

「マザー元型の心理学的側面」(1939年)CW 9、パートI:アーキタイプと集合的無意識 P.172

A mother-complex is not got rid of by blindly reducing the mother to human proportions. Besides that we run the risk of dissolving the experience "Mother" into atoms, thus destroying something supremely valuable and throwing away the golden key which a good fairy laid in our cradle. That is why mankind has always instinctively added the pre-existent divine pair to the personal parents-the "god"father and "god"-mother of the newborn child-so that, from sheer unconsciousness or shortsighted rationalism, he should never forget himself so far as to invest his own parents with divinity.
Carl Jung
"Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype" (1939) In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious P.172


「父親と戦う女性は、自分にとって異質なものだけを拒否するため、本能的で女性的な生き方をする可能性をまだ持っています。しかし、彼女が母親と戦うとき、彼女は本能を傷つける危険を冒してでも、より大きな意識に到達するかもしれません。なぜなら、母親を拒否することで、彼女は自分自身の性質のあいまいで、本能的で、曖昧で、無意識的なものすべてを拒否するからです。」 —  CG Jung 分析心理学を創設したスイスの精神科医および心理療法士 1875 ~ 1961 年 「マザー元型の心理的側面」(1939年)。CW 9、パート I: 元型と集合的無意識。P.186

“The woman who fights against her father still has the possibility of leading an instinctive, feminine existence, because she rejects only what is alien to her. But when she fights against the mother she may, at the risk of injury to her instincts, attain to greater consciousness, because in repudiating the mother she repudiates all that is obscure, instinctive, ambiguous, and unconscious in her own nature.” —  C.G. Jung Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology 1875–1961 "Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype" (1939). In CW 9, Part I: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. P. 186



なぜなら、母親を拒絶することで、彼女自身の本性にある不明瞭なもの、本能的なもの、曖昧なもの、無意識的なものをすべて拒絶するからである。" - C.G.ユング スイスの精神科医、心理療法家で、分析心理学を創始した 







彼はその場面に感情を持ち込むことができない。彼とその関係は、常に彼らの気まぐれの犠牲者なのだ。すべてが予測不可能で、それは創造的な自発性とは違う(そう信じたい男性もいるかもしれないが)。このような時にごく自然に相手に投げかけられる質問、それが "How do you feel? "である。自己憐憫、悲しい憧れ、性的欲望、膨れ上がった野心、苦い恨み、キッチュ、そしてそれらを飲み込む無気力など、あらゆる種類の魚で溢れる混沌の波が、マザーコンプレックスの男に少しでも答えられるなら、それは放たれるのだ。
- マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツとジェームズ・ヒルマン、『フィーリングとマザー・コンプレックス』。ユングの類型論」(1971年春号)、114-115頁。


- マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ『ルシウスはビリェーナ、ホティス、ヤギの皮と出会う。「アプレイウスの黄金の驢馬 人間における女性性の解放」(シャンバラ出版 2001年)、49-50頁。



ご存知のとおり、男性のマザーコンプレックスの大きな手口の 1 つは、常に彼の心に疑いを植え付け、あれよりもこれよりも何か別のことをしたほうが良いのではないかと示唆することです。そうすれば、その男性は足が不自由になります。
おとぎ話のアニマとアニムス、97 ページ



 (ドイツ語: Kitsch) とは、「俗悪なもの」「いんちきなもの」「安っぽいもの」「お涙頂戴式の通俗的なもの」[1][2]などを意味するドイツ語で、文化批評用語として用いられる。英語でも同じ綴りで浸透している。







When the intensity of feeling connected to or, better, bound by the mother complex reaches the proportions of affect, we find the deepest source of feeling. Then the feeling function is not free to operate as an instrument of consciousness, but brings with it violent rages and passionate exaggerations of every sort. These overwhelming affects that swamp the vessel of the feeling function can cause such suffering, such utter helplessness, that we find ourselves preferring not to feel at all rather than run the risk, each time we attempt to use the feeling function, of the tidal wave on which it is borne. 

Lest feeling be carried away by reaction, we prefer not to react. So does the mother complex work towards keeping feeling under the domination of affect and cutting us off from its use.

This situation produces that peculiar laming or crippling of men with a strong mother complex. Dreams show wounded animals, bleeding, surgical repair on the heart, etc. All too familiar is that lack of response, not being able to get started, to get going, that vague indifference and detachment under which one intuits a seething tempest. The feeling function then is often substituted by a feeling mask (persona) of politeness and mannered consideration that can reach hyperacuity in surface sensitivity and aestheticism. Involvement with a man who is bound in this way leaves the impression that he is “not really there.” 

