C. G.ユング著作集第11巻747段落

"This involves man in a new responsibility. He can no longer wriggle out of it on the plea of his littleness and nothingness,
for the dark God has slipped the atom bomb and chemical weapons into his hands and given him the power to empty out the apocalyptic vials of wrath on his fellow creatures. Since he has been granted an almost godlike power, he can no longer remain blind and unconscious. He must know something of
God's nature and of metaphysical processes if he is to understand himself and thereby achieve gnosis of the Divine."
C. G. Jung Collected Works, Volume 11, paragraph 747



"ほとんど神のような力を与えられた以上、もはや盲目や無意識のままではいられない "さもなければ ... ... 。- CGユング

"Since we have been granted an almost godlike power, we can no longer remain blind and unconscious" or else . . . – CG Jung