Marie-Louise von Franz





これは特に弟子の病気である。もし誰かが自分自身に対する孤独な作業の中で、ある種の優越性を獲得したならば、弟子は同じようにそれを獲得したいと思うのである。もしその人が知的であれば、"ああそうか、私も師匠と全く同じ方法に従って、全く同じようにやれば、同じ結果が得られるだろう "と考えるのである。そのような人は、自分が自分を欺いていることに気づかない。



このような人は、時には何年も自分の無意識に最も誠実に、そして必死に対処しようとした後で、ついに諦めて、"まあ、無意識は絶望的な深淵であり、誤解を招く、決して最後まで到達できないものだ、夢はあれこれ言っているし "と言ってしまうのです。





Often people approach the unconscious with an inner utilitarian or power standpoint;
They want to exploit the unconscious in order to become more powerful themselves, to be healthier, to dominate their surroundings, or to learn how to get things in their own way. Or they approach it with a secret ambition to acquire a mana personality.

This is especially a pupil’s disease; if somebody in lonely work upon himself has acquired a certain superiority, the pupil wants to acquire it in the same way. If he is intelligent he thinks, “Oh well, I’ll follow exactly the same method and do exactly the same as the master and I’ll get the same results.” Such a person does not notice that he is deceiving himself.

His approach to the unconscious is not genuine but contaminated with a trick, or with an exploiting attitude. The unconscious is something like a beautiful forest whose animals he wants to catch, or a field he wants to take possession of.

When consciousness assumes such an attitude, the unconscious becomes trickster like too. The dreams become contradictory, they say yes and then no, left and then right, and one feels that the archetype of the trickster god Mercurius is dominating the phenomenon of the unconscious, leading the ego in a thousand ways up the garden path.

Such people, sometimes after years of trying to cope with their own unconscious most honestly and desperately, finally give up and say, “Well, the unconscious is a hopeless abyss and misleading, something one can never get to the end of, for the dreams say both this and that.”

Such people do not realize that they constellate this trickster quality in their own attitude toward the unconscious. They want to cheat and exploit the unconscious, they want to get it into their own pockets with a slight, subtle power attitude, and the unconscious answers with a mirror reaction.

There are even people who, after reading Jung, try to force individuation in this way. They think, “If I do as Jung did, write down every dream, do active imagination, etc., then I’ll get IT,” so to speak.

They put a forcing, pressing ego attitude into the enterprise which tricks it from the start and gets them into endless trouble
~Marie Louise Von Franz, Archetypal dimensions of the Psyche.





投稿とコメントをありがとうございました。しかし、そのようなことはありません。私はあなたのコメントのほとんどをスクリーンショットしました。ユングの姿勢やアプローチから、個人の目標に向かうためのガイダンスやアシュミレーションを得るための、本当の肉と芋がここにあるのです。私は誤って行のどこかに怒りの反応の絵文字をヒットしました。 って感じです。
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' 悪い時でさえも良い時だ'



Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves



To read and absorb this beautiful von Franz excerpt is to realize how EARLY we are in the study of psychic processes. If there were, god forbid, a book titled INDIVIDUATION 101, this excerpt could be included, possibly in a chapter titled Pitfalls.

Elkhart Tolle speaks of the Buddha and Christ as “early flowers”: individuals whose lives bloomed before the rest of humanity approached the flowering stage. Jung and von Franz (in her writings) might fit this description.

Now humanity is in a difficult position: we must evolve quickly because we wrecked our habitat and are approaching extinction. Jung and others have pointed out that this ripening process can only occur within individuals. I find it’s helpful to read didactic excerpts like this one. Thanks for posting it. I love von Franz’s cautionary tales, rooted as they are in her lifetime of therapeutic experience.

thank-you for the post and comments. Ive not been able to go through it all. There's alot to read and absorb here. I screen shot most all of your comments. There are some real meat and potatoes here for guidance and assimiIation of Jungian attitudes and approaches towards an individuations goals. I accidentally hit a reaction emoji of anger somewhere along the lines. I cant locate it now and hopefully it didnt stick. Have a safe and happy 4th of July !

' Even the bad times are good'
1人、、「Everything that írrítates us about others can lead us to an imghip uinderstanding com of ourselves」というテキストの画像のようです

I guess it’s a bit of a stretch how this is somehow relative to the vonFranz quote?

[Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.]
"We always require an outside point to stand on, in order to apply the lever of criticism.
This is especially so in psychology, where by the nature of the material we are much more subjectively involved than in any other science.
How, for example, can we become conscious of national peculiarities if we have never had the opportunity to regard our own nation from outside?
Regarding it from outside means regarding it from the standpoint of another nation.
To do so, we must acquire sufficient knowledge of the foreign collective psyche, and in the course of this process of assimilation we encounter all those in compatibilities which constitute the national bias and the national peculiarity.
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.


( 芸術的に言えば ) 良い投稿です。

vonFranzが基本的に言っているのは、Robert Mooreが彼の講義の中で「壮大さ」として話したことです...。


"壮大さ "とは、簡単に言えば、自分の実体験が支えきれないほど大きな空想や願望を持っていることを意味します。だから、その要求に応えようと走り回る躁状態になるか、あるいは、自分の欲望があまりに高く達成不可能なので、すぐに何かをしようとしても無駄だと思えてきて、鬱状態になるのだ。" ~ロバート・ムーア

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ドラゴンと向き合う個人的・霊的な誇大妄想に立ち向かう ロバート・L・ムーア IDSTID MAX MAVLICK.J」テキストの画像のようなものです。






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 は、自分自身のカリカチュアになることを語っています。本物を求める探求における興味深い皮肉です。私はこの投稿を楽しんでいます。多くの投稿よりも現実的です。このような、"曖昧 "な表現ができるのは、"曖昧 "であるからこそ。
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I understand England only when I see where I, as a Swiss, do not fit in. I understand Europe, our greatest problem, only when I see where I as a European do not fit into the world.
Through my acquaintance with many Americans, and my trips to and in America, I have obtained an enormous amount of insight into the European character; it has always seemed to me that there can be nothing more useful for a European than some time or another to look out at Europe from the top of a skyscraper.
When I contemplated for the first time the European spectacle from the Sahara, surrounded by a civilization which has more or less the same relationship to ours as Roman antiquity has to modern times, I became aware of how completely, even in America, I was still caught up and imprisoned in the cultural consciousness of the white man.
The desire then grew in me to carry the historical comparisons still farther by descending to a still lower cultural level."
~CG Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, MDR, Pages 246-247.

her standpoint is like a meditation teacher - ' No thing in mind - No mind in thing
Which is wondrous- she is also alchemical
And has that Teutonic precision-as she has well indentified the trickster at work using Jungs method-that is an insight about her
And a rather beautiful one ...
... didn't she once want to ' make' amber
Any way she is definitely some kind of muse
Meets charon meets Anubis and Cerebus
( Artistically speaking) good post.

What vonFranz is basically talking about is what Robert Moore spoke of in his lectures as “Grandiosity”… 
and it’s one of the most prominent positions in the Buddhist, non-duality and New-age communities where the members study their favorite Guru and then become psychologized into falsely believing that they have arrived at the enlightened/Self-realized position and then go around “missionarizing” to anyone who will hear their regurgitated nonsense.

“Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore

“The bad news about this grandiosity is that trying to avoid it by being humble only indicates the enormity of your struggle. I hate to disturb anyone's good day, but a really humble person may be having more trouble with grandiosity than someone who thinks they are pretty hot stuff. If you get depressed a lot because you think you are worthless, it indicates a mighty struggle with this little god within. You need to feel like you weigh a thousand pounds in your leaden depression so you won't float off into the sun and be destroyed by an Icarus complex. From this point of view, what is depression? It is your friend. Thank God for your depression, because it is the ballast on your psychic balloon. Without it, you would be flying into the sun of psychosis.”
~Robert L. Moore, Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.

