KJV:Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. 


God enters through the wound.
Carl Jung








Wounded Healer. An archetypal dynamic that may be constellated in an analytic relationship.

This term derives from the legend of Asclepius, a Greek doctor who in recognition of his own wounds established a sanctuary at Epidaurus where others could be healed of theirs.

Those seeking to be cured went through a process called incubation. First they had a cleansing bath, thought to have a purifying effect on the soul as well as the body. Uncontaminated by the body, the soul was free to commune with the gods. After preliminary sacrificial offerings, the incubants lay on a couch and went to sleep. If they were lucky, they had a healing dream; if they were luckier, a snake came in the night and bit them.

The wounded healer archetype can be schematized by a variation of the diagram used by Jung to illustrate the lines of communication in a relationship.[See "The Psychology of the Transference," The Practice of Psychother-apy, CW 16, par. 422.


被分析者  ( Analysand)
(傷ついた) (wunded)

意識 (Cursciousness)

無意識 (unconscious)




"癒し手 "になるためには、人は傷つかなければならない。これは、エリアーデが医学者とシャーマンのイニシエーションについて書いた本に書かれている、普遍的な神話的モチーフのローカルなイメージである。イニシエーターに切り裂かれ、ある種の魔法の石を体に入れられたり、槍を首に投げつけられたり、そういう傷を負わなければ、誰もどちらかになることはできないのである。一般に、その体験は恍惚としたもので、星や幽霊のような悪魔に殴られたり、切り裂かれたりするが、治療者になる前に必ず刺されるか切り裂かれなければならず、そうすることで他人を治療する能力を身につけるからである。"とある。
- マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ『プーア・アエテルヌスの問題』

“One has to be wounded in order to become a healer. This is the local image of a universal mythological motif, which is described in Eliade's book about the initiation of medicine men and shamans. Nobody becomes either one or the other without first having been wounded, either cut open by the initiator and having certain magical stones inserted into his body, or a spear thrown at his neck, or some such thing. Generally, the experiences are ecstatic – stars or ghost-like demons – hit them or cut them open, but always they have to be pierced or cut apart before they become healers, for that is how they acquire the capacity for healing others.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus


「私は医者として、患者が私にどのようなメッセージを伝えているのかを常に自問しなければなりません。 彼は私にとってどういう意味ですか? 彼が何の意味もないのなら、私には攻撃のポイントがありません。 医者は彼自身が影響を受けているときだけ効果的です。 「負傷した医師だけが治癒します。」 しかし、医者が自分の個性を鎧のように身に着けていると、何の効果もありません。」
― C.G. ユング、思い出、夢、反射(邦訳:ユング自伝)
“As a doctor I constantly have to ask myself what kind of message the patient is bringing me. What does he mean to me? If he means nothing, I have no point of attack. The doctor is effective only when he himself is affected. 'Only the wounded physician heals.' But when the doctor wears his personality like a coat of armor, he has no effect.”
― C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections


「大学はすべてのことを教えてはくれない...だから医者は、古女房、ジプシー、魔術師、放浪の部族、古い強盗、そうした無法者を探し出し、彼らから教えを受けなければならない。医師は旅人でなければならない...。知識は経験である』。 パラケルスス Art: Art: Art: ホセ・ガブリエル・アレグリア・サボガル(Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

‘The universities do not teach all things... so a doctor must seek out old wives, gypsies, sorcerers, wandering tribes, old robbers, and such outlaws and take lessons from them. A doctor must be a traveler... Knowledge is experience.’  PARACELSUS Art: Art: Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal












Wounded Healer. An archetypal dynamic that may be constellated in an analytic relationship.

This term derives from the legend of Asclepius, a Greek doctor who in recognition of his own wounds established a sanctuary at Epidaurus where others could be healed of theirs.

Those seeking to be cured went through a process called incubation. First they had a cleansing bath, thought to have a purifying effect on the soul as well as the body. Uncontaminated by the body, the soul was free to commune with the gods. After preliminary sacrificial offerings, the incubants lay on a couch and went to sleep. If they were lucky, they had a healing dream; if they were luckier, a snake came in the night and bit them.

The wounded healer archetype can be schematized by a variation of the diagram used by Jung to illustrate the lines of communication in a relationship.[See "The Psychology of the Transference," The Practice of Psychother-apy, CW 16, par. 422.


The drawing shows six double-headed arrows, indicating that communication can move in either direction-twelve ways in which information can pass between analyst and analysand.

According to this paradigm, the analyst's wounds, although presumed to be relatively conscious after a lengthy personal analysis, live a shadowy existence. They can always be reconstellated in particular situations, and especially when working with someone whose wounds are similar. (They are the basis for countertransference reactions in analysis.)

Meanwhile, the wounded analysand's inner healer is in the shadow but potentially available. The analysand's wounds activate those of the analyst. The analyst reacts, identifies what is happening and in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, passes this awareness back to the analysand.
In this model, the unconscious relationship between analyst and analysand is quite as important, in terms of the healing process, as what is consciously communicated. There are two other significant implications:

1) Healing can take place only if the analyst has an ongoing relationship with the unconscious. Otherwise, he or she may identify with the healer archetype, a common form of inflation.

