


a.) ユングの作品を、自分が文句をつけたいと思う部分だけを選んで引用している。
b.) 文句を言っているのは、ほとんどの場合、彼の引用文の意味を誤解しているからです。
c.) 彼らが彼の意味を誤解しているのは、彼ら自身の欠点、例えば、冷静さを欠いていることや、合理的すぎることや人種的な偏見、無神論などのために一方的な意見にとらわれていることなどである。
d.) 彼が言った何かが彼らを怒らせた結果、彼らの無意識の内容が投影された。
e.) 自分が自己実現していないことがわかると、自尊心が傷つき、それによって攻撃的なアジェンダが生まれます。




「科学の信仰箇条は、空間、時間、因果関係です。4番目に欠けているものは、プレロマである。" ~カール・ユング著『C.G.ユングとの対話』59ページ。






「近代科学は、物質についてのいわゆる客観的な知識を通じて、物質を脱魂化することにとどまった。すべての擬人化された投影が次々と対象物から取り除かれ、2つの結果をもたらした。第一に、人間の自然との神秘的な同一性がかつてないほどに抑制されたこと、第二に、人間の魂に戻ってくる投影が無意識をひどく活性化させたため、近代になって人間は無意識の精神の存在を仮定せざるを得なくなったことである。" ~ヨン様、CW II、Para. 375.


There are a number of logical fallacies or Jungian Fallacies in the OP article.
Once we’ve read enough of these hit-pieces against Jung we begin to see a theme of patterns common to all of them.

a.) They cherry-pick his work by citing only the areas that they have found something to complain about.
b.) The things they’re complaining about are almost always because they have misinterpreted the meaning in his quotes.
c.) They misinterpret his meaning because of their own shortcomings such as lack of wholeness/stuck in one-sidedness usually because of being too rational or racial biases, atheism, etc.
d.) Something he said offended them resulting in projection of their unconscious contents.
e.) Their ego is bruised once they figure out that they’re not Self-realized which creates an attacking agenda.
...and so on and so forth.

One of the common logical fallacies they say is:
“Jung is in some ways very much a man of his time”
From the OP Article:

>>Despite all of his remarkable insights into this process, Jung is in some ways very much a man of his time and “civilisation” in ultimately siding or identifying with this egoic solar consciousness, over an “unconsciousness” which, for all its healing potential, he continually presents as being “primitive”, “chaotic”, seething, and dangerous: <<

Notice all the focus in the ‘science’ of the left and right brains… while at the same time the complete lack of mention of God, the inner god-image or of Self-realization, etc… all crucial points that are omitted. Quite telling.

“The articles of faith of science are: space, time and causality. The fourth is missing and rejected: the pleroma.” ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 59.

The Pleroma refers to the "totality of divine powers", i.e. the totality and the infinite fullness of All Reality. It must become Conscious in Man's Psyche. This is the cosmic task, and is the meaning of our existence. (From Answer to Job, Edward Edinger's course on the book by C.G. Jung)

Moreover, God is the Pleroma itself, just as each smallest point in the created and uncreated is the Pleroma itself. ~Philemon, Liber Novus, Page 348.

The moment I touched bottom, I reached the bounds of scientific understanding, the transcendental, the nature of the archetypes per se, concerning which no further scientific statements can be made. ~Jung, MDR, The Work, pg 221

As scientific understanding has grown, so our world has become dehumanized.
~CG Jung, Man and his symbols.

Science has destroyed even the refuge of inner life. What was once a sheltering haven has become a place of terror. ~CG Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p.209,

"It remained for modern science to despiritualize matter through its so-called objective knowledge of matter. All anthropomorphic projections were withdrawn from the object one after another, with a twofold result: firstly man's mystical identity with nature was curtailed as never before, and secondly the projections falling back into the human soul caused such a terrific activation of the unconscious that in modern times man was compelled to postulate the existence of an unconscious psyche." ~Jung, CW II, Para. 375.

Medieval alchemy prepared the way for the greatest intervention in the divine world order that man has ever attempted alchemy was the dawn of the scientific age, when the daemon of the scientific spirit compelled the forces of nature to serve man to an extent that had never been known before. It was from the spirit of alchemy that Goethe wrought the figure of the “superman” Faust, and this superman led Nietzsche’s Zarathustra to declare that God was dead and to proclaim the will to give birth to the superman, to “create a god for yourself out of your seven devils.” Here we find the true roots, the preparatory processes deep in the psyche, which unleashed the forces at work in the world today. Science and technology have indeed conquered the world, but whether the psyche has gained anything is another matter. ~Carl Jung, CW 13, Para 163



パラケルススは、人間が心を持っているのは、福音書で知らされている真理を理解するためであり、そのためだけに心を持っているという。しかし一方で、人間には自然の中に隠された知識の源である "lumen naturae"(自然の光)もあり、そこから悟りを得ることができるのです。~カール・ユング、ETHレクチャーV、162ページ。


“The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.”
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318

"[The] sun motif appears in many places and times and the meaning is always the same - that a new consciousness has been born. It is the light of illumination which is projected into space. This is a psychological event; the term "hallucination" makes no sense in psychology."
~CG Jung, ETH, p.231.

Paracelsus says that man has a mind in order that he may understand the truths which are made known in the Gospel, and only for this purpose. But on the other hand man has also a "lumen naturae" (a natural light), a source of knowledge hidden in nature, from which he can draw enlightenment. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture V. Page 162.

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99.