、「FACING THE DRAGON Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity ROBERT L. MOORE IDSTID MAX MAVLICK.J」というテキストの画像のようです


Do you mean this person ...?

That's Robert Moore.


I’ve analyzed a lot of people who have done yoga. I’ve analyzed lots of people who did a bit of Zen meditation, you know, but one man in particular stands out: He has done meditation for four years and gotten some of the titles, but as far as I’ve seen, he is not a success.
This Zen man has become completely unspontaneous.
He seems to wear a mask. Even his handwriting—a very beautiful calligraphy—is completely artificial.
His wife got so annoyed with him that she ran away.
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Psychological Perspectives, Page 310

 speaks to becoming a charicature of oneself; an interesting irony in the quest to seek authenticity. I have enjoyed this post; more pragmatic than many. Marie- Louise is indeed an insightful woman.

 Glad to hear you found it beneficial.





錬金術師たちが、自分たちの石ができるのは「Deo concedente」(神の意志)しか起こりえない奇跡だと知っていたように、現代の心理学者は、生命や物質の神秘と同様に、その本性が意識を超越した心理的プロセスの、科学記号で表現された記述以上のものを生み出すことができないことを自覚しているのだ。



個性化の過程における神秘的な体験は、古代のレベルではシャーマンや 祈祷師の特権であり、その後、医師、預言者、司祭のものとなり、文明化された段階では哲学と 宗教のものとなる。


 意識の広がりと深まりとともに ミサは、何千年も前に始まり、特別な才能を持つ個人の孤立した経験を、次第に大きな集団の共有財産とするようになった。






"It is my belief that 90 percent of the so-called masters in the modern world are not enlightened at all but are in fact occult magicians. The occult magician will use his or her occult powers to ensnare the devotee in a posture of adoration by feeding them visionary experiences, which may seem to open things up for the devotee but actually keeps one dependent on the guru. It's a kind of drug pushing as dangerous on the spiritual level as cocaine or heroin is on the physical. Because people don't know the difference between the divine and the occult, nor how accurately the occult can mimic the divine, nor how easily occult powers can be cultivated by the unscrupulous and ambitious. They take these powers and experiences to be unmistakeable signs of divine presence and go on worshipping as divine these people who have, in fact, shown that they are neither good, nor kind, nor humble, nor generous."
~Interview with Andrew Harvey, Yoga Journal, July/August 1995

[Only our intellectualized age could have been so deluded as to see in alchemy nothing but an abortive attempt at chemistry, and in the interpretative methods of modern psychology a mere “psychologizing,” i.e. annihilation, of the mystery.

Just as the alchemists knew that the production of their stone was a miracle that could only happen ‘Deo concedente,” so the modern psychologist is aware that he can produce no more than a description, couched in scientific symbols, of a psychic process whose real nature transcends consciousness just as much as does the mystery of life or of matter.
At no point has he explained the mystery itself, thereby causing it to fade.

He has merely, in accordance with the spirit of Christian tradition, brought it a little nearer to individual consciousness, using the empirical material to set forth the individuation process and show it as an actual and experienceable fact.

To treat a metaphysical statement as a psychic process is not to say that it is “merely psychic,” as my critics assert-in the fond belief that the word “psychic” postulates something known.

It does not seem to have occurred to people that when we say “psyche” we are alluding to the densest darkness it is possible to imagine. The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end.
This end is the beginning of true wisdom.]
Psychology and Religion
The numinous experience of the individuation process is, on the archaic level, the prerogative of shamans and medicine men; later, of the physician, prophet, and priest; and finally at the civilized stage, of philosophy and religion.

