~ ユング派の分析家であり作家のジェームズ・ホリス。
(画像は「Faces of the World」より引用)

To become a person does not necessarily mean to be well adjusted, well adapted, approved of by others. It means to become who you are. We are meant to become more eccentric, more peculiar, more odd. We are not meant just to fit in. We are here to be different. We are here to be the individual.
~ James Hollis, Jungian analyst and author.
(Image from Faces of the World)


「私たちは、周りに合わせるためでも、バランスをとるためでも、他の人に模範を示すためにここにいるのでもない。私たちは風変わりで、異なっていて、おそらく奇妙で、おそらくただ存在という大きなモザイクに自分の小さな断片、小さな不格好な、ずんぐりした自分を加えるためにここにいるのです。神々が意図したように、私たちはますます自分自身になるためにここにいるのだ。" ~ジェームス・ホリス



“We are not here to fit in, be well balanced, or provide exempla for others. We are here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add our small piece, our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. As the gods intended, we are here to become more and more ourselves.” ~James Hollis.

“If one does not become the eccentric, unique, one-of-a-kind person he or she was meant to be, then a violation of some large purpose of the cosmos has occurred. Individuation is not self-absorption, narcissism or self-interest. On the contrary, individuation is a humbling task to serve what our deepest nature asks of us. For some it will be a path which brings public recognition, for others suffering and public calumny, for others still, private epiphanies never seen by anyone else. Any relationship which prevents or inhibits such a vocation is harmful and regressive.” ~James Hollis.


「世界には、あなた以外には誰も行けない道が 1 つだけあります。それはどこへ続くのでしょうか? 尋ねないで、それに沿って進みましょう。」
~ フリードリヒ・ニーチェ、

The ego's highest task is to go beyond itself into service, service to what is really desired by the soul.
~ James Hollis