covidは "本物 "だと信じている。
Believes covid is "real"
Thinks that everyone has a right to wear a mask or not
Is certain that covid is being used for political purposes & public control



Just a reminder that Jung was speaking about the COLLECTIVE diseases of the mind.
It’s when people clot together and say we’ve decided that this is the best way and everyone must atone to our decision.




“Attempt to influence public opinion by means of newspapers, radio, television, and advertising are based on two factors. On the one hand, they rely on sampling techniques that reveal the trend of "opinion" or "wants"-that is, of collective attitudes. On the other, they express the prejudices, projections, and unconscious complexes (mainly the power complex) of those who manipulate public opinion. But statistics do no justice to the individual. Although the average size of stones in a heap may be five centimeters, one will find very few stones of exactly this size in the heap.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols.

“…in so far as society is itself composed of de-individualized human beings, it is completely at the mercy of ruthless individualists. Let it band together into groups and organizations as much as it likes – it is just this banding together and the resultant extinction of the individual personality that makes it succumb so readily to a dictator. A million zeros joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols.


この興味深くも不穏な見解は、私たちが皆に読んでもらいたいと思う文学作品から来ています。ポール・レヴィはカール・ユングの遺産を崇拝し、「The Guardian」(保護者)のコラムニストとして活躍しています。彼は「Dispelling Wetiko」(ウェティコを追い払う)と題した文学作品を書いていますが、これは一考に値するものです。レヴィは、ほとんどの心理社会的現象が利己主義という「ウイルス」の存在を証明する時代になったと言っています。"

"According to Native Americans, Wetiko is an evil spirit that invades human minds. It’s a “virus” of selfishness. A physic pathogen forcing the victim to feed their insatiable needs as if they were starving. It makes humanity become its own worst enemy…
This interesting yet unsettling view comes from a piece of literature we think everyone should read. Paul Lévy is an admirer of Carl Jung’s legacy and a regular columnist for “The Guardian”. He wrote a literary piece titled “Dispelling Wetiko” that deserves some reflection. Levy says that we live in an era where most psychosocial phenomena proves the existence of a “virus” of selfishness."
Wetiko: the "Virus" of Selfishness According to Native Americans

~デヴィッド・ボーム(1917-1992)ドイツ生まれのアメリカ、イギリスを代表する理論量子物理学者、哲学者、作家、リー・ニコル編著『対話について』S.58-59、ラウトリッジ、1996年、ペーパーバック、第2版21. 2004年9月
“Attempt to influence public opinion by means of newspapers, radio, television, and advertising are based on two factors. On the one hand, they rely on sampling techniques that reveal the trend of "opinion" or "wants"-that is, of collective attitudes. On the other, they express the prejudices, projections, and unconscious complexes (mainly the power complex) of those who manipulate public opinion. But statistics do no justice to the individual. Although the average size of stones in a heap may be five centimeters, one will find very few stones of exactly this size in the heap.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols.

“…in so far as society is itself composed of de-individualized human beings, it is completely at the mercy of ruthless individualists. Let it band together into groups and organizations as much as it likes – it is just this banding together and the resultant extinction of the individual personality that makes it succumb so readily to a dictator. A million zeros joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one.”
~CG Jung, Man and His Symbols.

David Bohm had a sense of the Wetiko virus disrupting communication.
"It’s similar to a virus – somehow this is a disease of thought, of knowledge, of information, spreading all over the world. […] It's spreading like a virus and each one of us is nourishing that virus.
Do we have a kind of immune system that stops it? The only way to stop it is to recognize it, to acknowledge it, to see what it is. If any one of us starts to look at that, then we are looking at the source of the problem."
~David Bohm (1917-1992) German-born US American British leading theoretical quantum physicist, philosopher, author, Lee Nichol, editor, On Dialogue, S. 58-59, Routledge, 1996, paperback, 2nd edition 21. September 2004



