



― ニールス・ボーア

No, no, you are not thinking; you are just being logical.
- Niels Bohr




Thinking is creating new ideas. Logic is regurgitation of information collected and stored. An ai can be logical. A human can think.




Not thinking is falling in the water.
Logic is going from footstone to footstone.
Intuition is flying off, perhaps to the other side.
Thinking is the marriage of logic to intuition (heart to mind) and is most likely to get you to the farther shore.







"Thinking begins only once we have come to know that reason, glorified for centuries, is the most stiff-necked adversary of thought" ~Heidegger (1943)



思考が本当の思考であり、自らの原理に忠実であるためには、感情を厳密に排除しなければならない。もちろん、思考と感情が同じレベルにあり、どちらも意識を動かす力が同じである人がいることは否定しません。しかし、このような場合には、分化したたタイプという問題もなく、単に相対的に未発達な思考と感情があるだけである。 ["タイプの概要" CW 6, par. 667.]


能動的な思考は意志の行為であり、受動的な思考は単なる出来事である。前者の場合、私は観念の内容を自発的な判断の行為に委ねるが、後者の場合、概念的なつながりが勝手に確立され、私の意図に反することさえある判断が形成される。. . . したがって、能動的思考は、私の考える「指示された思考」に相当します。受動的な思考は ... ... 直観的思考と呼ぶことにします[「定義」、同上。, par. 830.]。






~アナイー・ニン(Anaïs Nin)。


"考えることは、実行することと同じくらい人生である。" ~CGユング、ユング-シュミット往復書簡。114ページです。



... 無駄に例を挙げることはしません。歴史的な先例を持たない重要な思想や見解は一つもないということを知っていれば十分です。最終的には、それらはすべて、意識が考えるのではなく、ただ知覚するだけだった時代にさかのぼる、原初の元型的な形態に基づいています。「思考」は内的な知覚の対象であり、思考ではなく、外的な現象として感知される、いわば見たり聞いたりするものであった。思考は本質的に啓示であり、発明されたものではなく、強制的に与えられたものであり、その即時性と現実性によって確信をもたらすものでした。この種の思考は、原始的な自我意識に先行しており、自我意識はその主体であるよりも対象である。しかし、私たち自身はまだ意識の最後の頂点に到達していないので、伝統的な象徴に支えられている限り、あるいは夢の言葉で言えば、父や王が死んでいない限り、気づかないような先在的な思考も持っているのです。

Thinking. The mental process of interpreting what is perceived. (Compare feeling.)

In Jung's model of typology, thinking is one of the four functions used for psychological orientation. Along with feeling, it is a rational function. If thinking is the primary function, then feeling is automatically the inferior function.
Thinking, if it is to be real thinking and true to its own principle, must rigorously exclude feeling. This, of course, does not do away with the fact that there are individuals whose thinking and feeling are on the same level, both being of equal motive power for consciousness. But in these cases there is also no question of a differentiated type, but merely of relatively undeveloped thinking and feeling.["General Description of the Types," CW 6, par. 667.]


As a process of apperception, thinking may be active or passive.
Active thinking is an act of the will, passive thinking is a mere occurrence. In the former case, I submit the contents of ideation to a voluntary act of judgment; in the latter, conceptual connections establish themselves of their own accord, and judgments are formed that may even contradict my intention. . . . Active thinking, accordingly, would correspond to my concept of directed thinking. Passive thinking . . . I would call . . . intuitive thinking.["Definitions," ibid., par. 830.]

The capacity for directed thinking I call intellect; the capacity for passive or undirected thinking I call intellectual intuition.[Ibid., par. 832.]
Jung Lexicon
Jung Lexicon



So you see, no matter whether you dismiss your thinking or your feelings or your intuition or your sensation, their specific energy is always there, and it works against you insofar as you don’t consciously make use of it. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 230

" nothing more magical than the transmission of thoughts. Because they teach you to live in the present. Otherwise, why, and how to live in the present if no one is on the same wave, or if you don't get an answer?"
~Anaïs Nin.

“Thinking is life just as much as doing is.” ~CG Jung, Jung-Schmid correspondence. Page 114.


… I will not go on needlessly giving examples. It is sufficient to know that there is not a single important idea or view that does not possess historical antecedents. Ultimately they are all founded on primordial archetypal forms whose concreteness dates from a time when consciousness did not think, but only perceived. "Thoughts" were objects of inner perception, not thought at all, but sensed as external phenomena - seen or heard, so to speak. Thought was essentially revelation, not invented but forced upon us or bringing conviction through its immediacy and actuality. Thinking of this kind precedes the primitive ego-consciousness, and the latter is more its object than its subject. But we ourselves have not yet climbed the last peak of consciousness, so we also have a pre-existent thinking, of which we are not aware so long as we are supported by traditional symbols - or, to put it in the language of dreams, so long as the father or the king is not dead.
~CG Jung - Archetypes of the Collective Unconsciousness (1954), para. 69.

