2) Depth psychology is a dangerous profession, since the analyst is forever prone to being infected by the other's wounds-or having his or her wounds reopened.

No analysis is capable of banishing all unconsciousness for ever. The analyst must go on learning endlessly, and never forget that each new case brings new problems to light and thus gives rise to unconscious assumptions that have never before been constellated. We could say, without too much exaggeration, that a good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor's examining himself, for only what he can put right in himself can he hope to put right in the patient. It is no loss, either, if he feels that the patient is hitting him, or even scoring off him: it is his own hurt that gives the measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician. ["Fundamental Questions of Psychotherapy," ibid. para. 239.]

分析家は果てしなく学び続けなければならない...彼自身の傷が、彼の癒しの力の尺度を与えるのである。これこそが、ギリシャ神話の「傷ついた医者」の意味である。- カール・ユング、CW16、パラグラフ239
The analyst must go on learning endlessly... it is his own hurt that gives the measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician. - Carl Jung, CW 16, para. 239

私たちの仕事の中心的なテーマである「傷ついた心の癒し手」は、ソーシャルメディアのフィードでますます頻繁に目にするようになったフレーズです。いったいどういうことなのでしょうか。Google検索で「The wounded healer」というフレーズを入力すると、このアイデアを様々な角度から見ることができます。傷ついた治療者は、他の人を助けるために自分のニーズを脇に置く医師であったり、ルカによる福音書4章23節のことわざ「Physicians heal thyself」(【新共同訳】ルカ『医者よ、自分自身を治せ』)を引用している人など、様々です。


「分析家は果てしなく続けなければならない...それは彼自身の傷であり、それが彼の癒しの力の尺度を与えるのだ。これこそが、ギリシャ神話の「傷ついた医者」の意味なのです。カール・ユング、CW16, 239





私が本当に癒すことができるのは、自分自身だけだということに気づかされたのです。そのためには、自分の内側に入り、自分の中の無意識の部分が、自分のタイミングで、自分のやり方で、表面化し、処理されるようにしなければならないのです。議題も、タイムスケジュールも、確固とした期限もない。私は基本的にこのプロセスをコントロールすることはできず、ただそれを許し、目撃するのみです。ユングが言うように、精神は自己調整システムであり、私たちの他の肉体的な生物と同じように、常にバランスを見つけようとしています。「精神とは、意識的なものも無意識的なものも含めた、すべての精神的なプロセスの総体であると私は理解している。ユング CW6、パー7967

The Wounded Healer is a central theme in our work and a phrase that I have noticed popping up more and more often in social media feeds. What is it all about? If you type the phrase ‘the wounded healer’ into Google search you will see that there are many different takes on this idea, from the wounded healer being the doctor who puts his own needs aside in order to help others to those quoting the proverb from Luke 4:23, ‘Physicians heal thyself’.

The term the Wounded Healer was actually first used by C.G. Jung: “The analyst must go on endlessly…it is his own hurt that gives the measure of his power to heal. This and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician.” Carl Jung, CW 16, 239

British counsellor and psychotherapist, Alison Barr carried out some in-depth studies on the wounded healer and found that, “73.9% of counselors and psychotherapists have experienced one or more wounding experiences leading to career choice.” This she believes shows that analysts and therapists treat others because they themselves are wounded.

Jung believed that if the ‘healer’ did not continually work on their own wound and unconscious material there was a risk that they would identify with the ‘healer’ archetype and project their own unidentified wounds onto the patient and thus keep the patient trapped in the patient role.

In France I used to see clients and ran a weekly group called ‘healing the healer.’ At the time, I did not realize how much I was unconsciously trying to make myself feel better by taking the role of the ‘healer’ who was ‘helping’ heal others.

I have since lost my mother, moved continents, been through a journey with cancer, and more, which has radically changed my perspective. And that is exactly what ‘the Wounded Healer’ archetype can offer us: a change in perspective. Instead of looking outwards from the ‘professional role’ of healer, I have been called to look inwards at my own inner burdens.

I have been forced to realize that the only person I can really heal is myself. To do that I must go within and allow the unconscious parts of myself to surface and process in their own time and in their own way. There is no agenda, no time schedule, no firm deadlines. I basically have no control over this process except to allow it and witness it. As Jung says, the psyche is a self-regulating system, always looking to find balance just like the rest of our physical organisms. “By psyche I understand the totality of all psychic processes, conscious as well as unconscious.” Jung CW6, Par 7967



ギリシャ神話では、ケンタウロスのケイロンがヘラクレスの矢によって不治の病に侵された後、「傷を癒す者」となった[5][6] ユングはケイロン神話について「自分の矢による傷は、まず第一に内向性の状態を意味している」[7][8]と言及している。




ユングの最も親しい同僚であるマリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツは、「傷ついた治療者は自己(私たちの全体性、内なる神)の元型であり、すべての本物の治癒手順の底にある」と述べている[citation needed]。


