                                                ~ C.G.ユング

' I am not what has happened to me 
          I am what I choose to become.'
                                                ~ C.G.  Jung.



[391] 「自己」という用語は、この無意識的な基質に適したものであると私には思われましたが、意識におけるその実際の代表者は自我です。自我は、動かされる者(自我)が動かす者(自己)に対して、あるいは対象が対象に対して立つように、自己に対して立つ。なぜなら、自己から放射状に広がる決定要因は、四方を自我に囲まれており、したがって自我に対して超越的であるからである。自己は、無意識と同様に、自我を進化させる先験的な存在である。いわば、自我の無意識的な予表である。自分を創るのは自分ではなく、むしろ自分自身に起こるのである。この認識は、宗教現象の心理学にとって根本的に重要であり、だからこそ、イグナチオ・ロヨラは『霊操』を "Homo creatus est "(人は創造された)としてその「基礎」をスタートさせたのである。しかし、基本的なことではあるが、それは心理的真理の半分にしかなり得ない。なぜなら、もし人間が単に無意識のうちに存在する何かの結果として生まれた被造物であるならば、人間には自由がなく、意識に意味がないからです。心理学は、因果関係にもかかわらず、人間が自由の感覚を享受しているという事実、それは意識の自律性と同一であることを考慮しなければならない。自我がいかに依存的で前提条件付きであることが証明されても、自我に自由がないことを納得させることはできない。なぜなら、すべては無意識のうちに進行するのと同じか、それ以上にうまくいくからである。自我意識の存在は、それが自由で自律的である場合にのみ意味を持つのです。これらの事実を述べることによって、私たちは確かに二律背反を確立しましたが、同時に、物事のありのままの姿を示しています。依存と自由の度合いには、時間的、局所的、個人的な差異がある。現実には、その両方が常に存在している:自己の至高性と意識のハイブリスである。




What Jung actually said was:
It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 391

[391] The term “self” seemed to me a suitable one for this unconscious substrate, whose actual exponent in consciousness is the ego. The ego stands to the self as the moved to the mover, or as object to subject, because the determining factors which radiate out from the self surround the ego on all sides and are therefore supraordinate to it. The self, like the unconscious, is an a priori existent out of which the ego evolves. It is, so to speak, an unconscious prefiguration of the ego. It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself. This realization is of fundamental importance for the psychology of religious phenomena, which is why Ignatius Loyola started off his Spiritual Exercises with “Homo creatus est” as their “fundamentum.” But, fundamental as it is, it can be only half the psychological truth. If it were the whole truth it would be tantamount to determinism, for if man were merely a creature that came into being as a result of something already existing unconsciously, he would have no freedom and there would be no point in consciousness. Psychology must reckon with the fact that despite the causal nexus man does enjoy a feeling of freedom, which is identical with autonomy of consciousness. However much the ego can be proved to be dependent and preconditioned, it cannot be convinced that it has no freedom. An absolutely preformed consciousness and a totally dependent ego would be a pointless farce, since everything would proceed just as well or even better unconsciously. The existence of ego consciousness has meaning only if it is free and autonomous. By stating these facts we have, it is true, established an antinomy, but we have at the same time given a picture of things as they are. There are temporal, local, and individual differences in the degree of dependence and freedom. In reality both are always present: the supremacy of the self and the hybris of consciousness.
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 391






The art of letting things happen, action through non-action, letting go of oneself, as taught by Meister Eckhart, became for me the key opening the door to the way. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 90.

....to be able to wait without purpose is the state of highest tension...without continually asking yourself: Shall I be able to manage it? Wait patiently, and see what comes - and how it comes! ~Eugene Herigel , Zen in the Art of Archery

Question to Marie-Louise von Franz : Is this stage, then, a permanent condition of active imagination?
Von Franz: Yes, this is the plane on which active imagination takes control. With the inner nucleus of consciousness you stay in the middle place; you no longer identify with what goes on in the upper or lower planes. You stay within your active imagination, so to speak, and you have the feeling that this is where your life process goes on. For instance, on the one plane you very often notice synchronistic events happening, and on the other are the dreams, but you keep your consciousness turned toward the events that happen on the middle plane, on the events that evolve within your active imagination. This becomes the function with which you move along through life. The other planes still exist for you, but you are not centered in them. The center of gravity shifts away from the ego and its functions into an interim position, into attending to the hints of the Self. For instance, a Chinese text that describes the process says consciousness is then in a position like a cat watching a mouse hole – not too dull and not too tense. If a cat is too tense, it gets cramps and misses the mouse; if it is too dull, the mouse will walk out and the cat will miss it. This kind of (half-dimmed) conscious attention is turned toward the inner process.
