

As stars are unique units in the heavens, so individuals are in a way stars, they are unique units. 

The innermost substance is a microcosm, as every star is a microcosm. 

The earth is a microcosm in the great cosmos of the stars and we are ourselves microcosms upon the earth.

~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 1158


バーカー博士 協力してくれる人を探すことも
ユング博士: それも良いアイデアです。さて、誰が彼女に協力できるでしょうか?
ユング博士 アニムスは集合的無意識と一緒に動いています
クロウリー夫人 彼女は自分の夢に相談しないのでしょうか?
ユング博士: そうです。しかし、ここでの目的は夢を見ることではなく、その状況に対して何かをすることです。彼女はそれについて熟考し、ある結論に達しようとしているのです。
ハーディング博士: 彼女は詩篇の作者とともに叫ぶかもしれません。「私より高い岩に私を導いてください」
ユング博士 そうです、私たちはすでにビジョンの中でそのような岩に出会っていますし、それについて何を言ったでしょうか?ほら、圧倒的な状況です。おそらく、通り過ぎる丸太にしがみついて、浮き上がろうとするしかないでしょう。かなり絶望的な状況です。そんなとき、人はどうするのでしょう?ハンナさん:自分が対象としている自己を見つけようとするでしょうね。バーカー博士 人々は通常、祈ります。
ユング博士 その通りです。彼女は「私は祈りたいと思った。そして、自分の星にしか祈れないと知った。" 星は彼女の独自性の象徴です。星が天界のユニークな単位であるように、個人もある意味で星であり、ユニークな単位なのです。すべての星が小宇宙であるように、最も内側にある物質も小宇宙である。地球は星の大宇宙の中の小宇宙であり、私たち自身も地球上の小宇宙である。なぜなら、私たちは地球と密接な関係にあり、部分的に地球であり、例えば、私たちは地球上の肉体を意識しているからです。星印はマンダラの中心を意味し、自己の瞑想やマンダラの瞑想は祈りであり、多くの異なる宗教では、自分の外側の、自分と同一でない点に集中することを祈りと呼ぶのです。自我は個人の意識の中心あるいは焦点に過ぎず、意識は意識物質の届く範囲にしか達しませんから、自我が小宇宙であるとは言えません。消化や心臓といった非常に重要な機能さえもカバーしていません。たとえば、意識圏を超えたところにある精神には膨大な空間が存在するのです。ですから、自我ではないすべてのものの総体-自我は総体に属する一部分にすぎません-を「自己」と呼びます。その総体が「自己」と呼ばれるのです。

Dr. Barker: Or to find somebody to cooperate.
Dr. Jung: Those are also good ideas. Now who could cooperate with her?
Dr. Shaw: The animus?
Dr. Jung: If there were a positive animus it might help, but usually the animus is running along with the collective unconscious.
Mrs. Crowley: Would she not consult her dreams?
Dr. Jung: Yes, but the object here is not so much to have dreams as to do something about the situation. She is trying to reflect about it, and she comes to a certain conclusion.
Dr. Shaw: She must have a shelter, she must get away where she can meditate.
Dr. Barker: She may find a niche. Mr. Allemann: A cave in the rock.
Dr. Harding: She might cry with the psalmist: “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
Dr. Jung: Yes, we have already met such a rock in the vision, and what did we say about it? You see, it is an overwhelming situation; perhaps the only thing to do is to cling to a passing log and try to keep afloat. One is pretty desperate. Now what do people do in such conditions? Miss Hannah: She would try to find the Self of which she is the object. Dr. Barker: People usually pray.
Dr. Jung: There you have it. She says: “I wanted to pray. Then I knew that I could only pray to my star.” The star is a symbol of her uniqueness. As stars are unique units in the heavens, so individuals are in a way stars, they are unique units. The innermost substance is a microcosm, as every star is a microcosm. The earth is a microcosm in the great cosmos of the stars and we are ourselves microcosms upon the earth. Each of us, every living being, is a small earth, one could say, because we are in intimate connection with the earth, we are partially earth, we are conscious of our earthly body, for instance. The star symbol means the center of a mandala, and the meditation on the Self or the meditation on the mandala is prayer; in many different religions that concentration upon a point outside of oneself, not identical with oneself, is called prayer. One could not say that the ego was the microcosm because the ego is only the center or the focus of the individual consciousness, and consciousness reaches only as far as the conscious material reaches. It doesn't even cover the very important functions of the digestion, or the heart; for instance, there are enormous spaces of the psyche that lie beyond the conscious sphere. So the totality of all that is not the ego—the ego is merely one part that belongs to a totality—the sum total is called the Self. The cen


