"他人を苛立たせるものはすべて自分自身を理解することにつながる" ~カール・ユング
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." ~Carl Jung


ハーロウ・モンロー・ヒーリング(Harlow Monroe HEALING

It's ok to say "no" sometimes.
Learn and understand your personal limits. What are your wants, needs, likes, dislikes, values, and morals? Pay attention to the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that arise when you interact with others. Shift your focus inwards for a change and see what feels good to YOU, and what doesn't. You're not responsible for other people's feelings, so do what feels good to YOU on a soul level.
Harlow Monroe HEALING


"Anything which is troubling you, anything which is irritating you, that is your teacher."
~ Ajahn Chah.


「あなたは自分の中に他者がいることに気づいていません。 あなたはそれが何らかの形で外部からのものであると考え、あなたに反発する隣人の意見や行動にもそれが見えると思います。 そこであなたは完全に盲目になりながら戦います。 自分にやってくる他者を受け入れる人は、自分の中に他者も存在するので、もう苦労せず、自分の内側を見つめ、沈黙を守ります。」
― カール・ユング

“You don't realize that the Other is also inside you. You think it's somehow from outside and you think you can see it even in your neighbor's opinions and actions that repulse you. There you fight it, being completely blinded. Anyone who accepts the other that comes to him, because he is also present in him, doesn't struggle anymore, but looks inside himself and keeps silent.”
― Carl Jung 


― カール・ユング
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside Awakens. ~Carl Jung


「受け入れない限り、何も変えることはできません。 非難は解放しません。 それは抑圧するのです。」
― CG ユング『魂を求める現代人』

“We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses.”
― C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul


― CG ユング

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”
― C.G. Jung



“When we hate someone we are hating something that is within ourselves, in his image. We are never stirred up by something which does not already exist within us.”
~Hermann Hesse, Demian (1919) Ch. 6

(誠人の声) 他人をイラつかせることはすべて 自分を理解することにつながる。


Krishnamurti @ K__Quotes

Krishnamurti @ K__Quotes

Krishnamurti @ K__Quotes
気づきとは、その選択の余地のない状態です。 何かを理解したい場合は、非難したり特定したりしてはなりません。 それはあなたにその物語を語らなければなりません。



[Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.]
"We always require an outside point to stand on, in order to apply the lever of criticism.
This is especially so in psychology, where by the nature of the material we are much more subjectively involved than in any other science.
How, for example, can we become conscious of national peculiarities if we have never had the opportunity to regard our own nation from outside?
Regarding it from outside means regarding it from the standpoint of another nation.
To do so, we must acquire sufficient knowledge of the foreign collective psyche, and in the course of this process of assimilation we encounter all those in compatibilities which constitute the national bias and the national peculiarity.
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
I understand England only when I see where I, as a Swiss, do not fit in. I understand Europe, our greatest problem, only when I see where I as a European do not fit into the world.
Through my acquaintance with many Americans, and my trips to and in America, I have obtained an enormous amount of insight into the European character; it has always seemed to me that there can be nothing more useful for a European than some time or another to look out at Europe from the top of a skyscraper.
When I contemplated for the first time the European spectacle from the Sahara, surrounded by a civilization which has more or less the same relationship to ours as Roman antiquity has to modern times, I became aware of how completely, even in America, I was still caught up and imprisoned in the cultural consciousness of the white man.
The desire then grew in me to carry the historical comparisons still farther by descending to a still lower cultural level." ~Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, MDR, Pages 246-247.

I wonder why human beings throughout the world don’t see this simple fact that you cannot possibly have peace on Earth if you’re nationalistically divided. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti.


Be aware of what is, without condemnation, without justification or identification, then you will see that there is a deeper understanding that resolves our problems.

Condemnation, justification or identification prevents understanding, and to be aware of the whole total process of what is, there must be choiceless observation.

Awareness is that state of choicelessness. If you want to understand something you must not condemn or identify; it must tell you its story.


“The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes.”
—Pema Chodron




そのような異文化は、我々の視点、自然科学的に解明された観点のみから捉えて見過ごすなら、決して互いに理解し合えません。ある文化を内側から理解しようとする意識を持って、まず実際にその文化の中に入り込まなければならないのです。 『身体の想像力』



「相反する見解を解決する根拠は、さまざまなタイプの態度を認識すること、つまりそのようなタイプの存在だけでなく、すべての人が自分のタイプに囚われているという事実を認識することにあるだろう、というのが私の確信である」 「彼には別の立場を完全に理解する能力がないだけだ。この厳格な要求を認識できなければ、別の立場の侵害は事実上避けられない」 - カール・ユング

"It is my conviction that a basis for the settlement of conflicting views would be found in the recognition of different types of attitude - a recognition not only of the existence of such types, but also the fact that every man is so imprisoned in his type that he is simply incapable of fully understanding another standpoint. Failing a recognition of this exacting demand, a violation of the other standpoint is practically inevitable" --Carl Jung



 - セオドア・ルーズベルト「アリーナの男:セオドアのスピーチとエッセイ」

“Wide differences of opinion in matters of religious, political, and social belief must exist if conscience and intellect alike are not to be stunted, if there is to be room for healthy growth.”
― Theodore Roosevelt, The Man In The Arena: Speeches and Essays by Theodore






Let it band together into groups and organizations as much as it likes – it is just this banding together and the resultant extinction of the individual personality that makes it succumb so readily to a dictator. A million zeros joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols

“This problem cannot be solved collectively, because the masses are not changed unless the individual changes. At the same time, even the best-looking solution cannot be forced upon him, since it is a good solution only when it is combined with a natural process of development. It is therefore a hopeless undertaking to stake everything on collective recipes and procedures. The bettering of a general ill begins with the individual, and then only when he makes himself and not others responsible. This is naturally only possible in freedom, but not under a rule of force, whether this be exercised by a self-elected tyrant or by one thrown up by the mob.”
~C.G. Jung, Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious.