5:38 PM
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オータム・マイザー 6 hrs.
21歳の時、ちょうど2ヶ月前に、後期子宮頸がんの可能性が高いと言われ、カリフォルニア大学を辞めました。どこの病院に行っても、検査に1000ドルもの費用を請求されました。私はPlaned Parenthoodに行きました。今は大きな都市にいるので、抗議者が「人殺しの女だ」と叫ぶ中、彼らは私を建物内に案内しなければなりませんでした。彼らは建物に物を投げつけました。私たちを侮辱しました。私が行ったのは子宮頸部検査のためでした。私は子宮頸部検査のために行ったのですが、4つの別々のドアからブザーを鳴らして入らなければなりませんでした。これらはすべて、銃撃や爆弾の脅威を受けない日がないからです。驚いたことに、このPPは中絶手術もしていませんでした。


5:38 PM
76% 04
Autumn Mizer 6 hrs.
When I was 17 I went to Planned Parenthood. I had no money or insurance. I was living on my own and couldn't even afford tampons. They gave me a long lasting birth control that still works today, and stopped my period. They didn't charge me.
When I was 21, just 2 months ago, I left UC after being told there was a high chance I had late term cervical cancer. Every place I tried to go to wanted to charge me up to $1000 for testing. I went to planned parenthood. Being in a bigger city now, they had to escort me in the building, while protesters screamed was a murdering bitch. They threw stuff at the building. Insulted us. And I was there for a cervical exam. I had to be buzzed in through 4 separate doors. All this because they can't go a day without getting a shooting or bomb threat. The real kicker, this PP didn't even preform abortions.
Because of PP, they were able to find I didn't hav cancer, I had an internal infection that was spreading through my body and would kill me. They didn't charge me for the tests, and then took care of 90% of the expenses so I could see the correct doctor and get the medication I needed. They saved my life.
But Planned parenthood is so evil? This is what taxes pay for. Helping women get care when they can't afford it. It's always been illegal to pay for abortion with taxes.



~C.A.マイヤー、"C.A.マイヤー、ユングを思い出して "スザンヌ・ワグナー博士とのインタビュー、1976年。


~C.G.ユング、CW.Vol.17、The Development of Personality、pg.40、para.80.



The unconscious masses rely on Church and State “morality” and so have no moral compass of their own to tell them how murdering innocent babies is wrong. There’s no conscience.
“Analysis proper, and particularly Jungian analysis, begins and ends with conscience. That is that you take responsibility, that is that you take into consideration all of manifestations that so far have remained in the unconscious, in other words, that which you are not conscious of, and you start taking responsibility for those manifestations like shadow qualities and whatnot and this is a very strong test for your conscience. And you have to think of the beginning of psychoanalysis, it took an enormous amount of moral courage to face these facts, these things that have so far not been considered, or repressed and here you have to openly admit them to come to terms with. So conscience, the development of human conscience is a thing of sizeable importance, the development of the personality which I believe is the final judgment that can be made. Not that we depend on anything external but it is your personal achievement to develop this conscious. That can safely be said about Jungian psychology in general. The development of conscious. And Jung in his paper he makes it very clear that the last analysis of conscience is something archetypal. Its an archetype of conscience. In other words, of responsibility toward yourself as well as to the world. And in that sense you are connected to your inner truth as well as to the outer. I think that is how it could be summed up really, in a few words. That’s what we’re really trying to achieve in our practice, and in our own life of course.”
~C.A. Meier, “C.A. Meier, Remembering Jung” Interview with Suzanne Wagner PhD, 1976.


“Deep down, below the surface of the average man's conscience, he hears a voice whispering, "There is something not right," no matter how much his rightness is supported by public opinion or moral code.”
~C.G. Jung, CW.Vol.17, The Development of Personality, pg.40, para.80.

Sure, if society consisted of valuable individuals only, adaptation would be worthwhile; but in reality it is composed mainly of nincompoops and moral weaklings, and its level is far below that of its better representatives, in addition to which the mass as such stifles all individual values. ~Carl Jung, letters Vol. II, pages 217-221.





~C.G.ユング、CW.Vol.17、The Development of Personality、pg.40, para.80.