質問: 自分の星を追う人がほとんどいないのはなぜですか?なぜ星はそんなに重い荷物なのですか?
Marie-Louise Von Franz: 自分の星を追うということは孤立を意味するからです。どこへ行けばいいのかわからず、他の人が通っている踏み固められた道をただ進むのではなく、自分にとってまったく新しい道を見つけなければなりません。




人間は原則を通じて個性化されます。彼は絶対的な個性を求めて努力しており、それを通じてプレロマの絶対的な解体にますます集中しています。これにより、彼はプレロマを最大の緊張を含むポイントにし、プレロマが計り知れないほど大きいのと同じように、それ自体が計り知れないほど小さい輝く星にします. Pleroma が集中すればするほど、個人の星は強くなります。輝く雲に囲まれ、小さな太陽に匹敵する天体が作られています。火を噴く。したがって、「私はあなたと一緒にさまよっている星です」と呼ばれています。太陽がそのような星であり、魂の神であり祖父であるのと同じように、個人の星もまた太陽のようであり、魂の神であり祖父です。私が彼について説明したように、彼は時々見えます。


〜カール・ユング;レッドブック;付録 C; 370ページ





Question: Why is it that so few people follow their own star? Why is the star such a heavy burden?
Marie-Louise Von Franz: Because following your own star means isolation, not knowing where to go, having to find out a completely new way for yourself instead of just going on the trodden path everybody else runs along.

That's why there's always been a tendency in humans to project the uniqueness and the greatness of their own inner self onto outer personalities and become the servants, the devoted servants, admirers, and imitators of outer personalities.

It is much easier to admire a great personality and become a pupil or follower of a guru or a religious prophet, or an admirer of a big, official personality-a president of the United States-or live your life for some military general whom you admire.
That is much easier than following your own star.
~Marie-Louise Von Franz, The Way of the Dream, Page 50

[The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them.]

Man becomes through the principium individuationis. He strives for absolute individuality, through which he ever increasingly concentrates the absolute dissolution of the Pleroma. Through this he makes the Pleroma the point that contains the greatest tension and is itself a shining star, immeasurably small, just as the Pleroma is immeasurably great. The more concentrated the Pleroma becomes, the stronger the star of the individual becomes. It is surrounded by shining clouds, a heavenly body in the making, comparable to a small sun. It emits fire. Therefore it is called: “I am a star, wandering about with you.”.! Just like the sun, which is also such a star, which is a God and grandfather of souls, the star of the individual is also like the sun, a God and grandfather of the souls. He is visible from time to time, just as I have described him.

His light is blue, like that of a distant star. He is far out in space, cold and solitary, since he is beyond death. To attain individuality, we need a large share of death. Therefore it is called “You are the Gods” since just as an innumerable number of men rule the earth, so a countless number of stars and of Gods rule the celestial world.

To be sure, this God is the one who survives the death of men. To him for whom solitude is Heaven, he goes to Heaven; to him for whom it is Hell, he goes to Hell. Whoever does not follow the principium individuationis to its end becomes no God, since he cannot bear individuality. The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them.
~Carl Jung; The Red Book; Appendix C; Page 370



Question なぜ、自分の星を追う人が少ないのでしょうか?なぜ、星はそんなに重荷なのでしょうか?