Mythological origins
In Greek mythology, the centaur Chiron was a "Wounded Healer", after being poisoned with an incurable wound by one of Hercules's arrows.[5][6] Jung mentioned the Chiron myth "wounding by one's own arrow means, first of all, the state of introversion";[7][8]

For Jung, "a good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor's examining himself... it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician."[9]

Jung felt that depth psychology can be potentially dangerous, because the analyst is vulnerable to being infected by his analysand's wounds by having his own wounds reopened. To avoid this, the analyst must have an ongoing relationship with the unconscious, otherwise he or she could identify with the "healer archetype", and create an inflated ego.[10]

Withdrawal of both projections may however ultimately activate the powers of the inner healer in the patients themselves.[11]

Jung’s closest colleague, Marie Louise Von Franz, said “the wounded healer IS the archetype of the Self [our wholeness, the God within] and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures.”[citation needed]

Jungians warn of the dangers of inflation and splitting in the helping professions, involving projection of the 'wounded' pole of the archetype onto the patient alone, with the analyst safely separated off as 'healer'.[12]


「傷ついた治療者」のテーマは,治癒神イエスに(も)認められる。その先駆形態が, アスクレ ピオスである,とマイヤーは述べる。また、ユングは、同じテーマをシャーマンの形成過程 に見て取り、そのイニシエーションにおいて, 被召命者・志願者は永続的なこころの損傷を引き起こすほどの身体とたましいに対する 拷問を受ける、と述べる。(全集9i パラ457) したがって,これはエレンベルガーの力動精神医学創始者の「創造の病」とその門下生の教育分析に対応する(ユングが,教育分析の制度を導入したことに注意)。また,このような精神治療の構造を,中井久夫は「内治療的」と呼ぶ。それは, シャーマニズムから,中山ミキや出ロナオなど創唱者の体験と苦しむものの入信, 匿名アルコール症者の会にまで及ぶものであり、普遍症候群を求めた西洋近代医学が見抜けなかった治療関係である,と述べている。(中井久夫「治療文化論」)
ユング心理学辞典 著者:アンドリュー・サミュエルズ他)p17~18

(Note: The translation below is a Japanese translation or a machine translation.)

The "Wounded Healer" theme is (also) found in Jesus, the God of Healing. Meyer says that its precursor is Askre his Pios. Jung sees the same theme in the formation process of the shaman, stating that, in its initiation, the aspirant is subjected to physical and mental torture to the point of causing permanent psychological damage. . (Complete Works 9i para 457) This therefore corresponds to Ehrenberger's dynamic psychiatry founder's "sickness of creation" and the pedagogical analysis of his students (note that Jung introduced the institution of pedagogical analysis). . In addition, Hisao Nakai calls this structure of psychotherapy ``intratherapeutic''. It extends from shamanism to the experiences of founders such as Miki Nakayama and Ronao Derona, and to the association of anonymous alcoholics, and it is a therapeutic relationship that Western modern medicine, which seeks a universal syndrome, could not see through. ,It has said. (Hisao Nakai, Theory of Treatment Culture)
Jungian Dictionary of Psychology Author: Andrew Samuels et al.) p17-18


カール・ユングは次のように述べています。光を称賛し、誰もそれを見ることができないのであれば、それを説教することは無意味であることに気付く時が来ました. 人々に見る術を教えることは、はるかに必要なことです。」
― カール・ユング

“With a truly tragic delusion,” Carl Jung noted, “these theologians fail to see that it is not a matter of proving the existence of the light, but of blind people who do not know that their eyes could see. It is high time we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it. It is much more needful to teach people the art of seeing.”
― Carl Jung


言葉は世界を創造し、世界の前に現れました。 それは暗闇の中の光のように輝きましたが、暗闇はそれを理解できませんでした。

したがって、言葉は闇が理解できるものでなければなりません。なぜなら、闇がそれを理解できなければ、光は何の役に立つでしょうか? しかし、あなたの闇は光を掴むべきです。

CG ユング、レッドブック、p. 270

The word created the world and came before the world. It lit up like a light in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

And thus the word should become what the darkness can comprehend, since what use is the light if the darkness does not comprehend it? But your darkness should grasp the light.

C.G. Jung, The Red Book, p. 270



 弱さの中に働かれる神 / 第一コリント1:26~31



7 そこで、高慢にならないように、わたしの肉体に一つのとげが与えられた。それは、高慢にならないように、わたしを打つサタンの使なのである。
8 このことについて、わたしは彼を離れ去らせて下さるようにと、三度も主に祈った。
9 ところが、主が言われた、「わたしの恵みはあなたに対して十分である。わたしの力は弱いところに完全にあらわれる」。それだから、キリストの力がわたしに宿るように、むしろ、喜んで自分の弱さを誇ろう。
10 だから、わたしはキリストのためならば、弱さと、侮辱と、危機と、迫害と、行き詰まりとに甘んじよう。なぜなら、わたしが弱い時にこそ、わたしは強いからである。


God enters through the wound.
Carl Jung