The shaman’s experience of sickness, torture, and death, and regeneration implies, at a higher level, the idea of being made whole through sacrifice of being changed by transubstantiation and exalted to the pneumatic man-in a word, of apotheosis.

The Mass is the summation and quintessence of a development which began many thousands of years ago and, with the progressive broadening and deepening of consciousness, gradually made the isolated experience of specifically gifted individuals the common property of a larger group.
The underlying psychic process remained, of course, hidden from view and was dramatized in the form of suitable “mysteries” and “sacraments,” these being reinforced by religious teachings, exercise, meditations, and acts of sacrifice which plunge the celebrant so deeply into the sphere of the mystery that he is able to become conscious of his intimate connection with the mythic happenings.

Thus, in ancient Egypt, we see how the experience of “Osirification,” originally the prerogative of the Pharaohs, gradually passed to the aristocracy and finally, towards the end of the Old Kingdom, to the single individual as well.

Similarly, the mystery religions of the Greeks, originally esoteric and not talked about, broadened out into collective experience, and at the time of the Caesars it was considered a regular sport for Roman tourists to get themselves initiated into foreign mysteries.

Christianity, after some hesitation, went a step further and made celebration of the mysteries a public institution, for, as we know, it was especially concerned to introduce as many people as possible to the experience of the mystery.

錬金術師たちは、自分たちの "opus operatum "を少なくとも教会的な神秘と同じレベルに置くことによって、すでにそのための道を開いていたのである。錬金術師たちは、この "opus operatum "を少なくとも教会の秘儀と同列に扱い、さらに、この秘儀によって神的な世界精神が物質の中に閉じ込められていた状態から解放されるという宇宙的な意義さえも認めている。


錬金術師たちが、自分たちの石ができるのは「Deo concedente」(神の意志)しか起こりえない奇跡だと知っていたように、現代の心理学者は、生命や物質の神秘と同様に、その本性が意識を超越した心理的プロセスの、科学記号で表現された記述以上のものを生み出すことができないことを知っているのだ。








心理学の非常に多くの治療の問題は、私は彼らを小人心理学と呼んでいます。彼らはこの金について理解していないからです。 彼らはそれを病理化し、もしあなたがあなたの中にあるこの金の泉のすべてを持った偉大な自己に触れると、彼らはあなたを病理化し、私に関連するある仲間として、彼は自己愛性パーソナリティ障害と診断されたばかりで、彼はそう言ったと言っていました。 これらのすべてが病的ではないということですか? 彼らがしていることは、あなたの静脈に流れているこの精神的な神の神聖なエネルギーを病的にすることです…
  彼らはそれを病理化し、あなたを普通にすることであなたを治そうとします. それは悲劇的です、それが私をどれほど悲しくさせるかわかりません。


So, sooner or later, the individual could not fail to become conscious of his own transformation and of the necessary psychological conditions for this.
Such as confession and repentance of sin.
The ground was prepared for the realization that, in the mystery of transubstantiation, it was not so much a question of magical influence as the psychological processes-a realization for which the alchemists had already paved the way by putting their “opus operatum” at least on a level with the ecclesiastical mystery, and even attributing to it a cosmic significance since, by its means, the divine world-soul could be liberated from imprisonment in matter.

As I think I have shown, the “philosophical” side of alchemy is nothing less than a symbolic anticipation of certain psychological insights, and these-to judge by the example of Gerhard Dorn-were pretty far advanced by the end of the sixteenth century.

Only our intellectualized age could have been so deluded as to see in alchemy nothing but an abortive attempt at chemistry, and in the interpretative methods of modern psychology a mere “psychologizing,” i.e. annihilation, of the mystery.

Just as the alchemists knew that the production of their stone was a miracle that could only happen ‘Deo concedente,” so the modern psychologist is aware that he can produce no more than a description, couched in scientific symbols, of a psychic process whose real nature transcends consciousness just as much as does the mystery of life or of matter.
At no point has he explained the mystery itself, thereby causing it to fade.