しかし、何かを見たり、正式に「発見」したり、私たちが共有する集合的な地図帳に載せたりする前に、私たちは何かに名前を付けなければなりません。ユングの言葉を借りれば、「人類にとって、新しい名前が発見されたときは、常に悪夢からの解放のようなものだった」。世界中の神話やおとぎ話は太古の昔からこのことを表現しています。問題のある悪魔の名前を見つけることで、その悪魔の力を奪うのです。これが、"wetiko "という言葉と、それが象徴する考え方を、私たちの惑星の対話に導入することが重要な理由です。





Excellent article by Paul Levy
Wetiko is simply a symbol word that was used to describe psychopathy or void-of-soul, a hijacked state of being, before our ancestors knew of psychology. It is not an actual virus as we think of them but a symbolic virus. Basically, it means mind-controlled in a way that evil is not regulated.
This long article by Paul Levy is spot-on in its description of the world we live in and it describes the root core of most all of our daily issues we all dwell on.

… I’d highlight these five paragraphs:
“Our collective psychosis is invisible to us, manifesting itself both in the way we are looking at the world as well as the unspoken ways we have been conditioned—i.e., programmed—to not perceive. Wetiko has the power to induce—both individually and en masse—what writer Philip K. Dick calls a “negative hallucination,” i.e., instead of seeing what is not there, we cannot see what is there. When we are afflicted with wetiko, we literally are unable to see what is right in front of our face. Wetiko is a form of psychic blindness that not only believes itself to be sighted, but believes it is more sighted than those who are actually clear-sighted. This looking away, this “conspiracy of denial” that is endemic to our culture is simultaneously both the cause and effect of wetiko.”
We have to name something, however, before it can be seen, formally “discovered,” and brought into our shared collective cartography. To quote Jung, “For mankind it was always like a deliverance from a nightmare when the new name was found.” Mythologies and fairy tales the world over have been expressing this from time immemorial—finding the name of the offending demon takes away its power over us. This is why it is important to introduce the word “wetiko”—and the idea it represents—into our planetary dialogue.

Wetiko subversively turns our “genius” for reality-creation against us in such a way that we literally become entranced by our God-given power to create our experience of both our world and ourselves so that it boomerangs against us, undermining our potential for individual and collective evolution. Strangely enough, people under the enchantment of wetiko become compulsively, even fanatically, attached to supporting a social or political agenda that oftentimes is diametrically opposed to serving their own best interests. This self-sabotaging behavior is an outer reflection of the inner state of being under the sway of —and unwittingly serving—the self-destructive wetiko parasite.

An aberration of the psyche, wetiko cannot be ultimately healed by merely bringing about external reforms (although such reforms are welcome and needed); it must be dealt with where it originates—within the human psyche of each individual. Wetiko can’t be “legislated” out of existence via political or social means, but can only be transformed within the individual, who, as Jung reminds us, is the real carrier of life.

Savaged by the ferocity of their unending hunger, people who are sufficiently infected by the wetiko virus, like the hungry ghosts of Buddhist cosmology, have become possessed by an insatiable craving that can never be filled. Not in possession of their true selves, they try to possess something outside of themselves to both escape from and fill the void within—the result is a futile and never-ending grasping. Attempting to secure a self that by its very nature is illusory and thus can never be secured, their appetites can never be quenched, just as an illusion can never be satisfied.


It’s quite interesting to observe in a Jung group how so many members have taken up one-sidedness in either the Right or the Left, to whatever degree, and totally ignore the warnings Jung wrote so much about… Collectivism.
Notice how neither side dare go anywhere near that topic – quite telling – the cognitive dissonance.
Collectivists say; “We’ve been told what is best for all and everyone must fall into lockstep and atone to our decision – individuals are not allowed to have their own choice in these matters.”
Collectivists have been programmed to only see the herd-narrative as they regurgitate things like “its for the better good of the all”… while ignoring our basic human individual rights and freedoms.
Jung said we cannot choose unless we have freedom – being forced by the collective is not choice.