What is not there is a consciousness of his feelings. 
He is unable to bring them into the scene. He and the relationship are always a victim of their whims. Everything is unpredictable, which is not (though some men may like to believe it) the same as creatively spontaneous. The question that comes to the other so naturally at these moments — “How do you feel?” If the mother complex man is able to answer at all, releases a wave of chaos teeming with every sort of fish: self-pity, sad longings, sexual desire, inflated ambitions, bitter resentments, kitsch, and then apathy, which swallows them all.
- Marie-Louise von Franz and James Hillman, Feeling and the Mother Complex. ‘Jung’s Typology’ (Spring, 1971), pp. 114-115.

Such a man will say that all old women are witches and will watch out not to fall into the trap of the devouring mother, but eventually he turns up having married a superwitch and has not noticed it. That was what was slowly creeping up behind him. That is the tragedy of the perverted instinct, for the destroyed feeling function makes him fall for the wrong object. If you ask such a man wherein lies the great attraction toward his beloved, he will generally say that she has such “tremendous warmth,” which usually means that she is good in bed. He has no capacity for differentiation and confuses physical passion with feeling. 
That is why the tragedy must take its course. It is of no purpose to preach against it, for the reason lies too deep. 

Men with such a negative mother complex are often engaged in fighting some intellectually represented danger, philosophical or ideological opponents, be it Communists or Jesuits. Such fights are shadow projections, for they do not see their own shadow, which is in the grip of the mother problem.
- Marie-Luise von Franz, Lucius Meets Byrrhena, Photis, and Goatskins. ‘The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man’ (Shambhala Publications 2001), pp. 49-50.


You see , one of the great trick of the mother complex in a man is always to implant doubt in his mind , suggesting that it might be better to do something else , this rather than that , and the man is lamed. 
He gets lost in a fog of philosophical thinking instead of taking action .
Anima and Animus in Fairy Tales, page 97








I don't trust Marie-Louise von Franz's assessment of feeling. She is a thinker and is famous for her "hard-harded Hannah" position on feelers.

Was there anything specific about her quotes that you can point to where she got it wrong? Because I couldn’t find anything inaccurate about the things she said.

Oh, she didn't get it wrong, she just pointed at their faults and the fatal conclusion. But most feelers don't wind up with a "superwitch". And feelers can be less polite and get in touch with their feelings. But hard-hearted Hannah is not going to cut them any slack. Actually that is a good thing, not a complaint because that will challenge them to grow.

She’s not being judgmental but simply offering her analytical assessment of the situation.

That's not what I feel. But I understand that is what she and you believe.

I don’t need to believe her… I can apply the things she is saying precisely to situations of people I’ve known. So the assessment fits as described.
Unless you can pinpoint the areas where you believe she has something wrong and show how it’s somehow incorrect then you might be projecting some unconscious contents.

私が見たフォン・フランツに対する批判のほとんどは、具体的なディテールを挙げてきちんとした議論をするよりも、彼女の性格やタイプを攻撃する、単なるad hominem(人身攻撃)に過ぎません。そしてそれは、劣等機能コンプレックスのようなものから来ているのです。彼らは文句を言いたくなるが、指摘できるデータがない。





Most criticisms of Von Franz I’ve seen are merely ad hominem – attacking her character or type rather than making a proper argument with specific details. And so it’s coming from something like an inferior function complex type of thing. They feel compelled to complain but have no data to point to.

“It frequently happens that the object offers a hook to the projection, and even lures it out.
This is generally the case when the object himself (or herself) is not conscious of the quality in question: in that way it works directly upon the unconscious of the projicient.
For all projections provoke counter-projections when the object is unconscious of the quality projected upon it by the subject.”
~CG Jung, CW 8, General Aspects of Dream Psychology, Para 519

“Not that these others are wholly without blame, for even the worst projection is at least hung on a hook, perhaps a very small one, but still a hook offered by the other person.” ~Carl Jung, On Psychic Energy.

Jung writes that women with a negative mother complex often miss the first half of life; they walk past it in a dream. Life to them is a constant source of annoyance and irritation.
But if they can overcome this negative mother complex, they have a good chance in the second half of rediscovering life with the youthful spontaneity missed in the first half. For though, as Jung says in the last paragraph, a part of life has been lost its meaning has been saved.

That is the tragedy of such women, but they can get to the turning point, and in the second half of life have their hands healed and can stretch them out for what they want -not from the animus or from the ego, but according to nature, simply stretch out their hands towards something they love. Though it is infinitely simple, it is extremely difficult , for it is the one thing the woman with the negative mother complex cannot do; it needs God's help. Even the analyst cannot help her - it must one day just happen, and this is generally when there has been sufficient suffering. One cannot escape ones fate; the whole pain of it must be accepted, and one day the infinitely simple solution comes.
~Marie Louise Von Franz, The Feminine in Fairy Tales.