
If evil previles then surely that's God's will ?


悪は世界の2分の1であり、天秤の2つのパンのうちの1つである。~カール・ユング『新約聖書』274ページ 脚注72



理解は悪を治すものではないが、理解可能な暗闇に対処できる限りは、確実な助けとなる。~ カール・ユング

悪の汚染から逃れるためには、適切な出撃の儀式、つまり裁判官、絞首刑人、公衆による厳粛な罪の告白と、それに続く罪滅ぼしの行為が必要なのだ。~カール・ユング、CW 10, Para 411

悪は善と同様に熟考される必要がある。なぜなら、善と悪は究極的には行為の延長と抽象に過ぎず、どちらも人生の明-暗に属するからである。~CG Jung, CW 12, para 36.

. .今日提起されているような悪の問題に対する答えを得たいと願う個人は、何よりもまず自己認識、つまり自分自身の全体性についての最大限の知識を必要とするのである。自分がどれほどの善をなしうるか、そしてどれほどの罪を犯しうるかを容赦なく知り、一方を現実、他方を幻想と見なすことに気をつけなければならない。どちらも彼の本性の中にある要素であり、自己欺瞞や自己妄想なしに生きたいと彼が望むならば、どちらも彼の中で明るみに出るに違いないのだ。




"神は善悪を超えている "と言う代わりに、"生命は善でもあり悪でもある "と言えばいいのです。~カール・ユング、C.G.ユングとの対話、40ページ。

もし、多くの人が好んで信じているように、無意識が悪意だけで、悪だけであるなら、状況は単純で、善を行い、悪を避けるための道は明らかであろう。しかし、何が「善」で何が「悪」なのだろうか。無意識はもともと悪であるだけでなく、暗黒だけでなく光も、獣的、半人間的、悪魔的であるだけでなく、超人的、霊的、そして古典的な意味で "神々しい "最高の善の源でもあるのである。~カール・ユング、CW 16, パラ 389


Evil is one-half of the world, one of the two pans of the scale. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 274, Footnote 72.

We can only speak of the relativity of good and evil in individual cases. The categories of good and evil cannot be suspended; they are continually alive and cannot be attached to material things. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 47.

Psychology does not know what good and evil are in themselves; it knows them only as judgments about relationships. ~Carl Jung; Aion; Page 53.

Understanding does not cure evil, but it is a definite help, inasmuch as one can cope with a comprehensible darkness. ~ Carl Jung

In order to escape the contaminating touch of evil we need a proper rite de sortie, a solemn admission of guilt by judge, hangman, and public, followed by an act of expiation. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 411

Evil needs to be pondered just as much as good, for good and evil are ultimately nothing but extensions and abstractions of doing, and both belong to the Chairoscuro of life. ~CG Jung, CW 12, para 36.

. . .the individual who wishes to have an answer to the problem of evil, as it is posed today, has need, first and foremost of self-knowledge, that is, the utmost possible knowledge of his own wholeness. He must know relentlessly how much good he can do, and what crimes he is capable of, and must beware of regarding the one as real and the other as illusion. Both are elements within his nature, and both are bound to come to light in him, should he wish — as he ought — to live without self deception or self-delusion ~C.G. Jung, MDR, pg 330.

As God is the union, the reconciliation, of all the opposites, it is natural that both the good and evil principles should be in him potentially, should originate in him. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 215.

If God is only good, everything is good. There is not a shadow anywhere. Evil just would not exist, even man would be good and could not produce anything evil. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 518-519

All those things which have been neglected and rejected, even immoral things, even evil is needed for virtue cannot exist without evil, as light cannot exist without darkness. ~Carl Jung, Cornwall Lecture, Page 26.

Instead of saying, "God is beyond good and evil," we can say, "Life is both good and evil." ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 40.

If, as many are fain to believe, the unconscious were only nefarious, only evil, then the situation would be simple and the path clear to do good and to eschew evil. But what is "good" and what is "evil"? The unconscious is not just evil by nature, it is also the source of the highest good not only dark but also light, not only bestial, semi-human and demonic but superhuman, spiritual, and, in the classical sense of the word, "divine." ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 389


「最後に、クレメンタイン説教における独特の世界創造理論に言及したいと思います。神において、プネウマとソーマは一つです。それらが分離すると、プネウマは息子として現れ、「未来の永劫のアルコン」になりますが、実際の物質 (ούοία) または物質であるソーマは、4 つの要素に対応して 4 つに分割されます (これらは常にイニシエーションで厳粛に呼び出されます)。4つの部分の混合から、悪魔、「このイオンのアルコン」、そしてこの世界の精神が生まれました. ソーマは精神病になっていた (): 「神は、悪魔を通しても子を通しても、この世界を支配している。なぜなら、その両方が彼の手にあるからである。」 /地球、昼/夜、男性/女性など。最初のシリーズの最後の用語は、アダム/イブのシジジーです。
― CG Jung, Aion: 自己現象学の研究

“I would like, in conclusion, to mention the peculiar theory of world creation in the Clementine Homilies. In God, pneuma and soma are one. When they separate, pneuma appears as the Son and “archon of the future Aeon,” but soma, actual substance (ούοία) or matter , divides into four, corresponding to the four elements (which were always solemnly invoked at initiations). From the mixing of the four parts there arose the devil, the “archon of this Aeon,” and the psyche of this world. Soma had become psychized (): “God rules this world as much through the devil as through the Son, for both are in his hands.”97 God unfolds himself in the world in the form of syzygies (paired opposites), such as heaven/earth, day/night, male/female, etc. The last term of the first series is the Adam/Eve syzygy. At the end of this fragmentation process there follows the return to the beginning, the consummation of the universe () through purification and annihilation”
― C.G. Jung, Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self