He has merely, in accordance with the spirit of Christian tradition, brought it a little nearer to individual consciousness, using the empirical material to set forth the individuation process and show it as an actual and experienceable fact.

To treat a metaphysical statement as a psychic process is not to say that it is “merely psychic,” as my critics assert-in the fond belief that the word “psychic” postulates something known.
It does not seem to have occurred to people that when we say “psyche” we are alluding to the densest darkness it is possible to imagine. The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end.
This end is the beginning of true wisdom.
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Psychology and Religion, Transformation Symbolism in the Mass, Pages 294-296, Para 448.

[Carl Jung built his entire system of thought on that assumption. Here’s the way he said it and I just translated it; He said all healing comes through the numinous, which means the encounter with the sacred. So the antidote is not something that you can steal from somebody else., building the temple. Why do you have to build the temple? Because there’s got to be a transformer in there or you get fried. And let me tell you how you can tell how you are doing with your transformer…

… in other words, gold energy that I don’t have any vessel for...
Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.]

Renowned psychologist Robert Moore, Ph.D. offers a guide to digging deep to find the gold in one’s self, through a balance of the four archetypes within: king, warrior, magician and lover. He weaves together early Christian traditions, creation myths, academic dogma, and Robert Bly’s famous interpretation of Iron John. This is an exclusive recording of the 1993 lecture, The Golden Well.

“The story of the boy who dipped his finger down into the fountain and got the gold stuff on it but then didn’t know what to do with it. (he explains how we need a solid foundation.)
This is as the self-psychologists say; microstructuralization. Baby steps. All of this building of the pyramid of your self is block by block. And it requires help, helpers, and community helpers to help you do this.

The problem with the therapy, so many of the psychologies, I call them dwarf psychologies because they do not understand about this gold. They pathologize it and if you get in touch with the great Self in you with all this fountain of gold in you they pathologize you and as one fellow related to me that he was just diagnosed as narcissistic personality disorder and he said so are you telling me that not all of these things are pathological? What they do is pathologize this spiritual God divine energy that is flowing in your veins…
 They try to pathologize that and they try to cure you by making you ordinary. That’s tragic, I cannot tell how sad that makes me.




......帰還、あなたは自分の生得権が主張される王家に帰ってきて、もう恥じることはないのです。恥にまみれながら生きているのでもなく、恥から抜け出しながら生きているのでもない。正しい理由のために恥じることがないのです。キリスト教の神話はそれに食い物にされたが、キリスト教徒はそれを理解していない。私たちは、十分のあるその泉に降りていかなければならないのです。自分の魂の中にある "足るを知る "ところに触れれば、生成的な人間になれるはずだ」。

ごく簡単に言うと、「壮大さ」とは、自分の現実の経験が支えきれないほど大きな空想や願いを自分に抱いていることを意味します。だから、その要求に応えようと走り回る躁状態になるか、あるいは、自分の欲望があまりに高く達成不可能なので、やがて何もしようとしなくても無駄だと思えるようになり、鬱状態になるのだ。" ~ロバート・ムーア、『黄金の井戸』講演。1993.

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意識そのものは成長するものです。私たちがどんなに意識しているように見えても、そのひどい無意識には憂慮すべきものがある。私は毎日、自分が無意識であることを知っている。私は人の中に、そこにないものを見たり、その逆を見たりする。それは、自分自身に問いかけ、引きこもる義務である。これはテーブルなのだが、私はそのテーブルのどの程度を知覚しているのだろうか?私はそれを完全に知覚しているのだろうか?人については、『これは人間だ、私はどの程度見ているのか』と言わなければならない」。~ C.G.ユング、エマ・ユング&トニ・ウォルフ『回想集』92頁(1982年)


