the number of those who use unproven assertions to erect a world system no stone of which rests on the surface of this earth.

So long as Steiner is or was not able to understand the Hittite inscriptions yet understood the language of Atlantis which nobody knows existed, there is no reason to get excited about anything that Herr Steiner has said.
Yours very truly,
C.G. Jung [Letters Volume 1, Page 203-204]