[知恵は決して暴力的ではない] 知恵が支配するところでは、思考と感情の間に対立はない。








ユング博士 その結果、あなたは常にゲームに参加していることになります。あなたは含まれていますし、現実のものとされています。







Today we have lost to a great extent this sense of the immanence of thought, as one might put it, and have instead the illusion of making our thoughts ourselves.

We are not convinced that our thoughts are original beings that walk about in our brains, and we invent the idea that they are powerless without our gracious creative act; we invent this in order not to be too much influenced by our thoughts.


We are in relation to our thoughts a little bit like Chanteclair with the sun: convinced that the sun could not rise without his crowing, he was persuaded once to make the experiment, but just as the sun came up, so great was his mistrust of its powers, that he crowed, making sure thereby, that the world would not be without the sun that day.


Of course it is quite useful to us to have the idea that our thoughts are free expressions of our intentional thinking, otherwise we would never be free from the magic circle of nature.

After all, we really can think, even if not with an absolute independence from nature; but it is the duty of the psychologist to make the double statement, and while admitting man’s power of thought, to insist also on the fact that he is trapped in his own skin, and therefore always has his thinking influenced by nature in a way he cannot wholly control. ~Carl Jung, 1925 Seminar, Lecture 10, Pages 82-83


The next function that is distinguishable is ‘thinking’. Thinking, if you ask a philosopher, is something very difficult, so never ask a philosopher about it because he is the only man who does not know what thinking is. Everybody else knows what thinking is. When you say to a man, “Now think properly,” he knows exactly what you mean, but a philosopher never knows. Thinking in its simplest form tells you ‘what’ a thing is. It gives a name to the thing. It adds a concept because thinking is perception and judgment.
~CG Jung, CW 18, Lecture I, Para 22 Page 13. (German psychology calls it apperception.)


My conceptions are empirical and not at all speculative. If you understand them from a philosophical standpoint you go completely astray, since they are not rational but mere names of groups of irrational phenomena. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 302.


I understand the resistance better in the case of philosophers, since psychology saws off the branch they are sitting on by wickedly robbing them of the illusion that they represent the absolute spirit. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 388-389.


[Wisdom is never violent where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling.]

Disappointment, always a shock to the feelings, is not only the mother of bitterness but the strongest possible incentive to a differentiation of feeling. The failure of a pet plan, the disappointing behaviour of someone one loves, can supply the impulse either for a more or less brutal outburst of affect or for a modification and adjustment of feeling, and hence for its higher development. This culminates in wisdom if feeling is supplemented by reflection and rational insight. Wisdom is never violent: where wisdom reigns there is no conflict between thinking and feeling. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 334.



The knowledgeable do not generalize; generalists are not knowers. ~Lao Tzu



[When you have an idea, you have not thought about that thing. It came to you. When you realize this, then you are honest. A certain amount of modesty is absolutely necessary. You have got to accept what the unconscious produces, and you have to understand its language. It is Nature, and it has to be translated into human forms. That is the reason for the dignity of man, that he has the ability to do this. There is no reflection in creation. To reflect is man’s task, and he can do it when he is not sterilized. When he puts himself above it, he is sterile. The attitude is incommensurable with science. What scientist will observe and say that what he observes does not exist? When you observe, then you are scientific.]


Question: What is the result of an attitude of free decision?
Dr. Jung: The result is that you are always in the game; you are included, you are taken for real.

If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process.

If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious.
The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.

If you follow the unconscious closely, your intelligence will not sink below a certain level, and you will add a good deal of intelligence to what you already possess.

If you take the unconscious intellectually, you are lost.
It is not a conviction, not an assumption.
It is a Presence.
It is a fact. It is there.
It happens.


Question: How can we know it?
Dr. Jung: By a certain amount of self-criticism,
When you have an idea, you have not thought about that thing.
It came to you.
When you realize this, then you are honest.
A certain amount of modesty is absolutely necessary.
You have got to accept what the unconscious produces, and you have to understand its language.
It is Nature, and it has to be translated into human forms.
That is the reason for the dignity of man, that he has the ability to do this.
There is no reflection in creation.
To reflect is man’s task, and he can do it when he is not sterilized.
When he puts himself above it, he is sterile.
The attitude is incommensurable with science.
What scientist will observe and say that what he observes does not exist?
When you observe, then you are scientific.
People don’t know whether a thought is theirs or whether they unhooked it in another house.
The naivete of the white man—that he identifies the ego with the Great Man!
~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364