… if you’re in that… you’re in the ‘cannot be healed’ … the only cure for this sense of deprivation is through that connection. Carl Jung built his entire system of thought on that assumption. Here’s the way he said it and I just translated it; He said all healing comes through the numinous, which means the encounter with the sacred. So the antidote is not something that you can steal from somebody else., building the temple. Why do you have to build the temple? Because there’s got to be a transformer in there or you get fried. And let me tell you how you can tell how you are doing with your transformer…

… in other words, gold energy that I don’t have any vessel for.
…. homecoming, you’re coming home to your royal house where your birthright is claimed and you’re not ashamed of it anymore. You’re not living in your shame and out of your shame. It’s being shameless for the right reasons. The Christian myth was eaten up by it but the Christians don’t understand it. We have to go down into that fountain where there is enough. Once you touch that place in your soul which understands ‘enough’ you will be able to be a generative man.”

Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore, The Golden Well lecture. 1993.

“The bad news about this grandiosity is that trying to avoid it by being humble only indicates the enormity of your struggle. I hate to disturb anyone's good day, but a really humble person may be having more trouble with grandiosity than someone who thinks they are pretty hot stuff. If you get depressed a lot because you think you are worthless, it indicates a mighty struggle with this little god within. You need to feel like you weigh a thousand pounds in your leaden depression so you won't float off into the sun and be destroyed by an Icarus complex. From this point of view, what is depression? It is your friend. Thank God for your depression, because it is the ballast on your psychic balloon. Without it, you would be flying into the sun of psychosis.”
~Robert L. Moore, Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.

Flying too close to the sun
Never regret thy fall,
O Icarus of the fearless flight
For the greatest tragedy of them all
Is never to feel the burning light.”
Oscar Wilde
'Because for puer consciousness "transcendence" to everything given" becomes ascendance over everything given, upwardness directs all endeavours. The spirit must soar. ..Icarus would reach the sun…'

'Limitless verticality is the way of valor.
Ambition precedes it's carrier
Inherent in human nature is the transcendent capacity to rise above and walk at cross purposes with the horizontal world. We can, of course, stand too straight with pride (superbia), and fly too high with inflation (hubris), but ambition learns little from advice and heeds no caution. It must overreach, catch fire, readily combustible for a risk, a ride, a love, or for an idea.
The collapse and fall into the world of soul-making as well as the wounds that attend upon puer perfection and high-flying ambition are structurally embedded in the myths.
The classical symbols are the hot eye of the sun, the firebird, feathered arrow, flame. The puer ascends with fire because he is "on fire". "Love on, flame on!" writes Michelangelo in one of his love poems,... "For none can move/From earth to heaven save upon such wings."
~Hillman 'Notes on Verticality: Creation, Transcendence, Ambition, Erection, Inflation'
'The Fall of Icarus' by René Milot

 Yes, “early flowers” blooming… what Jung explains as well… and how it may take 600 years to manifest in society.

“A plant that is meant to produce a flower is not individuated if it does not produce a flower, it must fulfill the cycle; and the man that does not develop consciousness is not individuated, because consciousness is his flower, it is his life, it belongs to our process of individuation that we shall become conscious.” ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 759

Consciousness itself is a growing thing. However conscious we seem, our abysmal unconsciousness is alarming. Every day I know I am unconscious. I see in people that which is not there- or the other way around. It is a duty to withdraw and question ourselves. It is a duty to say to ourselves, ‘That is a table and how much of it do I perceive? Do I perceive it wholly?’ Of people we have to say, ‘This is a human being, how much do I see?’ ~ C.G. Jung, Emma Jung & Toni Wolff, A Collection of Remembrances, p. 92 (1982)


カール・ユング 各人が自分の柱に取り組み、いつの日か神殿が建てられるまで。

[ユング「じゃ、あのね、それは私たちみんなが建てる神殿なんだよ。インドでも中国でもロシアでも、世界中に建っているのだから。それが新しい宗教なのです。それが建てられるまで、どれだけの時間がかかるか知っているか?" 私は、「どうしてわかるんですか?知っているのか?彼は "知っている "と言った。どれくらいかかるか尋ねると 彼は "約600年 "と言いました」]。

「自己と同一視することなく、(自己の)経験を持ち、それに関わることができる自我の発達。もしそれに成功すれば、人はイニシエーションされた者となり、一般には利用できない精神のレベルに特権的に参加することになる。その事実を説いて回ることはしない。説教することは、その事実と同一視することの表現にすぎないからだ。" ~エドワード・エディンガー - 大いなる人格との出会い。





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Individuation is by no means a rare thing or a luxury of the few, but those who know that they are in such a process are considered to be lucky. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 442.
Carl Jung: Each person works on his own pillar, until one day the temple will be built.

[Jung said, “Ja, you know, that is the temple we all build on. We don’t know the people because, believe me, they build in India and China and in Russia and all over the world. That is the new religion. You know how long it will take until it is built?” I said, “How should I know? Do you know?” He said “I know.” I asked how long it will take. He said, “About six hundred years.”]
~Max Zeller, J.E.T., Pages 108-110

“The development of the ego that is able to have the experience (of the Self) and relate to it without identifying with it. If one succeeds in that, then one becomes an initiated one, one becomes a privileged participant in a level of the psyche that isn’t generally available. One doesn’t go around spouting out that fact, because preaching about it is just an expression of the identification with it.” ~Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality.

There is a fourfold description of the ego and its relation to the Self that Edward Edinger. a student of Jung's, articulates:
"When the ego separates too far from the Self, a sense of alienation develops. Therefore, 'some contact between ego and Self must be re-established' This suggests a need for the ego to find a suitable ordering parameter.

Edinger views the developmental process as fourfold:
(1) inflation (the awakening ego is too close to the Self);
(2) alienation (the ego has separated too far from the Self);
(3) restitution (the ego returns and re-connects to the Self);
and (4) individuation (the ego and Self in a mutually harmonious relationship).

Individuation is the ideal symbiotic relationship in which the ego is directly related to the Self without being identified with it."
"Now here's another crucial insight about the nature of psychology. What he (Jung) is telling us is that the experience of weakness or defeat is a sine qua non for consciousness. You cannot be a conscious being unless you can experience weakness and defeat. I talk about that whole matter in Ego and Archetype, where I used a diagram to illustrate the psychic life cycle.

What it pictures is the way consciousness is progressively developed out of the original condition of ego/Self identity. The original condition is inflation. The infantile psyche is in a state of identification with the Self and it is in a state of inflation. It is identified with the Deity. Very progressively, if life provides the right lessons through rejections and defeats and experiences of weakness, it gradually becomes conscious. And you go through that cycle again and again and each time it goes around there's a little increase in consciousness.

The psychology of the spoiled child short-circuits this cycle. The child's ego/Self identity goes uncorrected. It acts out the inflation and instead of being punished or defeated, it is allowed to get away with it so that the cycle does not complete itself. This cycle pictures the transformations that take place as ego/Self identity is subjected to recurrent experiences of defeat, failure and weakness. That composite entity of ego and Self undergoes transformation. This means that as consciousness grows, both the ego and the Self undergo transformation.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, pages 45-47.
thank you for making the ego self integration clear am experiencing that process at this time x

I’ve analyzed a lot of people who have done yoga. I’ve analyzed lots of people who did a bit of Zen meditation, you know, but one man in particular stands out: He has done meditation for four years and gotten some of the titles, but as far as I’ve seen, he is not a success.

This Zen man has become completely unspontaneous.
He seems to wear a mask. Even his handwriting—a very beautiful calligraphy—is completely artificial.
His wife got so annoyed with him that she ran away.
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Psychological Perspectives, Page 310

 Thank you.
Love it. Marie-Louise Von Franz was a wise Jungian scholar.